2007 Final Status Report of Bills Filed
Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 1:10 pm
Here is the final bill status report for the 2007 Texas Legislative Session.
All hyperlinks now point to the legislative history section for each bill, rather than the text of the bill. To find the text of the bill in its as-passed format, click on the "Text" tab, then select the "Enrolled" version.
HB103 (Riddle R-A) Relating to the use of force or deadly force in defense of a person. (Castle Doctrine) Died in the Criminal Jurisprudence Committee; but Senate companion bill SB378 passed.
HB176 (Bailey D-A) Relating to the authority of certain counties to enact noise regulations. Noise regulation. Died to County Affairs Committee.
HB220 (King, Phil R-A+) Relating to the rights and liabilities of an employer with respect to the carrying of a concealed handgun. Employer Parking Lots Died in Calendars Committee.
HB233 (Ritter D-A) Relating to a waiver of concealed handgun license fees for certain members and veterans of the military. Waives all CHL fees for active and honorably discharged military. Passed; effective 9/1/07.
HB242 (Alonzo D-D) Relating to certain warning signs required on certain premises. Exempts law enforcement from TABC warning signs and 30.06 signs. This is totally unnecessary and is presented by a "D" rated Representative. This would make other amendments to 30.06 germane. Bad Bill. Died in Law Enforcement Committee.
HB258 [color](CorteR-A) Relating to the confiscation of firearms and ammunition during a state of disaster. Died in Calendars Committee, but Senate companion bill SB112 passed.
HB284 (Driver R-A+) Relating to the use of force or deadly force in defense of a person. Castle Doctrine. Died on floor of the House, because Senate Companion Bill SB378 passed.
HB297 (Farrar D) Relating to the offense of cruelty to animals. Died in Criminal Justice Committee.
HB308 (Kuempel) Relating to the use of laser sighting devices by hunters who are legally blind. Passed; effective 6/15/07.
HB511 (Farabee D-A+) Relating to the rights and liabilities of an employer with respect to the carrying of a concealed handgun. Died in House Law Enforcement Committee.
HB594 (Davis, Yvonne D-F) Relating to the creation of certain offenses concerning firearm sales at gun shows. Died in Law Enforcement Committee.
HB595 (Davis, Yvonne D-F) Relating to requiring a waiting period for the purchase or sale of a handgun; creating an offense. Died in Law Enforcement Committee.
HB954 (Farabee D-A+) Relating to extending to retired members of the armed forces the discount for concealed handgun licenses currently available to active members of the armed forces.Passed the House, but died in the Senate Criminal Justice Committee.
HB991 (Rose D-A+) Relating to the confidentiality of certain records maintained by the Department of Public Safety regarding persons licensed to carry a concealed handgun. Passed, effective 5/23/07.
HB992 (Rose D-A+) Relating to certain rights and liabilities of an employer regarding an employee's access to a concealed handgun. Another employer parking lot bill. Died in Calendars Committee.
HB1037 (Farabee D-A+) Relating to certain rights and liabilities of an employer regarding an employee's access to a firearm. Another employer parking lot bill Died in the House Law Enforcement Committee.
HB1263 (Flynn) Relating to possession of firearms and ammunition in certain foster homes. Died in the Human Services Committee, because Senate companion bill (SB322) passed, effective 9/1/07.
HB1503 (Lucio) Relating to allowing certain assistant district and county attorneys to carry weapons. Allows assistant district and county attorneys to carry guns anywhere a LEO can, if they have a CHL. Amended to allow certain felons to obtain a CHL - serious unintended consequences! Passed, but vetoed by Gov. Perry.
HB1815 (Isett A+) Relating to the prosecution of certain offenses that involve carrying weapons on a person's property or in a person's vehicle. Motorist Protection Act Passed, effective 9/1/07.
HB2112 (Patrick) Relating to banning handguns and certain other weapons from parking areas associated with schools or educational institutions; providing criminal penalties. Amended to remove all restrictions on having guns on school property and now only prohibits using or threatening to use a firearm unlawfully on school grounds or busses. Significant amendments were made to this bill to make it acceptable to CHL holders. Rep. Patrick worked hard on this Bill and all promised amendments were added to the Committee Substitute (CSHB2112) Passed, effective 9/1/07.
HB2300 (Paxton) Relating to the carrying of weapons by certain judges and justices and district and county attorneys. Passed, effective 6/15/07.
HB2774 (Geren) Relating to areas of an airport where weapons are prohibited; providing a penalty. Makes large areas of airports off-limits to CHL's. Died in Calendars Committee.
HB2952 (Talton A+)Relating to the eligibility of persons convicted of certain offenses to possess or carry certain firearms. Died in Calendars Committee , but its provisions were added to HB1503 (vetoed by Gov. Perry) as an amendment.
HB3635 (Turner F) Relating to procedures to limit the carrying of handguns by persons other than peace officers on certain premises used for law enforcement. This was a bad bill, but Houston Police Dept. representatives and lobbyist worked with us to make massive changes. The result is a bill that is acceptable. After seeing terrible bills on this issue filed every session, I applaud HPD for their efforts. Died in Senate Criminal Justice Committee, because Senate Companion Bill SB1709 passed.
HB3844 (Hilderbran) Relating to the use of certain weapons in or on the beds or banks of navigable rivers or streams in certain counties; providing a criminal penalty. Died in Calendars Committee.
SB112 (Carona R-A) Relating to the confiscation of firearms and ammunition during a state of disaster. (Emergency Powers & Anti-Confiscation Bill) This bill would prevent a New Orleans-style gun confiscation during an emergency. Passed, effective 4/27/07.
SB122 (Deuell R-A+) Relating to the confidentiality of certain records maintained by the Department of Public Safety regarding persons licensed to carry a concealed handgun. Died in State Affairs Committee, because House Companion Bill HB991 passed.
SB283 (Gallegos D) Relating to the authority of certain counties to enact noise regulations; providing a criminal penalty. Died in the Intergovernmental Relations Committee.
SB322 (Deuell R-A+) Relating to possession of firearms and ammunition in certain foster homes. This bill prohibits governmental agencies from prohibiting the possession of any guns or ammunition in a foster home. Passed, effective 9/1/07.
SB378 (Wentworth R-A+) Relating to the use of force or deadly force in defense of a person. Castle Doctrine. Passed, effective 9/1/07!!
SB534 (Hegar R-A+) Relating to certain rights and liabilities of an employer regarding an employee's access to a concealed handgun. Employer parking Lots Southwest Airlines-type of notification, with additional job protection. Died on House General Calendar - not reached before session ended.
SB535 (Hegar R-A+) Relating to the possession or shooting of a handgun on the land of the Lower Colorado River Authority by a person licensed to carry a concealed handgun. Legalized carrying on LCRA property by CHL's. LCRA currently allows CHL's to carry, but there is a conflict. This is a clean-up bill. Passed, effective 9/1/07.
SB739 (Williams) Relating to the rights and liabilities of an employer with respect to the carrying of a concealed handgun. Employer parking lots. Died in Criminal Justice Committee.
SB1003 (Harris) Relating to areas of an airport where weapons are prohibited; providing a penalty. Greatly expands the area of an airport that is off-limits to a CHL. Died in Criminal Justice Committee.
SB1709 (Hegar) Relating to procedures to limit the carrying of handguns by persons other than peace officers on certain premises used for law enforcement. This is a companion bill to HB3635; please see comments on HB3635. Passed, effective 9/1/07.
All hyperlinks now point to the legislative history section for each bill, rather than the text of the bill. To find the text of the bill in its as-passed format, click on the "Text" tab, then select the "Enrolled" version.
HB103 (Riddle R-A) Relating to the use of force or deadly force in defense of a person. (Castle Doctrine) Died in the Criminal Jurisprudence Committee; but Senate companion bill SB378 passed.
HB176 (Bailey D-A) Relating to the authority of certain counties to enact noise regulations. Noise regulation. Died to County Affairs Committee.
HB220 (King, Phil R-A+) Relating to the rights and liabilities of an employer with respect to the carrying of a concealed handgun. Employer Parking Lots Died in Calendars Committee.
HB233 (Ritter D-A) Relating to a waiver of concealed handgun license fees for certain members and veterans of the military. Waives all CHL fees for active and honorably discharged military. Passed; effective 9/1/07.
HB242 (Alonzo D-D) Relating to certain warning signs required on certain premises. Exempts law enforcement from TABC warning signs and 30.06 signs. This is totally unnecessary and is presented by a "D" rated Representative. This would make other amendments to 30.06 germane. Bad Bill. Died in Law Enforcement Committee.
HB258 [color](CorteR-A) Relating to the confiscation of firearms and ammunition during a state of disaster. Died in Calendars Committee, but Senate companion bill SB112 passed.
HB284 (Driver R-A+) Relating to the use of force or deadly force in defense of a person. Castle Doctrine. Died on floor of the House, because Senate Companion Bill SB378 passed.
HB297 (Farrar D) Relating to the offense of cruelty to animals. Died in Criminal Justice Committee.
HB308 (Kuempel) Relating to the use of laser sighting devices by hunters who are legally blind. Passed; effective 6/15/07.
HB511 (Farabee D-A+) Relating to the rights and liabilities of an employer with respect to the carrying of a concealed handgun. Died in House Law Enforcement Committee.
HB594 (Davis, Yvonne D-F) Relating to the creation of certain offenses concerning firearm sales at gun shows. Died in Law Enforcement Committee.
HB595 (Davis, Yvonne D-F) Relating to requiring a waiting period for the purchase or sale of a handgun; creating an offense. Died in Law Enforcement Committee.
HB954 (Farabee D-A+) Relating to extending to retired members of the armed forces the discount for concealed handgun licenses currently available to active members of the armed forces.Passed the House, but died in the Senate Criminal Justice Committee.
HB991 (Rose D-A+) Relating to the confidentiality of certain records maintained by the Department of Public Safety regarding persons licensed to carry a concealed handgun. Passed, effective 5/23/07.
HB992 (Rose D-A+) Relating to certain rights and liabilities of an employer regarding an employee's access to a concealed handgun. Another employer parking lot bill. Died in Calendars Committee.
HB1037 (Farabee D-A+) Relating to certain rights and liabilities of an employer regarding an employee's access to a firearm. Another employer parking lot bill Died in the House Law Enforcement Committee.
HB1263 (Flynn) Relating to possession of firearms and ammunition in certain foster homes. Died in the Human Services Committee, because Senate companion bill (SB322) passed, effective 9/1/07.
HB1503 (Lucio) Relating to allowing certain assistant district and county attorneys to carry weapons. Allows assistant district and county attorneys to carry guns anywhere a LEO can, if they have a CHL. Amended to allow certain felons to obtain a CHL - serious unintended consequences! Passed, but vetoed by Gov. Perry.
HB1815 (Isett A+) Relating to the prosecution of certain offenses that involve carrying weapons on a person's property or in a person's vehicle. Motorist Protection Act Passed, effective 9/1/07.
HB2112 (Patrick) Relating to banning handguns and certain other weapons from parking areas associated with schools or educational institutions; providing criminal penalties. Amended to remove all restrictions on having guns on school property and now only prohibits using or threatening to use a firearm unlawfully on school grounds or busses. Significant amendments were made to this bill to make it acceptable to CHL holders. Rep. Patrick worked hard on this Bill and all promised amendments were added to the Committee Substitute (CSHB2112) Passed, effective 9/1/07.
HB2300 (Paxton) Relating to the carrying of weapons by certain judges and justices and district and county attorneys. Passed, effective 6/15/07.
HB2774 (Geren) Relating to areas of an airport where weapons are prohibited; providing a penalty. Makes large areas of airports off-limits to CHL's. Died in Calendars Committee.
HB2952 (Talton A+)Relating to the eligibility of persons convicted of certain offenses to possess or carry certain firearms. Died in Calendars Committee , but its provisions were added to HB1503 (vetoed by Gov. Perry) as an amendment.
HB3635 (Turner F) Relating to procedures to limit the carrying of handguns by persons other than peace officers on certain premises used for law enforcement. This was a bad bill, but Houston Police Dept. representatives and lobbyist worked with us to make massive changes. The result is a bill that is acceptable. After seeing terrible bills on this issue filed every session, I applaud HPD for their efforts. Died in Senate Criminal Justice Committee, because Senate Companion Bill SB1709 passed.
HB3844 (Hilderbran) Relating to the use of certain weapons in or on the beds or banks of navigable rivers or streams in certain counties; providing a criminal penalty. Died in Calendars Committee.
SB112 (Carona R-A) Relating to the confiscation of firearms and ammunition during a state of disaster. (Emergency Powers & Anti-Confiscation Bill) This bill would prevent a New Orleans-style gun confiscation during an emergency. Passed, effective 4/27/07.
SB122 (Deuell R-A+) Relating to the confidentiality of certain records maintained by the Department of Public Safety regarding persons licensed to carry a concealed handgun. Died in State Affairs Committee, because House Companion Bill HB991 passed.
SB283 (Gallegos D) Relating to the authority of certain counties to enact noise regulations; providing a criminal penalty. Died in the Intergovernmental Relations Committee.
SB322 (Deuell R-A+) Relating to possession of firearms and ammunition in certain foster homes. This bill prohibits governmental agencies from prohibiting the possession of any guns or ammunition in a foster home. Passed, effective 9/1/07.
SB378 (Wentworth R-A+) Relating to the use of force or deadly force in defense of a person. Castle Doctrine. Passed, effective 9/1/07!!
SB534 (Hegar R-A+) Relating to certain rights and liabilities of an employer regarding an employee's access to a concealed handgun. Employer parking Lots Southwest Airlines-type of notification, with additional job protection. Died on House General Calendar - not reached before session ended.
SB535 (Hegar R-A+) Relating to the possession or shooting of a handgun on the land of the Lower Colorado River Authority by a person licensed to carry a concealed handgun. Legalized carrying on LCRA property by CHL's. LCRA currently allows CHL's to carry, but there is a conflict. This is a clean-up bill. Passed, effective 9/1/07.
SB739 (Williams) Relating to the rights and liabilities of an employer with respect to the carrying of a concealed handgun. Employer parking lots. Died in Criminal Justice Committee.
SB1003 (Harris) Relating to areas of an airport where weapons are prohibited; providing a penalty. Greatly expands the area of an airport that is off-limits to a CHL. Died in Criminal Justice Committee.
SB1709 (Hegar) Relating to procedures to limit the carrying of handguns by persons other than peace officers on certain premises used for law enforcement. This is a companion bill to HB3635; please see comments on HB3635. Passed, effective 9/1/07.