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Dec 18th Time Frame

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 8:12 pm
I sent my application in the mail on 18 Dec 07, and thought I would start a thread for others that mailed thiers in around the same time frame to see where we are all at as far as PIN, Issue, etc.
--I put my packet in the mail on Dec 18th and haven't heard anything yet. I figure the holidays had something to do with it.

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 9:38 pm
by JMac
I sent my packet Nov 28th, and recvd pin via email first because I requested it. (dates below) So, I was about 20 days ahead of you and I just found today my status has changed to License issued.

It seems the first 45 or so days was the longest.

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 7:32 am
by 43SS109
I did a online app on Dec 10 and recived pin in mail on Dec 18,
over 30 days now Dps site still says pac mailed to app

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 9:41 am
by Mithras61
43SS109 wrote:I did a online app on Dec 10 and recived pin in mail on Dec 18,
over 30 days now Dps site still says pac mailed to app
I understand that they frequently have the "Packet mailed to applicant" response up for almost 6 weeks after they receive the packet back from you (at least this is what I was told last autumn). Hang in there for now (especially if you sent it in certified mail, 'cause you can prove they got it). It's probably sitting on someone's desk in a big ol' pile of apps.