One of my first OWB holsters was one of those Fobus paddles for my USP compact early in my CHL experience, but it wasn't the first holster I bought. That honor goes to a hand made kydex IWB holster I bought from one of my CHL instructors to fit a commander length Sig GSR 1911 I owned at the time. I don't use either anymore.
But, the Fobus did teach me that there are times when I prefer to carry OWB to IWB. I eventually sprung for
Galco Concealable Belt Holsters for my 3" and 5" 1911s, and a
Desantis Speed Scabbard for the USP Compact. That's a $265 investment in three OWB holsters right there.
And then there is the saga of finding an IWB holster.... I started with that one kydex job, but sold the pistol. I bought a
D.M. Bullard IWB holster ($55) for my 3" Kimber, but it didn't work for me. It is very well made, and the leather quality is high, but it doesn't work for my body type. Then I bought a
Galco Royal Guard ($125), and it didn't work that well either. I finally settled on a
MTAC Minotaur ($80), and that has worked very well for me. It worked well enough that I bought two extra holster bodies for it to fit my 5" 1911 and my USP Compact... ...but I almost never use it for either of those two pistols. And there there was the Galco Summer Comfort ($80; similar in type to the Royal Guard) which I bought for the USP Compact, and which I never use anymore...
So, here is the total investment in holsters:
$ 55 Commander sized kydex IWB, no longer used
$ 30 Fobus paddle OWB for USP, no longer used,
$ 55 DM Bullard IWB for 3" Kimber, no longer used
$ 80 Galco Summer Comfort for USP, no longer used
$ 80 MTAC Minotaur for 3" Kimber, STILL USED
$ 35 extra MTAC holster body for 5" 1911, no longer used
$ 35 extra MTAC holster body for USP, no longer used
$ 65 Desantis Speed Scabbard for USP, STILL USED
$100 Galco Concealable Belt Holster for 5" 1911, STILL USED
$100 Galco Concealable Belt Holster for 3" Kimber, STILL USED
$635 total invested in holsters
$345 of that investment still in use today
Now, I don't know if I have spent more, or less, or about the average for holsters until I found the ones I like to wear that work the best for me. But, I got my plastic in hand in February of 2008, not quite 2 years ago, and that seems like a lot of money to me. I
DO know that many of us here have bought a number of holsters before finding the ones they like best for the firearms in their carry rotation.
If you find one you like without burning through a fair amount of money, you'll be one of the more fortunate among us.