My license came in yesterday so I was planning where my first time out in public would be. I was going to do a "Wally Walk" but instead did a Ross Rustle and Hobby Lobby Hobble (just made these up) . I carry a Ruger SR9c with a Remora holster at 4 o' clock. I had to wear a light jacket because I wear tight fitting shirts and the grip tends to print. It wasn't too bad although the heat was brutal today. I wasn't nervous or anything. I noticed people tend not to pay attention too much. If they would notice anything it would be me adjusting the back of my shirt, which I did a lot. Going to have to get used to that. I went with my 2 yr. old daughter so that helped with me being overlooked, I guess. But overall it was a great experience and nice to get that first time carry out of the way.
Congrats on your first carry. You will calm down over time in regards to checking the pistol. Just be aware that constantly touching it is a great way to draw the attention of otherwise unobservant people.
Hello. My name is Red and I used to carry a .45. Now I carry a 9mm and it's getting easier to admit every day.
Congrats. You would be surprised at the things people don't notice. Calling attention to yourself by fidgeting with clothing or acting out of place might attract some attention. Just make sure it is concealed and then leave it alone. It is a little weird at first as you may feel all eyes are on you. Just carry frequently and that feeling will pass. Then you will feel odd when you are not carrying.
I have an SR40C I wear it in a DEEP CONCEAL holster (appendix carry). Up until yesterday I had left the pinky extension on. I removed it and i know there is a little less print, but i don't think anyone ever noticed my carry with it
jewlsXV wrote:My license came in yesterday so I was planning where my first time out in public would be. I was going to do a "Wally Walk" but instead did a Ross Rustle and Hobby Lobby Hobble (just made these up) .
My wife and I had a good laugh this morning at "Hobby Lobby Hobble". Maybe we should start a new thread for these! Congrats on your license. You've contributed to the overall good of our society.
"Come and take it."
I, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
I've recently had my first outings at Cabela's, HEB, target, Walmart etc.
I suppose the slight jitters or the "is he looking at me" moments are because I am stunningly handsome and are probably just my imagination.
I do know that I and my family have been targeted in the past by BG's while in a store, and it hasn't felt like that.
Edit: I suppose outings is the wrong term... I wasn't outed, I went for my first time(s) in public a-packin'
64 days from class to license
Sig SP2022 9mm / Ruger LC9 / MAK-90 (monster-trucked) / Tristar Raptor 12ga
Wife's: / Bersa Thunder CC -- Son's: Ruger 10/22 / Sig Mosquito .22