I took the CHL class, and received my license last month. I researched, rented and borrowed a bunch of different guns until I found the gun that fit me just right. I bought my Kahr P9 Black w/ night sights this past weekend and absolutely love it. As soon as I got home, I broke it down and inspected and cleaned it (kind of a pain compared to my HK USP40). I picked up a few hundred rounds of 9 mm, and I'll be heading to the gun range this weekend with my wife to break it in. I tried several different holster options and ended up ordering a CrossBreed MiniTuck (horsehide) IWB holster. This week I'll be signing up for a tactical pistol class, which I'm pretty stoked about. In the meantime, I've been reading a lot on this forum, which has been a great resource, as well as a few other websites. As soon as my holster arrives, I'll do my Wally World walk.
In the meantime, I have a couple of questions you fine folks might be able to help me with:
1. It is my understanding that in Texas, one does not have to announce that you are carrying when entering another's home. That said, how do all of you handle it from an etiquette perspective? Many of our friends have young children, some of them are extremely liberal, and I could see it making others very uncomfortable if I accidentally showed or printed and it was noticed. Never going over to those friends' houses isn't really an option (although I occasionally wish it were), and I suppose I could just leave the gun in the car. Any other ideas for handling this situation?
2. How do you Texas professionals handle concealed carry when dressed for work? For obvious reasons, unless the weather is nice, I don't wear a jacket unless I have to and it would raise questions if I did. That leaves pocket carry, which would really require a smaller gun for those days. Any tips?
Here's a picture of my Kahr: