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SB112, Is it dead?

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 9:43 am
by Liberty
SB112 (Carona R-A) Relating to the confiscation of firearms and ammunition during a state of disaster. (Emergency Powers & Anti-Confiscation Bill) This bill would prevent a New Orleans-style gun confiscation during an emergency. Voted favorably on a unanimous vote in Transportation & Homeland Security Committee on Feb. 7, 2007 and referred to Local/Uncontested. Amended to protect ammo as well as firearms. On 2/15/07, the Bill was removed from Local/Uncontested and now requires a 2/3 vote to bring it to the Senate floor for debate. (Sen. Ellis was not present for the vote.)
What does this all mean? can it come up for a vote without bringing it to the floor for debate? Is this a doomed bill?

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 10:22 am
by O6nop
I don't know much about the Texas Legislative process, but ready to learn. I did some checking on the Internet and found that the bill is out of committee and passed on to the next stage whichis the Intent Calendar. This done favorably by a 8-0 vote with one member absent. The bill will continue to be placed ont the Intent Calendar as long as the Senator, supposedly the one that authored it, gives notice. The Senate doesn't address the proposed bills in any particular order so the Senator must, on a daily basis, continue to place the bill on the calendar.
In short, I believe it's waiting to become a bill.

The Resources I used to determine this are: ... genda.html ... Bill=SB112

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 11:31 am
by stevie_d_64
Should come up for a vote...

If it came out of the committee with an 8-0...It'll get its chance on the floor...


If anything give your Senator a call...Remind them that you'd really like for them to get a vote in on this bill...Kinda throw it in their court...

And when all is said and done...Follow up with a thank you call...

Just my opinion...

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 12:26 pm
by Liberty
stevie_d_64 wrote:Should come up for a vote...

If it came out of the committee with an 8-0...It'll get its chance on the floor...


If anything give your Senator a call...Remind them that you'd really like for them to get a vote in on this bill...Kinda throw it in their court...

And when all is said and done...Follow up with a thank you call...

Just my opinion...
Good idea.
Sorta hard for me to to do phone calls while I'm at work during the week, but I sent a fax to the Austin office.

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 6:51 pm
by Charles L. Cotton
SB112 is fine, but thanks for checking and asking. Nothing is coming up on the floor of the Senate right now, but this should change very soon. I suspect we'll see SB112 taken up either tomorrow, or Tuesday, but this there is no guarantee.
