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Noob: Intro

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 3:32 pm
by Chris B.
Hello All,

I just found this site today, and I have to say it is a awesome resource. I took the CHL class back in March and received the liscense a couple of weeks ago. I have a XD 9 sub-compact, and I am 6 ft 210 lbs. I have been a bit reluctant to carry because: 1. I am young (26) and have heard some stories about younger people having some bad experiences during a traffic violation, and 2. I am searching for a holster that I will be comfortable with. (I know that 1. can be resolved by not speeding, but we are all guilty of it). I have a smartcarry holster? or I guess better termed "concealment device". I have been wearing it around the house to get used to it and I am not real happy with it. I am leaning towards the Supertuck but that topic is for a different thread. My main purpose of the post is to ask for tips/advice from you guy's that have been carrying for a long time, as well as officers, that you think would be beneficial for me to know as a new CHL holder.



Re: Noob: Intro

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 4:52 pm
by TexasFlash
Welcome Chris B.!! There are a lot of knowledgeable folks here; I know I've learned a lot also. I also have had my chl for a few weeks now and am researching my next holster choice(s)...again, welcome to the forum.
Dave :txflag:

Re: Noob: Intro

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 5:00 pm
by USA1
Chris B. wrote: My main purpose of the post is to ask for tips/advice from you guy's that have been carrying for a long time, as well as officers, that you think would be beneficial for me to know as a new CHL holder.
hi Chris :tiphat:

prepare to be amazed
you are about to be inundated with knowledge :lol:

welcome to the forum . ;-)

Re: Noob: Intro

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 5:48 pm
by joe817
Hi ChrisB, welcome to the forum! Glad you found us.

There's a whole section on holsters toward the bottom of the index page, and a great sticky with 40 holster makers' website url's. Holsters offer a never ending dialog here. :lol:

Re: Noob: Intro

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 6:16 pm
by Chris B.
Thanks for the welcome guy's. I am already having withdrawals when I get up to try and get something done.....there is a too much info I want to read. I found the thread on holster's. I will have to share this site with a couple of my buddies that would benefit from it.

Re: Noob: Intro

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 8:00 pm
by hheremtp
Chris, the best advice I can give you is this: Put it on, Cover it up and forget about it until you need it. and no, everyone you pass is not looking at you thinking "i wonder if that's a gun under his shirt?". People just don't pay that much attention.

Re: Noob: Intro

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 8:19 pm
First of all - Welcome aboard! :tiphat:

Secondly, I too am a newbie, so new that I am still waiting for my license! But that did not stop me from wearing my holster to church last sunday (it is an OWB), for two reasons: 1) get used to it in and 2) see if I received any "looks" or if any questioned me as to "do you have a gun under there?". Although it is not the same (I'm guessing) as wearing one with your handgun in it, I was not looked at "funny" nor asked any questions (we have a small church). So FWIW, as hheremtp and others have said, put it on and go about your business.

Hooyah! :patriot:

Re: Noob: Intro

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 8:33 pm
by Chris B.
Thanks for the advice. I feel 100% better after finding this site today and reading as much as I could. No fears about LEO being unreasonable or having to be extra careful that no trace of a print shows up.

Re: Noob: Intro

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 9:37 pm
by Coffeyc
from another noob, it seriously does not take that long to get used to it. I actually for the first time today went out in a white T-shirt, spent about an hour in Academy and did not get discovered by anyone.

edit* As for traffic stops and age, I am 25 and have been pulled over 2x while carrying, both times no ticket, and the state troopers did not even ask to see the gun or anything, I just told them I had it and where it was, they said okay thanks for telling me, you do not seem like a threat. <-- of course slightly different words from the 2 officers.

welcome and happy carrying. Hopefully it always stays holstered. :tiphat:

Re: Noob: Intro

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 9:48 pm
by mrvmax
Welcome, I will add my two cents. The most important thing for you to do is get familiar with CHL related laws, and this is a great place to do that. The CHL class was only an introduction as far as I am concerned, do not rely upon that as your sole source of info. You need to know legally what you can or cannot do before you get into that situation, unless you want to spend many years of your life in a cell. Find a holster you like and start carrying, you never know when you will need it.

Re: Noob: Intro

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 11:33 pm
by C-dub
Hi Chris.

Congratulations on the plastic. Welcome to the CHL club and a great bunch of people on this forum. Be careful, be polite, and hope that you never need it.

It's taken me just 7 short years to collect about almost a dozen different types of holsters. I currently use three depending on the situation. I have an OWB Blackhawk level 2 that I use most of the time. When I want to wear a little less I go with the IWB MTAC Minotaur. Shorts or when I won't be wearing a belt I have a fanny pack. Some find what they like quicker and some don't. Good luck!

Re: Noob: Intro

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 11:35 am
by NTexas_V-Star
Hey Chris, welcome to the site man! I've been browsing this site since early this year. I'm a youngun too, (24, bout to be 25). welcome to the club. As everyone's posted before, this site is a wealth of knowledge, opinions, and helpful tips.

I read far more than I post on here, and have learned a lot from it. Go get a wally walk done!