To give everyone a timeline of my events:
CHL Class: 22 Jan 15
Submitted Paperwork/ Fingerprints: 13 Feb 15
Plastic in the Mail: 27 Feb 15
I live in Central Texas with my German wife of 11 years and our two kids; (DOGS!) Well, I say I live!!! I visit home when I am not on the oil rigs across America.
I just purchased a M&P Shield from one of our local stores here. (Well, its is on Back order) I guess that is what you get when you wait for the Veteran Discount.
I have been reading the threads on the Wally World Walk. Very interesting, I am sure me and the wife will make sure this happens as soon as I get home and do the mirror check a few hundred times.
I am sure that I will have 100+ questions as times goes on and be able to find the answers in previous threads before asking the same ones...... ie what holster, belt, ammo, IWB, OWB........
I look forward to continuing searching and putting my $0.02 when I can or feel necessary.
Thanks again for listing and see ya on the firing line.