I have everyday carry figured out - I'm planning on carrying at my right kidney under an open button-down shirt with a tank top underneath; when this isn't possible I'm going to go "fashion suicide" with a fanny pack.

What I can't figure out is how to carry at work! I wear jeans, a black polo shirt, and a "shortie" apron like the one pictured here:

I'm going to be carrying a commander frame 1911.
I don't like the idea of ankle carry since I'm moving around and bumping into things and people all day, and my shins/ankles get the brunt of the abuse my body endures at work.
I'm slightly concerned about getting made - we are a "touchy feely" bunch and will place hands all over each other's backs and sides to alert each other to our presence - but I can always convince them it's a brace of some sort since they all know I have knee and back issues.
My concern is: I can't really carry it on my belt since I have that stupid polo (and it's thin material so I bet it would print anyway) so I don't know how else to carry it! I also don't want it to get gunked up with food/liquid that I inevitably spill on myself but that's kind of unavoidable with most options.
I'm thinking a deep concealment option would be my best bet. The apron covers my front so weird bulges in my pants aren't likely to be noticed, and no one should be "alerting" me in that area anyway!

It is imperative that it is concealed well since possessing "weapons" are against company policy. According to them, I would get written up and/or fired but quite honestly I'd rather be carrying and risk my employment since I'm leaving work late at night and have a good amount of cash on me. We've gotten too many emails in the past 6 months about managers and servers at other locations getting attacked in parking lots. A few were shot and killed.
Any thoughts, suggestions, or other options I haven't explored that you guys could share with me?