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HB 284 blurb on Local Fox News

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 11:56 am
by hi-power
I hope this link works: Texas Lawmakers To Debate Use of Deadly Force
It should take you to myfoxdfw and let you play a video of a news story I saw on the 9:00 news last night.

Quote in the story from Marsha McCartney, Brady Campaign Against Gun Violence:
"Texas HAS self-defense laws. People aren't going to jail because they defended themselves. So if that's what they want us to believe it is, why do we need another law?"

Gee, thanks for clearing that up Marsha. I'll just tell the D.A. to call you if he has any questions. :roll:

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 12:46 pm
by casselthief
it's like when there's a tornado, they always get the most retarded ol' lady to describe what happened.
"It was paaAAAaaandelerium!"

when the family of some waste-oid tries to sue me, I'll be sure to send the bill to her. :roll:

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 12:56 pm
by O6nop
why do we need another law?
They can talk, they keep introducing unenforceable/unenforced laws and want to add more bans in the form of more laws.

Re: HB 284 blurb on Local Fox News

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 7:55 pm
by lrb111
hi-power wrote:
Quote in the story from Marsha McCartney, Brady Campaign Against Gun Violence:
"Texas HAS self-defense laws. People aren't going to jail because they defended themselves. So if that's what they want us to believe it is, why do we need another law?"
People are not going to jail, because the ones that stay legal submit to the criminals, and/or run.
Criminals have the rights, ya know?.