Long time CHL Holder Preparing for First Carry

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Long time CHL Holder Preparing for First Carry


Post by TLud »

I obtained my first CHL while living in Florida a little more than 10 years ago, but moved to Texas shortly thereafter and didn't pursue obtaining my Texas license until very recently. Although I've owned several handguns, none were suitable for concealed carry, and the process of getting licensed all over again, finding the right carry pistol, the right holster, and putting in the time to take some tactical classes and practice regularly with my carry weapon took a backseat to everything else in life. Some recent incidents spurred me to get the lead out and stop making excuses.

I took the CHL class, and received my license last month. I researched, rented and borrowed a bunch of different guns until I found the gun that fit me just right. I bought my Kahr P9 Black w/ night sights this past weekend and absolutely love it. As soon as I got home, I broke it down and inspected and cleaned it (kind of a pain compared to my HK USP40). I picked up a few hundred rounds of 9 mm, and I'll be heading to the gun range this weekend with my wife to break it in. I tried several different holster options and ended up ordering a CrossBreed MiniTuck (horsehide) IWB holster. This week I'll be signing up for a tactical pistol class, which I'm pretty stoked about. In the meantime, I've been reading a lot on this forum, which has been a great resource, as well as a few other websites. As soon as my holster arrives, I'll do my Wally World walk.

In the meantime, I have a couple of questions you fine folks might be able to help me with:

1. It is my understanding that in Texas, one does not have to announce that you are carrying when entering another's home. That said, how do all of you handle it from an etiquette perspective? Many of our friends have young children, some of them are extremely liberal, and I could see it making others very uncomfortable if I accidentally showed or printed and it was noticed. Never going over to those friends' houses isn't really an option (although I occasionally wish it were), and I suppose I could just leave the gun in the car. Any other ideas for handling this situation?

2. How do you Texas professionals handle concealed carry when dressed for work? For obvious reasons, unless the weather is nice, I don't wear a jacket unless I have to and it would raise questions if I did. That leaves pocket carry, which would really require a smaller gun for those days. Any tips?

Here's a picture of my Kahr:

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Re: Long time CHL Holder Preparing for First Carry


Post by A-R »

I don't tell anyone I'm carrying unless law requires me too. I carry at friends houses, even those with kids. Don't ask don't tell- concealed is concealed. If me or my gun ever became a problem serious enough that others need to be aware/warned then we've all got bigger problems anyway.

For business carry, your P9 should work great "tucked" in you crossbreed holster. I carry a similar sized Walther PPS in a similar Comp Tac tuckable holster (shirt tucked into pants over gun) and no one has a clue

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Re: Long time CHL Holder Preparing for First Carry


Post by TLud »

A-R wrote:I don't tell anyone I'm carrying unless law requires me too. I carry at friends houses, even those with kids. Don't ask don't tell- concealed is concealed. If me or my gun ever became a problem serious enough that others need to be aware/warned then we've all got bigger problems anyway.

For business carry, your P9 should work great "tucked" in you crossbreed holster. I carry a similar sized Walther PPS in a similar Comp Tac tuckable holster (shirt tucked into pants over gun) and no one has a clue
Thanks for the good info. Without having the holster yet, it's hard to know what will work and what won't. I'll try different shirts to find what sizes work best for tucking over the gun.

I intend to follow the same don't ask/don't tell approach, but the kid thing makes me nervous for two reasons. One, I'm sure it's pretty easy to accidentally show when playing with or picking up young kids. I suppose I could be cognizant of that and avoid such situations, but it would be a noticeable change if I started avoiding the kids altogether. Second, I guess I can understand (although not relate) to parents being protective of their kids and their homes and not understanding that guns are safe in the right hands. I'd prefer not to create a scene or find myself persona non grata in the homes of certain long-standing friends.
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Re: Long time CHL Holder Preparing for First Carry


Post by JCole »

Maybe a j-frame in a pocket holster could help with both of your issues.
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Re: Long time CHL Holder Preparing for First Carry


Post by Purplehood »

Shoulder-rig or a 5.11 t-shirt for safety.
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Re: Long time CHL Holder Preparing for First Carry


Post by RPB »

1. It is my understanding that in Texas, one does not have to announce that you are carrying when entering another's home. That said, how do all of you handle it from an etiquette perspective? Many of our friends have young children, some of them are extremely liberal, and I could see it making others very uncomfortable if I accidentally showed or printed and it was noticed. Never going over to those friends' houses isn't really an option (although I occasionally wish it were), and I suppose I could just leave the gun in the car. Any other ideas for handling this situation?
When visiting other peoples' homes, I never announce whether I have on my Donald Duck, Micky Mouse or Superman underwear, they can guess if they want to and I'l neither confirm nor deny... if they want to imagine anything I have concealed under my clothing, whether it is Conservative pantaloons over 2 layers of Depends or Liberal Hippy Commando style ...that's their deal, not my concern.
pocket carry in a proper pocket holster works with PM9 real well for visiting
and tucked IWB for work, movies, restaurants etc
fanny pack for jogging if you wish
You can adjust t0 different holsters/carry methods using the same gun for your plans that day
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Re: Long time CHL Holder Preparing for First Carry


Post by packa45 »

Some people are overly protective of their kids... I am overly protective of myself, my wife, and my soon to be born daughter... That being said some of my friends ( very close friends) have get togethers and whatnot where children are present. That does not stop me from rolling around in the back yard with them, chasing them around the house and having a good time... However my holster is secure and my firearm is secure within the holster. Know your limits of what you can and cannot do while carrying. My carry option in this scenario is normally my sub compact g27 in a super tuck that has had the trigger guard area heated and pressed for a tighter fit(you actually hear a click when the firearm is pressed into it)
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Re: Long time CHL Holder Preparing for First Carry


Post by TLud »

You guys rock. Thanks for all the helpful suggestions. Looks like step 1 will be getting comfortable with day-to-day carrying and what holster options work best for different scenarios.
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Re: Long time CHL Holder Preparing for First Carry


Post by snatchel »

Agree with most of the above.

In Texas, you don't need to announce to anyone that you are carrying unless they are LEO and they ask you. I also have some very liberal friends, and when I visit I never tell. There just isn't any sense in them knowing if I am carrying or not--and I'm not going to tell them just to pick a fight over who is morally superior.

Will your gun be displayed when you are playing with the kids? Probably not. Even if it is exposed, I bet solid money that no one even notices. If they do see it and comment, just pass it off as no big deal. They may as questions or jibe you about it, but if they truly respect you it will be a non-issue. Best outcome would be for you to convince them that maybe they should look into getting their own and invite them to a range day!

I can't comment on business dress & concealing. I'm a student, so I wear shorts and an untucked t-shirt about 90% of the time. Pocket carry is great though, and although the P9 isn't tiny, it can be pocketed comfortably depending on your slacks. If you want to look at something smaller, check out a Kahr CM9 or PM9. Both of those are tiny little pocket guns but fairly easy to shoot. T
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Re: Long time CHL Holder Preparing for First Carry


Post by TLud »

snatchel wrote:Agree with most of the above.

In Texas, you don't need to announce to anyone that you are carrying unless they are LEO and they ask you. I also have some very liberal friends, and when I visit I never tell. There just isn't any sense in them knowing if I am carrying or not--and I'm not going to tell them just to pick a fight over who is morally superior.

Will your gun be displayed when you are playing with the kids? Probably not. Even if it is exposed, I bet solid money that no one even notices. If they do see it and comment, just pass it off as no big deal. They may as questions or jibe you about it, but if they truly respect you it will be a non-issue. Best outcome would be for you to convince them that maybe they should look into getting their own and invite them to a range day!

I can't comment on business dress & concealing. I'm a student, so I wear shorts and an untucked t-shirt about 90% of the time. Pocket carry is great though, and although the P9 isn't tiny, it can be pocketed comfortably depending on your slacks. If you want to look at something smaller, check out a Kahr CM9 or PM9. Both of those are tiny little pocket guns but fairly easy to shoot. T
Color me jealous. I've tested it out, and you're right that the P9 can be pocket carried in a pinch, depending on what pants I'm wearing. A couple of years back, I got back into good shape, but I still have some slacks a size or two up with sufficiently more room in them to conceal the P9 in my pocket. Down the road, I might look into something even smaller like the PM9.

Good points about handling situations with certain friends. Like others have said, I plan to take a don't ask/don't tell approach. I raised the question because, as we all know, little kids are unpredictable and probably present a greater risk of unintended exposure. They also tend to evoke greater than normal protective instincts from their parents. I was just curious to know whether this situation has come up for others, especially those with more liberal friends, and how they have handled this situation. My plan is to be particularly dilligent about avoiding exposure, and if exposure does happen, try not to let it become a big deal. If it does become a big deal, I can choose whether to return to their house in the future and leave my gun in the car.
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Re: Long time CHL Holder Preparing for First Carry


Post by Vol Texan »

If you're careful, you can play pretty rough with the kids and not be discovered. I carried a Glock 36 .45 caliber in a moderately good IWB holster under an untucked shirt while playing with the 3-6 year-olds on the big inflatable toys during my daughter's birthday party at Pump it Up (http://www.pumpitupparty.com/) in Houston. Big inflatable slides, kids on my lap, etc...and I never once showed. I did it again a few weeks later at another party in the same location, and still with success. My wife is CHL also, and she had an eagle eye on me during both visits, and would have told me if I broke concealment.

I'll be switching to a new ECP soon, and I'll be buying a Crossbreed to fit once it arrives. I expect this will be even easier once that happens.
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Re: Long time CHL Holder Preparing for First Carry


Post by LSL »

How do you Texas professionals handle concealed carry when dressed for work? For obvious reasons, unless the weather is nice, I don't wear a jacket unless I have to and it would raise questions if I did. That leaves pocket carry, which would really require a smaller gun for those days. Any tips?

Pocket carry with holster: find pants with "deep pockets." Dockers and some of the "off-brand jeans have pockets deeper than big-name.
Also shop at thrift shops and look for dress pants with pleats in front.

Another trick for IWB are vests -- not "tactical," but those long separated from three-piece suits.
Multicolored and/or patterned help obscure "printing." Made of a light cloth, are not too warm in Texas summers, but dressy enough to wear without a sport coat/suit jacket. Find in thrift shops for about $5. Should anyone ask why a vest -- you can truly reply that buildings in Texas are kept so cold, that you need a bit more warmth than the hanging meat in the next office.

BTW -- buy vest a size larger than will properly button up -- give yourself a bit of room to move

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Re: Long time CHL Holder Preparing for First Carry


Post by RPB »

Speaking of deep pockets, certain models of slacks/pants/jeans at Duluth Trading Co have deep pockets, not all models do, but the ones I buy do. They'll say things like 12 inch deep pockets etc on those.
Old suits/ pants can be altered and the pockets deepened.

a P9 is a bit bigger than a pm9, but in the right pants, it can work.

IWB is easiest probably, and I prefer it, easier/faster access and imho, very secure with a proper belt made to be a gun belt
When carrying IWB, a real kydex reinforced gun belt from Comptac or other manufacturer makes all the difference, don't get tired as easily, easier to conceal, etc etc

Blackhawk is Kydex reinforced $29.00 a super good first gun belt for those not yet understanding why they need a stiff (preferably kydex reinforced) gun belt instead of a belt from Target/Sears etc

http://www.blackhawk.com/catalog/Belts,30.htm" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
IMPORTANT SIZING: The pistol belts have 5 holes to insert the belt tongue through. The size measurement of the belt is taken from the fold of the belt as it attaches to the belt buckle to the MIDDLE hole in the belt. For example, the 40" size belt, measures 40" from the fold of the belt as it attaches to the belt buckle to the MIDDLE hole that the buckle tongue would be inserted.
Ordinary dress belts are simply not the proper platform for carrying a handgun, spare mags or handcuffs. Everyday dress belts don’t have the stability needed to keep your handgun from rolling out, yet a heavier belt with a suit can scream “Armed Professional”. These Carbon-Fiber and lizard skin finished belts give you the same appearance as any other 1 1/4 inch dress belt that is made of premium materials, with the added benefit of a reinforcement spine.
Even with pocket carrying weight, a proper reinforced belt made for concealed carry keeps your back from getting tired as fast and also keeps you from having to tighten a regular belt so tight.
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Re: Long time CHL Holder Preparing for First Carry


Post by TLud »

RPB wrote:Speaking of deep pockets, certain models of slacks/pants/jeans at Duluth Trading Co have deep pockets, not all models do, but the ones I buy do. They'll say things like 12 inch deep pockets etc on those.
Old suits/ pants can be altered and the pockets deepened.

a P9 is a bit bigger than a pm9, but in the right pants, it can work.

IWB is easiest probably, and I prefer it, easier/faster access and imho, very secure with a proper belt made to be a gun belt
When carrying IWB, a real kydex reinforced gun belt from Comptac or other manufacturer makes all the difference, don't get tired as easily, easier to conceal, etc etc

Blackhawk is Kydex reinforced $29.00 a super good first gun belt for those not yet understanding why they need a stiff (preferably kydex reinforced) gun belt instead of a belt from Target/Sears etc

http://www.blackhawk.com/catalog/Belts,30.htm" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
IMPORTANT SIZING: The pistol belts have 5 holes to insert the belt tongue through. The size measurement of the belt is taken from the fold of the belt as it attaches to the belt buckle to the MIDDLE hole in the belt. For example, the 40" size belt, measures 40" from the fold of the belt as it attaches to the belt buckle to the MIDDLE hole that the buckle tongue would be inserted.
Ordinary dress belts are simply not the proper platform for carrying a handgun, spare mags or handcuffs. Everyday dress belts don’t have the stability needed to keep your handgun from rolling out, yet a heavier belt with a suit can scream “Armed Professional”. These Carbon-Fiber and lizard skin finished belts give you the same appearance as any other 1 1/4 inch dress belt that is made of premium materials, with the added benefit of a reinforcement spine.
Even with pocket carrying weight, a proper reinforced belt made for concealed carry keeps your back from getting tired as fast and also keeps you from having to tighten a regular belt so tight.
Thanks for the recommendation on the belts. Just ordered a couple.

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Re: Long time CHL Holder Preparing for First Carry


Post by RPB »

Yeah they have a great price for a reinforced gun belt ;-)

Feel free to ask any questions any time.
Many of us tried many different "systems" of carrying and can save you buying gimmicks that sound good but end up in a drawer unused.

At first it's a real learning experience, later it's as natural as putting on shoes to go out. You don't consciously notice or mentally dwell upon wearing a gun, (or shoes) but feel odd without it (them).
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