A Round in the Chamber Carry?

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Re: A Round in the Chamber Carry?


Post by jmorris »

jrs_diesel wrote:I have not been carrying for long, but my XD has one in the chamber. I follow safe practices and handle as little as possible when it is loaded.


I would like to point out that this is also how we train in the Coast Guard. When carrying the Beretta M9, it had a round chambered, safety off, and holstered. With the new Sig Sauer P229's that we have, those also have a round chambered and the gun is holstered. No safety on the 229.
I assume then that the CG carried the M9 with the hammer down? First shot DA?
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Re: A Round in the Chamber Carry?


Post by jrs_diesel »

jmorris wrote:
jrs_diesel wrote:I have not been carrying for long, but my XD has one in the chamber. I follow safe practices and handle as little as possible when it is loaded.


I would like to point out that this is also how we train in the Coast Guard. When carrying the Beretta M9, it had a round chambered, safety off, and holstered. With the new Sig Sauer P229's that we have, those also have a round chambered and the gun is holstered. No safety on the 229.
I assume then that the CG carried the M9 with the hammer down? First shot DA?
Correct, hammer down. First shot was DA, unless for some reason you decided to pull the hammer back first. All following shots were SA.

The newer P229's are DAO, and chambered in .40 S&W.

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Re: A Round in the Chamber Carry?


Post by wharvey »

Been carrying since 97 and always have the chamber loaded. To do otherwise is basically carrying an unloaded gun. Only exception would be if I was carrying an old style single action revolver. The newer ones, like the Ruger Blackhawke with a transfer bar, carry a round in all six chambers. (Only reason for carrying one of those, IMHO, would be in the woods. They are a very poor choice for everyday carry.)
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Re: A Round in the Chamber Carry?


Post by Skiprr »

Interesting that the OP, rytchard, has never returned to this Topic. Just sayin'.
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Re: A Round in the Chamber Carry?


Post by rytchard »

In response to the "moderator" comment as well as the PM from him; my original post shared an experience and a closing of asking how do you carry? I was unaware that "I" was required to continue to respond as answers were received, i.e. round in the chamber, or not. I was under the impression that the post continued due to others sharing their particular opinion on the subject with other members and I had no intention of being rude by not responding.

If my lack of participation warrants the post being deleted. Delete it.

To all who have commented and shared, thank you! I read them all.

If it is mandated to post a thank you for a closed end question each and every time there is a post, Mr. Moderator then delete it, as you mentioned in your PM. I didn't really appreciate your private message. If anything I have done since joining this forum is wrong, or against your TOS, then please delete me too!

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Re: A Round in the Chamber Carry?


Post by TVegas »

carlson1 wrote:Load your pistol, chamber a round, and make it ready for carry. After that leave it alone. ND happens when we unnecessarily handle the pistol. Don't ask how I know this, but I do know the more we handle the firearm the more likely for human error which causes ND.

Having an empty chamber is NOT insurance for not having ND. An empty chamber just makes your firearm a very expensive club.
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Re: A Round in the Chamber Carry?


Post by ELB »

Watch as Israeli carry nearly gets an Israeli Police Officer stabbed to death

The linked article contends that an Israeli police officer's unchambered carry caused a costly delay in being able to shoot an man attacking another police officer with a knife. I don't know for sure if the Israeli officer did in fact NOT have one in the chamber, or whether he maybe suffered a malfunction, but it certainly looks like (in the video) that draws, points, then racks the slide, then shoots. Even if it was a malfunction, it shows what a long second it is while you rack the side, if you choose to not keep one in the chamber.

Two officers were stabbed and a third hit by 'friendly' fire.

The linked article shows stills from the video. here's the video:

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Re: A Round in the Chamber Carry?


Post by glazer1972 »

Their situational awareness did leave a little to be desired but does illustrate the point rather well.
ELB wrote:Watch as Israeli carry nearly gets an Israeli Police Officer stabbed to death

The linked article contends that an Israeli police officer's unchambered carry caused a costly delay in being able to shoot an man attacking another police officer with a knife. I don't know for sure if the Israeli officer did in fact NOT have one in the chamber, or whether he maybe suffered a malfunction, but it certainly looks like (in the video) that draws, points, then racks the slide, then shoots. Even if it was a malfunction, it shows what a long second it is while you rack the side, if you choose to not keep one in the chamber.

Two officers were stabbed and a third hit by 'friendly' fire.

The linked article shows stills from the video. here's the video:

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Re: A Round in the Chamber Carry?


Post by DanD »

The still frame where the bad guy has his left hand behind the soldiers neck with his right hand raised with a knife shows the soldier still has not reacted yet. It illustrates yet again that recognizing a danger and reacting to it is much slower than the bad guys actions.
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Re: A Round in the Chamber Carry?


Post by J.R.@A&M »

tlt wrote:Always, perfectly comfortable with a P226.
Same with my P228. The stiff double action trigger and holster is as safe as it gets.

Same thought applied to carrying my DAO revolver.
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Re: A Round in the Chamber Carry?


Post by Wtxchooter »

Everyone must do what they feel comfortable with. That said, when I'm packing for defense, I always carry with one in the chamber, but that also means there are some pistols I don't carry for defense because I can't get comfortable with one in the chamber. I know I'm going to start a fight here but I can't get accustomed to a 1911 in condition 1, so I don't carry a 1911 on my person. Just my preference. What I carry more often than anything is an LCP, no manual safety, not particularly pretty, a forever long trigger pull, and snaps your hand like a nun in catholic school, but I'm comfortable with one in the pipe. I make sure I have it in a good pocket holster, and I keep my booger hook off the bang button. And, although it's been said before, it bears repeating, the most important safety is the one between your ears! Happy carrying!
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Re: A Round in the Chamber Carry?


Post by Pawpaw »

Wtxchooter wrote:Everyone must do what they feel comfortable with. That said, when I'm packing for defense, I always carry with one in the chamber, but that also means there are some pistols I don't carry for defense because I can't get comfortable with one in the chamber. I know I'm going to start a fight here but I can't get accustomed to a 1911 in condition 1, so I don't carry a 1911 on my person. Just my preference. What I carry more often than anything is an LCP, no manual safety, not particularly pretty, a forever long trigger pull, and snaps your hand like a nun in catholic school, but I'm comfortable with one in the pipe. I make sure I have it in a good pocket holster, and I keep my booger hook off the bang button. And, although it's been said before, it bears repeating, the most important safety is the one between your ears! Happy carrying!
Then my typical daily carry would probably drive you nuts... a 1911 on my hip and a Sig P938 in a pocket holster. Both are in condition 1.

I do agree with what you inferred... Carry what YOU are comfortable with.
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Re: A Round in the Chamber Carry?


Post by Mrfriendly93 »

I carry one in the chamber, safety off. Thought process being that if I feel I am in so much danger that I have to end someone or something, my weapon needs to be as ready as I am.

Also it 'idiot proofs' the whole process in my personal opinion. Under severe stress, all I want to do is pull, point, shoot. The more steps I take out, the less chance I'm going to let myself get killed while holding a loaded gun.

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Re: A Round in the Chamber Carry?


Post by thunderarms »

All of theses post are spot on...Let me ask you however, During the most stressful time in your life when your adrenalin is through the roof and your heart is at 140, your scared to death and you might be taking a human life are you going to remember to rack that slide or where the safety lever is. Trust me when I tell you it is not like a movie. Hope this helps
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Re: A Round in the Chamber Carry?


Post by kauboy »

Glock 19, always chambered... safety? What safety?
My trigger finger is my safety when in hand.
My holster is my safety when not.
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