Managing your gear in bathrooms - a practical question

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Re: Managing your gear in bathrooms - a practical question


Post by RustES »

For the stand ups....don't undo the belt while CC'ing....use the zipper.

Sit downs.....shut the stall door. :coolgleamA:
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Re: Managing your gear in bathrooms - a practical question


Post by nightmare69 »

baldeagle wrote:I always sit. I never use a urinal. I pick the stall with no stall to its left, if possible. Whether or not I can get into that stall, I always carefully lower my trousers with the weapon tilted to the inside, carefully place them on the floor in such a way that the weapon is completely covered by the trousers and then reverse the procedure when standing afterwards. I've never had a problem doing this.

If I were to use a urinal, I would not unbuckle my belt, but since that sometimes presents a problem, I always sit.
Your a man that sits to pee? I have some bad news bro....

Colion Noir has a good video on this subject.

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Re: Managing your gear in bathrooms - a practical question


Post by Beiruty »

After September 1 2013, this issue a mute and 100% legal. Since you can open carry in the Toilet Stall.
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Re: Managing your gear in bathrooms - a practical question


Post by ATX-Carry »

Beiruty wrote:After September 1 2013, this issue a mute and 100% legal. Since you can open carry in the Toilet Stall.

Just curious, and I will look, but do you happen to know the bill or statue now that its passed?

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Re: Managing your gear in bathrooms - a practical question


Post by Beiruty »

ATX-Carry wrote:
Beiruty wrote:After September 1 2013, this issue a mute and 100% legal. Since you can open carry in the Toilet Stall.

Just curious, and I will look, but do you happen to know the bill or statue now that its passed?

Check out SB 299:
SB 299 Would amend current law relating to the intentional display of a handgun by a person licensed to carry a concealed handgun. Current law prohibits the intentional failure to conceal a handgun by a person licensed to carry a concealed handgun. Many feel this language is too broad, and it could lead to prosecutions in situations where the display of the weapon is inadvertent or where the display takes place in an unthreatening manner like the home of a friend. This bill proposes to clarify the law stating the failure to conceal a handgun is only illegal when the displayed gun is in plain view of another person in a public place and clarifying that is an affirmative defense to the offense that the weapon was displayed pursuant to justified use of force, as well as deadly force, under Chapter 9 of the Texas Penal Code. [Status: 04/04/2013, Received in Senate, Passed: Vote 28 to 2 Favorable.]

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Re: Managing your gear in bathrooms - a practical question


Post by ATX-Carry »

Thank you!

I've been looking all over the TLO site and am not seeing this bill in bill search or text, or in the list of bills introduced in session 83.

Perhaps its just a website error, I'll keep looking. The site isn't exactly 'modern' by web standards but its at least a good try.

Just found it via google search- I don't see any language that adds a defense except for lack of 'intent' to cause alarm, but reckless is still a factor - I think I'll keep my gear in my lap.
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Re: Managing your gear in bathrooms - a practical question


Post by Pacifist »

I don't have an issue with "gear management" when using public restrooms as it stays right where it belongs, since:

1. All of my pants/shorts/slacks have zippers, and my man-parts are perfectly capable of extending well past those zippers in order to make use of every male-intended urinal I have ever encountered (I've never really understood why some men feel it necessary to essentially disrobe in order to hit the bottom of a urinal).

2. Except under extremely rare circumstances (as in probably less that once per decade), I just don't use public restrooms to complete any bodily functions that require me to sit down.
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Re: Managing your gear in bathrooms - a practical question


Post by Gunner4640 »

Pacifist wrote:I don't have an issue with "gear management" when using public restrooms as it stays right where it belongs, since:

1. All of my pants/shorts/slacks have zippers, and my man-parts are perfectly capable of extending well past those zippers in order to make use of every male-intended urinal I have ever encountered (I've never really understood why some men feel it necessary to essentially disrobe in order to hit the bottom of a urinal).

2. Except under extremely rare circumstances (as in probably less that once per decade), I just don't use public restrooms to complete any bodily functions that require me to sit down.
Thats the best answer yet. :iagree: At home is the only place for me sitting. :tiphat:
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Re: Managing your gear in bathrooms - a practical question


Post by SPDGG »


I do my best before I head out to hmmm "unload, before I load". . . . . :)

Out & About:
* I only use stalls, with a locking door, doesnt matter the summons. . . . call me paranoid, but I dont like being caught with my pants down, back turned, = exposed in anyway, EVER.
No cameras in restrooms and if some dirt bag gets the idea I am carrying, it could be an opportunity for that ____ to try to acquire it. Places with low foot traffic: rural gas stations, back of the est. restrooms, rest stops, etc. = who knows how long before another person will come in.

IF, I'm headed to a longer than planned "meeting":
- I hope the stall has a ledge somewhere
- I'll cover everything up with a sweater or button down shirt.
- Improvise with a shopping bag to hang from the stall door [I wouldnt use plastic, unless you use like 4 of them]

As stated above, I do my best to take care of personal matters before or after trips out. Sucks, but it is what it is. CHL lifestyle, I wouldnt have it any other way :patriot:

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Re: Managing your gear in bathrooms - a practical question


Post by rlytle_98 »

For no. 1: Get some boxers and only unzip.
For no. 2: Keep it on your belt and lower pants while gun is still inside pants.
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Re: Managing your gear in bathrooms - a practical question


Post by Mike1951 »

nightmare69 wrote:
baldeagle wrote:I always sit. I never use a urinal. I pick the stall with no stall to its left, if possible. Whether or not I can get into that stall, I always carefully lower my trousers with the weapon tilted to the inside, carefully place them on the floor in such a way that the weapon is completely covered by the trousers and then reverse the procedure when standing afterwards. I've never had a problem doing this.

If I were to use a urinal, I would not unbuckle my belt, but since that sometimes presents a problem, I always sit.
Your a man that sits to pee? I have some bad news bro....
As I got old(er), two things changed my opinion on this. When your bladder no longer drains completely and you know you'll need to go again in a few minutes, it's easier to sit and wait. Also, poor equilibrium and week legs make sitting preferable.

But until reading the previous threads here, I never knew that anyone unfastened their pants for stand up business.

Maybe it's my girth that allows this, but when wearing on the belt, I rotate the trousers 90 deg and fold the holster inside between my legs.
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Re: Managing your gear in bathrooms - a practical question


Post by BigGuy »

nightmare69 wrote: Your a man that sits to pee? I have some bad news bro....
The bad news for me was the cancer diagnosis. The good news was that I had an option other than dying. The OEM bladder, which is basically a ball of muscle, is gone replaced by a third party component made from some spare small intestine. (Think sausage skin.) An interesting and probably little known fact about abut the small intestine is that it is a mucus membrane. (Just like your sinus.)
No pressure and a particularly viscous effluent means I sit.
Some things will put pride in perspective. I've lost the insecurity that causes me to make things harder just to satisfy some false sense of pride. And that has carried into other areas of my life as well. If sitting down makes things easier, be it bodily functions or concealing your EDC, my advice is, "have a seat."
I do keep paper towels in my pockets. I always grab some from the towel dispenser as I head for the stall. If there isn't one, or it's empty, I've got some in my pants pocket. A small bottle of hand sanitized goes a long way toward alleviating the concerns about what has happened on that seat before you got there. Just my ¢2.
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Re: Managing your gear in bathrooms - a practical question


Post by RJGold »

nightmare69 wrote:
baldeagle wrote:I always sit. I never use a urinal. I pick the stall with no stall to its left, if possible. Whether or not I can get into that stall, I always carefully lower my trousers with the weapon tilted to the inside, carefully place them on the floor in such a way that the weapon is completely covered by the trousers and then reverse the procedure when standing afterwards. I've never had a problem doing this.

If I were to use a urinal, I would not unbuckle my belt, but since that sometimes presents a problem, I always sit.
Your a man that sits to pee? I have some bad news bro....
I've peed laying down (in a tactical situation), what does that say about my manhood?

My dad sometimes sits to pee and he's the biggest and best man I know.

I'd say if that's your criteria, you may be missing some of the real requirements of manhood...

Just sayin'...
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Re: Managing your gear in bathrooms - a practical question


Post by M_Smith86 »

when it comes to sitting in a stall you could try holding your pants just above your knees so they aren't on the ground and your gun isn't just laying on the ground.

p.s. Don't drop your extra magazine. :lol:
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Re: Managing your gear in bathrooms - a practical question


Post by Beiruty »

I look for family restroom. More convenient more clean and no peeping eyes.
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