Concealing at Work - Waitressing

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Concealing at Work - Waitressing


Post by randomoutburst »

I will be turning 21 this August and, of course, plan to take my CHL at the first available class at the range down the road.

I have everyday carry figured out - I'm planning on carrying at my right kidney under an open button-down shirt with a tank top underneath; when this isn't possible I'm going to go "fashion suicide" with a fanny pack. :roll:

What I can't figure out is how to carry at work! I wear jeans, a black polo shirt, and a "shortie" apron like the one pictured here:

I'm going to be carrying a commander frame 1911.
I don't like the idea of ankle carry since I'm moving around and bumping into things and people all day, and my shins/ankles get the brunt of the abuse my body endures at work.

I'm slightly concerned about getting made - we are a "touchy feely" bunch and will place hands all over each other's backs and sides to alert each other to our presence - but I can always convince them it's a brace of some sort since they all know I have knee and back issues.

My concern is: I can't really carry it on my belt since I have that stupid polo (and it's thin material so I bet it would print anyway) so I don't know how else to carry it! I also don't want it to get gunked up with food/liquid that I inevitably spill on myself but that's kind of unavoidable with most options.

I'm thinking a deep concealment option would be my best bet. The apron covers my front so weird bulges in my pants aren't likely to be noticed, and no one should be "alerting" me in that area anyway! :mrgreen: I would have to buy some new jeans to make them "carry" jeans, but the ones I have now are about dead so that wouldn't be too bad.

It is imperative that it is concealed well since possessing "weapons" are against company policy. According to them, I would get written up and/or fired but quite honestly I'd rather be carrying and risk my employment since I'm leaving work late at night and have a good amount of cash on me. We've gotten too many emails in the past 6 months about managers and servers at other locations getting attacked in parking lots. A few were shot and killed.

Any thoughts, suggestions, or other options I haven't explored that you guys could share with me?

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Re: Concealing at Work - Waitressing


Post by Carry-a-Kimber »

Seems like a Smart Carry might be a good option with the apron if you are gonna stick with the 1911. If you get something smaller, pocket carry would be a good option.
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Re: Concealing at Work - Waitressing


Post by Oldgringo »

Your concerns about leaving work are noted and certainly understandable.

OTOH, you might be better off in the long run if you just stashed your CW in your locker during work hours and only carried to and fro. Getting fired is one thing, bearing the reason for the dismissal is something else altogether.

In any event, good luck and God Bless.
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Re: Concealing at Work - Waitressing


Post by MoJo »

Oldgringo wrote:Your concerns about leaving work are noted and certainly understandable.

OTOH, you might be better off in the long run if you just stashed your CW in your locker during work hours and only carried to and fro. Getting fired is one thing, bearing the reason for the dismissal is something else altogether.

In any event, good luck and God Bless.

A commander sized gun on your frame is going to be hard to conceal in those clothes. I am a big fan of carrying the largest gun you can effectively conceal. In your case I'd say get a pocket gun for work carry and buy your new jeans a little bit bigger. Good luck in your quest.
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Re: Concealing at Work - Waitressing


Post by Charles L. Cotton »

I'm clearly an advocate for carrying a 1911 and it almost pains me to say this, but you may want to consider leaving the 1911 locked in your car and carry . . . carry . . . carry . . . (I can't say this) . . . carry a small .380 or a 2" revolver at work. :oops: (I'm glad my Mom and Dad aren't alive to see this!) When you're not at work, carry the 1911 and dress around it.

I admire your drive and determination and I wish you lived in my part of the State. I'd be honored to have you in my CHL class.

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Re: Concealing at Work - Waitressing


Post by OldCannon »

You're better off with a Kahr or a Walther PPS for concealed carry like that. It can fit in your front pocket and be concealed by pocket/apron. You can get a Walther PPS in .40S&W if you're concerned about caliber. Make sure you have a pocket holster though -- don't want that thing falling out when you have to make a trip to the restroom!

But as Oldgringo has already said, carrying in your workplace when it's a policy violation is never advised, although I'm the type that feels you should weight that against your own safety concerns. Hopefully your restaurant doesn't have a 30.06 sign.
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Re: Concealing at Work - Waitressing


Post by USA1 »

Under the circumstances, I agree with the pocket carry method.

I believe you could easily carry something small such as a 2 inch snubby in the front pocket
under an apron and no one would be the wiser.

That should also ease your concerns about being made by your "touchy feely" co-workers.

Good Luck. With your dedication, I know you'll find a solution. ;-)
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Re: Concealing at Work - Waitressing


Post by randomoutburst »

No 30.06 sign at my restaurant. :) Also no lockers...waiters and waitresses carry what they need on them because there's no place else to put it! Otherwise I'd just do that since my concern is really just walking to/from my car.

And guys...I know you haven't worn ladies' jeans...but we don't HAVE pockets that can conceal a gun! Sure, there are pockets, but they're pretty much only good for spare change - and even then the change pokes your thigh when you bend over! This is a problem even in a size larger than I normally wear, and jeans are the mandatory uniform. Pocket carry is out. I could carry it in an apron pocket, but then the gun is exposed to crumbs, chips, ice, and liquids that I often spill on and in my apron.

MoJo - that's not me in the photo! :smilelol5: Our uniforms aren't so...tight. They're loose enough that, with a smaller gun, no one would notice if I had one IWB. I have some more meat on me and I'm confident I can conceal a commander frame. I wouldn't have bought it if I thought I'd have a lot of difficulty concealing it. :)

SmartCarry might be a good option because I feel like I could conceal there comfortably, especially since the apron will cover any suspicious bulges.
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Re: Concealing at Work - Waitressing


Post by USA1 »

randomoutburst wrote: And guys...I know you haven't worn ladies' jeans...but we don't HAVE pockets that can conceal a gun!
Well , you got me there. :shock:
Now that you mention it, when my wife puts her cellphone in her front pocket, I can tell what brand it is. :lol:

Sounds like the Smartcarry is the way to go. Now you don't get to go buy a new gun though. :totap: ;-)
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Re: Concealing at Work - Waitressing


Post by Crossfire »

Since you said you have had back problems, and could get away with wearing a back brace, then sounds like a belly band is good option for you. It fits just like a back brace. They come in either black or white, and they have pockets for extras like magazines and such.

Now, that said, I have not carried a 1911 in one - only small revolver or subcompact Glock.
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Re: Concealing at Work - Waitressing


Post by RPB »

Get >>> BOYFREIND JEANS ...... (looser fit and in style)

You could try various brands of "Belly Bands" I have several, quality varies.

I suppose you could get Thunderwear, and just ignore the "fly"
or these for ladies ... e_Code=LKB" onclick=";return false;

You could try SHOULDER holsters ...

I've seen garter holsters (but a Google search was too risque so I quit looking)
You can GOOGLE womens or ladies "thigh holster" and may get much better results than I got for "garter holster" :oops: They could work for skirts.... but I'm not searching those again ...


Depending how tight the Polo shirt is ...

Google Women's Concealed holster or Ladies Concealed Holster for other options

(P.S. This is not an endorsement of anything above... no idea how good they are ... I'm a guy, just trying to help with ideas)

Of course ... There is always a Fanny Pack specially made to be a holster or ...

I carry a full-sized pistol and spare mag in a WILDERNESS SAFEPACKER on my belt ... 3oghd65ve7" onclick=";return false;


Now that I tink about it ... you ladies have more options than we men people have ... though they did have "man bras" on TV, they won't be on my Christmas wish list....won't say more ... sticking with the daughter rule ...
Last edited by RPB on Sun May 23, 2010 1:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Concealing at Work - Waitressing


Post by RPB »

By the way, the Wilderness safepacker comes in different sizes ... smaller ones for smaller pistols (which is a good idea) ... and the flap has an additional pocket in it for cosmetics or whatever

The strap on front is where I keep my ballpoint pens clipped ...
Scroll to the bottom of their page on the website for External dimensions of each ... ... 3oghd65ve7" onclick=";return false;

I'm thinking of getting another (5-1/2" X 6") for my laser gripped NAA Guardian .380 (with the 10 round magazines) (IF it fits)

Honestly, the 7-3/8" X 9-1/4" is a bit big for waitressing in a crowded restaurant.
Last edited by RPB on Sun May 23, 2010 1:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Concealing at Work - Waitressing


Post by The Annoyed Man »

randomoutburst, thank-you for raising this topic. My wife and I are having a similar conversation about her carry methods. Purse carry isn't always a good choice for her, and like you, she has a fannypack but is fashion conscious and doesn't always want to use it. She has a nice leather owb holster for her 642, but a) she doesn't want to buy a gunbelt because they aren't feminine enough, and b) because she would rather carry her G19.

I don't know how to help her, because I am merely a man, and apparently I don't understand anything.


Anyway, I'm going to show her this thread. I will tell you this... I know Crossfire, and I know she always has at least one gun on her - maybe more - at any given time, and no matter what she's wearing, you can't tell she's armed. I'd listen to her advice.
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Re: Concealing at Work - Waitressing


Post by Oldgringo »

Mrs. Oldgringo and I recently had a similar conversation about her cell phone.

:headscratch I didn't know, I thought pants pockets were pants pockets were pants pockets, etc....?
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Re: Concealing at Work - Waitressing


Post by randomoutburst »

Shoulder carry as shown in the photos wouldn't allow me any access to the gun at all - I'm wearing a polo shirt. :(
I have considered getting a shoulder rig for everyday wear in colder months, though. Shoulder carry is just not a good location on my body for work.

The belly band might work though - I could wear it low enough that I still have access by pulling up my shirt, which will be untucked when going to and from my car. SmartCarry is also still a viable option.

Unfortunately I can't wear any "packs" on my hip, otherwise I'd just wear a fanny pack to the side of my apron. :grumble
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