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FINALLY!! Here is my timeline

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2015 6:32 pm
by mikecorn.1
Me and my wife's timeline. We did the legwork early and had to schedule class around our kids activities being the they only offer classes only once a month and only on the second Saturday of the month. Small town :mrgreen:

4/15 Online applications
4/21 My fingerprints
5/9 Wife fingerprints
8/8 CHL class
8/10 Instructor mailed out paperwork
9/3 Received plastic two days after status changed online.
Just a little over 3 weeks and take into account that it was sent via Snail Mail and obviously snail mailed back. I'm impressed to say the least.

Re: FINALLY!! Here is my timeline

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2015 9:47 am
by joe817
I'm impressed too! :shock: Super fast processing time. Congratulations, and welcome to the forum! Glad to have you with us!