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Pulled the trigger on a IWB

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 7:27 pm
by Stumpjumper
Well, I went ahead and ordered a Crossbreed SuperTuck Deluxe to go along with my Fobus OWB. Been practicing around the house and really am getting used to the Fobus but don't know how concealing it is. I guess as I get more used to the idea of carrying on my body that it will become more like second nature. Will give the Crossbreed a go when it gets here. Hopefully I will have plastic by that time and be able to compare both IWB and OWB and see which works best in different situations/clothing choices.

Re: Pulled the trigger on a IWB

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 9:09 pm
by SATX-Scrub
Welcome to the forum, and I hope you enjoy your x-breed as much as I like mine! I feel nekkid without it.

Re: Pulled the trigger on a IWB

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 9:28 am
by Kadelic
I also started out with a Fobus OWB for my M&P but never considered it for CC. I got the Fobus mainly for range use but it's been collecting dust ever since I got my CBST. If you didn't order the Combat Cut option I would suggest giving them a call and paying the extra $7 to add it. I did not opt for the Combat Cut and ended up sending it back to them to trim away the extra horsehide. I found it too difficult to get a good grip with the extra material there and it quickly rubbed a raw spot on my thumb when I practiced drawing. They say the Combat Cut option diminishes the comfort factor but I can wear mine all day and can't tell any difference in the comfort level. This is the first IWB holster I've ever used and I don't foresee trying another anytime soon because my Crossbreed is that good IMO. YMMV.

Re: Pulled the trigger on a IWB

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 4:22 pm
by Gunner21
Baby powder is your friend.
mine chaffed my side for the first day or two. After that it was pretty dern comfortable.

Re: Pulled the trigger on a IWB

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 7:56 pm
by Brettster
Great choice!you wont regret it.I dont carry at work but i wear my super tuck all day.SUPER COMFORTABLE,works great as a cell phone holster when my 1911 isnt in it. I wear a undershirt every day,makes a big difference in comfort.