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Contacting other than your representatives?
Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 5:28 pm
by Mike1951
I've responded numerous times to requests to contact a committee or committee chairman about a bill that needed support. In each case, my rep or senator wasn't on the committee and also in each case, I would get a polite letter telling me how to contact my own officials.
Is it a waste of time to contact anyone other than your own representatives? I have a hunch that if your address is not in their district, they don't even consider your communication.
I'd especially like to hear from Mr. cotton on this, since he stays involved in legislative issues.
Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 5:35 pm
by Charles L. Cotton
Whether or not it helps to call committee members will vary with the bill and the particular member. I don't usually ask for calls to a committee, unless there is a particular reason that the calls are either necessary or helpful in a given circumstance.
The two requests I just made are for specific reasons, but I can't disclose them in an open forum. There are certain members of each of the two committees I mentioned (House Criminal Jurisprudence and House Law Enforcement) that might respond similar to the way others have responded to you, but overall, the contacts will accomplish their intended purpose. (Yeah, I know I'm being cryptic, but I have no choice.)
Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 5:40 pm
by KBCraig
Committee members represent the whole state while sitting on committees. When the matter is before the entire house, they revert to representing only their constituency.
If committee members don't understand this, they need to be educated.
Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 6:01 pm
by Mike1951
Charles L. Cotton wrote:The two requests I just made are for specific reasons, but I can't disclose them in an open forum.
Charles, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to imply your post was the basis for my question. It was actually this alert I just received from TSRA.
And based on replies I've gotten from previous attempts, I just wanted a concensus on whether it was worth it.
TSRA Members, Family and Friends:
Texas Castle Doctrine, HB 284 by Rep. Joe Driver (R-Garland) and SB 378 by Sen. Jeff Wentworth (R-San Antonio) will be heard in committee next week. We need calls and emails to committee members in support of this landmark TSRA- and NRA-supported legislation. See details below:
Texas Castle Doctrine (HB 284 and SB 378) contain three important elements that need to be protected within the bill's language:
#1 establishing a presumption in law that a person who unlawfully and forcibly enters your home, occupied vehicle, or place of business is there to do you great bodily harm or death and you may use any manner of force to protect yourself or another occupant;
#2 stating in law that if you are in a place where you have a right to be, you are not the aggressor, and you are not engaged in criminal activity, then you have no duty to retreat from a violent attack; and
#3 expanding protection from civil lawsuits when you use force authorized by law.
HB 284 by Rep. Joe Driver (R-Garland) will be heard in House Criminal Jurisprudence Committee on Tuesday, February 27.
Call the committee members below and urge them to vote FOR HB 284, Texas Castle Doctrine:
Rep. Aaron Pena (D-Edinburg) Chairman ~ 512-463-0426
Rep. Allen Vaught (D-Dallas) VC ~ 512-463-0244
Rep. Debbie Riddle (R-Tomball) ~ 512-463-0572
Rep. Juan Escobar (D-Kingsville) ~ 512-463-0666
Rep. Terri Hodge (D-Dallas) ~ 512-463-0586
Rep. Barbara Mallory Carraway (D-Dallas) ~ 512-463-0664
Rep. Paul Moreno (D-El Paso) ~ 512-463-0638
Rep. Paula Hightower Pierson (D-Arlington) ~ 512-463-0562
Rep. Robert Talton (R-Pasadena) ~ 512-463-0470
SB 378 by Senator Jeff Wentworth (R-San Antonio) will be heard in Senate Jurisprudence Committee on Wednesday, February 28.
Call the committee members below and urge them to vote FOR SB 378, Texas Castle Doctrine:
Sen. Jeff Wentworth (R-San Antonio) Chairman ~ 512-463-0125
Sen. Juan Hinojosa (D-McAllen) VC ~ 512-463-0129
Sen. John Carona (R-Dallas) ~ 512-463-0116
Sen. Robert Duncan (R-Lubbock) ~ 512-463-0128
Sen. Mario Gallegos (D-Houston) ~ 512-463-0106
Sen. Chris Harris (R-Arlington) ~ 512-463-0109
Sen. Kirk Watson (D-Austin) ~ 512-463-0114
Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 8:08 pm
by Charles L. Cotton
Mike1951 wrote:Charles, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to imply your post was the basis for my question. It was actually this alert I just received from TSRA.
I didn't mind the question at all, even if it wasn't directed to me.