First weekend carrying - report

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First weekend carrying - report


Post by thejtrain »

As you can see in my sig, I had to wait over a week to get the plastic after the website told me "Completed", and it finally came on Friday. So here's a little accounting of my first weekend carrying out of the house.

Which brings to mind, if I may, one piece of advice I'd give everyone who's interested in a CHL and/or is already waiting for theirs: carry around the house, in as close to exactly the fashion you'd carry outside, as often as possible for as long as possible while you're waiting for the DPS to do its thing. Most of the nervousness that might appertain to your first foray out of the house was simply gone for me, 'cause I'd been carrying in the evenings after work on a daily basis. I knew what it felt like to have it on, I knew how to wear my shirt to conceal it just right, etc. etc. So do it! Ok, off the soapbox.

Had the plastic in my wallet on Friday night but the wife & I were taking advantage of a free-babysitting "Mom's Night Out" thing put on by the children's ministry at our church, and we were going out with friends. Adult beverages were certain to ensue, so I (wisely, IMO) decided to NOT make my first night carrying one where I'm throwing down drinks with the other moms & dads who've rid themselves of their precious rugrats for a whole four hours.

Fast-forward to Saturday morning, where a morning workout event at the park (my wife teaches classes) compelled me to leave my G30 in the car (it's a little heavy to clip to a pair of mesh workout shorts). Home for showers, and then met some friends (the Canadian folks I mentioned in another thread) for lunch. Enter my first bit of nervousness when it's decided that we were going to this very eclectic place that consists of a bar/restaurant/car wash/laundromat all in the same building. They host wine tasting & beer tasting and feature a vibrant local live music scene, and the feel is definitely that of a "bar" bar (including the hard/good stuff), so I was a bit worried that my first foray would be right into the teeth of a 51% sign. I peered around and behind the bar and after realizing that I'd heard about those signs but never seen a photo of one or anything, figured "I'd know it when I see it". The only sign I saw was the "Unlicensed possession of a handgun on these premises, blah blah" that I'd seen elsewhere (today, after reading TABC's FAQ here - #9 - I think what I saw was indeed the "blue" sign and I was correct in sticking around). Lunch was outside on a picnic-style table/bench (no backs on the bench) and my back was facing the kids' playground (did I mention this place was VERY eclectic? They've got a basketball hoop & a ping-pong table outside as well) so that ample opportunity was given to any kid/parent who cared to notice that I had a Glock-filled IWB holster at about 4 o'clock under my tucked shirt, and sitting down without a very erect posture is one of those things that can make a shirt print the grip fairly easily. Fortunately, it was completely uneventful.

Naptime for the rugrats followed, then came volunteering @ church for the Saturday evening service. Carried there in the same clothes as lunchtime where I spent some time at a kid-check-in kiosk in the kids' building. Routinely my back was to folks letting their 3-year-olds into their room, as well as to the folks (adults & high schoolers) who were "working" that room. Also had an opportunity or two to crouch down to get to eye-level with my own 3-year-old (again, a less-than-erect back in that stance can stretch the shirt tight against the grip) to have a "serious conversation" or two. Also uneventful.

Fast-forward to Sunday morning - back to church to attend the morning service, checked in my own rugrat & said hello to the folks. During the service we stood for the music (as per normal) with other folks in the row right behind us - I even sat on the right-hand end of the row, which put my holster-side facing out to the aisle & all the folks walking by to the rows in front. The 4 o'clock carry (and the adjustable forward cant on the Crossbreed SuperTuck) I'm finding is quite comfortable whether I'm on a couch at home, in either of the family's cars, or the seat @ church - very happy about THAT! Lunch @ McDonald's followed (though the wife & I get El Pollo Loco from next door; we get the Happy Meal for the 3-year-old and let him play in the McD's playground while we eat), again a backless picnic-style bench seat with my back to the other parents in the room. Also completely uneventful.

Like I said, I certainly was more comfortable & less nervous than I could have been, but it was nice to have done a relatively normal weekend, but this time while carrying (so that will become normal) and with no surprises. Up next, Wally-Walk! I'm still debating whether to bring my camera to ask some folks to snap a couple shots of me, "scavenger hunt & I need proof"-style; I'm usually not that inclined to talk to random folks while I'm out and about.

5 Feb 2008 - completed online application
1 March 2008 - completed CHL course
5 March 2008 - package delivery @ DPS
28 March 2008 - Day 23, "Processing Application"
12 June 2008 - Day 99, "Application Completed" :thumbs2:
20 June 2008 - Day 107, plastic in hand :txflag:

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Re: First weekend carrying - report


Post by HerbM »


Personally a lot of us just stopped drinking complete -- or thereabouts. You have to chose which is more important to you.

I don't "not drink" but I just don't drink anymore. (About 2-3 beers a year maybe, if that -- can't remember the last one.) No criticism and no advice, except to decide consciously (not by default) what makes sense for you and when it makes sense.
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Re: First weekend carrying - report


Post by dukesean »

Good post.

If I choose to drink I will not carry, and if I choose to carry I will not drink. After having carried for a month now, I find myself drinking less - maybe that is a good thing.

Glad to see you are getting comfortable carrying. It's good advice to people in the waiting room to practice carrying concealed in your own home. It'll help to get rid of the nervousness you'll have the first week or so. Nowadays I feel naked without my IWB CCW, and keep thinking that my pants are about to fall off.

p.s. don't play softball in the afternoon with a full size carry like a P229. It's hard to run the bases and keep the dang thing dry.
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Re: First weekend carrying - report


Post by longhorn_92 »

dukesean wrote:Good post.

If I choose to drink I will not carry, and if I choose to carry I will not drink. After having carried for a month now, I find myself drinking less - maybe that is a good thing.

Glad to see you are getting comfortable carrying. It's good advice to people in the waiting room to practice carrying concealed in your own home. It'll help to get rid of the nervousness you'll have the first week or so. Nowadays I feel naked without my IWB CCW, and keep thinking that my pants are about to fall off.

p.s. don't play softball in the afternoon with a full size carry like a P229. It's hard to run the bases and keep the dang thing dry.
Or....don't go swimming with it either! "rlol"
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Re: First weekend carrying - report


Post by HerbM »

longhorn_92 wrote:
dukesean wrote:Good post.

If I choose to drink I will not carry, and if I choose to carry I will not drink. After having carried for a month now, I find myself drinking less - ...
p.s. don't play softball in the afternoon with a full size carry like a P229. It's hard to run the bases and keep the dang thing dry.
Or....don't go swimming with it either! "rlol"
Or you could carry a Glock :smile: -- some scuba divers do this -- one case has a Glock lost by a diver and not found (in salt water) for 1 or 2 seasons. Worked fine.

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Re: First weekend carrying - report


Post by waynev »

Glad you're getting comfortable carrying in public. I'm having trouble with that.

I got my plastic on 6-19, but have not carried outside of the house yet. I've been wearing around the house, but I'm trying to get my head around the fact that it's actually OK for me to be wearing a gun. It gets drummed into our heads from an early age that only cops and criminals carry guns. It's tough to change years of conditioning.
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Re: First weekend carrying - report


Post by jeeperbryan »

HerbM wrote:
longhorn_92 wrote:
dukesean wrote:Good post.

If I choose to drink I will not carry, and if I choose to carry I will not drink. After having carried for a month now, I find myself drinking less - ...
p.s. don't play softball in the afternoon with a full size carry like a P229. It's hard to run the bases and keep the dang thing dry.
Or....don't go swimming with it either! "rlol"
Or you could carry a Glock :smile: -- some scuba divers do this -- one case has a Glock lost by a diver and not found (in salt water) for 1 or 2 seasons. Worked fine.
or a harpoon. seems to work better underwater :)
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Re: First weekend carrying - report


Post by The Annoyed Man »

waynev wrote:Glad you're getting comfortable carrying in public. I'm having trouble with that.

I got my plastic on 6-19, but have not carried outside of the house yet. I've been wearing around the house, but I'm trying to get my head around the fact that it's actually OK for me to be wearing a gun. It gets drummed into our heads from an early age that only cops and criminals carry guns. It's tough to change years of conditioning.
My advice would be, jump in with both feet. First, it is now legal for you, so unless you do something completely bone-headed, you can't get arrested for it. Second, you'll never get used to it until you actually do it. Get out there and enjoy it!
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Re: First weekend carrying - report


Post by mrbill »

thejtrain wrote:I was a bit worried that my first foray would be right into the teeth of a 51% sign. I peered around and behind the bar and after realizing that I'd heard about those signs but never seen a photo of one or anything, figured "I'd know it when I see it".
Did your CHL class not have examples of the sign?

When I took the class at Top Gun here in Houston yesterday, they had examples of all the signs (30.06, 51%, etc) posted on the door to the classroom.

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Re: First weekend carrying - report


Post by thejtrain »

mrbill wrote:Did your CHL class not have examples of the sign?

When I took the class at Top Gun here in Houston yesterday, they had examples of all the signs (30.06, 51%, etc) posted on the door to the classroom.
He had a 30.06, but I don't recall seeing a 51% example.
5 Feb 2008 - completed online application
1 March 2008 - completed CHL course
5 March 2008 - package delivery @ DPS
28 March 2008 - Day 23, "Processing Application"
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Re: First weekend carrying - report


Post by TDDude »

HerbM wrote:Congratulations.

Personally a lot of us just stopped drinking complete -- or thereabouts. You have to chose which is more important to you.
My wife and I stopped drinking years ago for various reasons but mainly now for me it's because of the CHL. I'm always armed and even though one drink will not put me over the limit, I just would rather not fool with it if anything happened.

The other day when My wife and I were at Del Pueblo in northwest Houston, she wanted to have a Margarita for old times sake. Now you must remember, neither one of us has had a drink in years. When we got the dinner bill she was looking down and was wondering "what is this $8.00 nonsense on this bill?" to which I replied, "That's your trip down memory lane honey. I hope it was worth it". Needless to say that the "trip" was short and shan't be repeated. At least not at $8.00 a glass. :coolgleamA:
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Re: First weekend carrying - report


Post by Armed-Texan »

[/quote]Or....don't go swimming with it either! "rlol"[/quote]

this was almost not an option for me. we were sitting at the pool and the kiddos were enjoying the water. i heard my seven year old coughing and gagging. before i knew it i was at the edge of the pool and threw my wallet. my XD was still holstered. she grabbed a float and i pulled her to the edge with no incident,she was close to the edge and had a float, the dad in me called for drastic measures to react. she got out to rest then! i'm sure it would have been fine to jump in with it. heck, i gotta clean the lint out of it once a week from carrying it any way! it gets lint in the barrel and in the opening by the mag well. but i would rather carry it and collect lint than ever have to use it!!!
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Re: First weekend carrying - report


Post by Oldgringo »

Alcohol and gunpowder doesn't mix any better than does alcohol and gasoline/diesel. :nono:

I thought everyone :headscratch knew that.

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Re: First weekend carrying - report


Post by WayniacKT »

I have had my chl for about 6 years now, and I still carry around the house just to keep up the practice. Besides, even thou I am in what is considered a very save town, I still like to have my 9 at my side in case of an invasion. Plus, no need to "child lock" the gun (essentially rendering it useless) if it is in my holster.

To waynev - I know what you mean. I grew up in rural se Texas with guns around me from birth and still when I got my CHL, I was apprehensive. It took a few small steps to get used to it.
I suggest packing it and just riding to the stop-n-go and getting gas and a coke or whatever, then back home. A little more each time and you'll be packing all the time. Heck, i now carry my Kel-tec in a pocket holster to some of my more liberal friends parties without even blinking.
If only they knew! "rlol"
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Re: First weekend carrying - report


Post by waynev »

About the only times I can carry are the weekends if I'm not working. In my line of work (service technician for electrical contractor) I work in a lot of hospitals. Plus the company policy is against guns in the company vehicles or workplace. There are people that have carried in the vehicles in the past, but they worked here for 20 years or more. I'm getting more comfortable carrying, so I'll carry if and when I can. Thanks for the advice.
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