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New resident background

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 10:58 am
by high_landerDZ
Hi, long time lurker first post.

I sent in my paperwork about 2 weeks ago, and finally got the update on the website about waiting for background. Question: Would mine take longer due to my new resident status? I have never been arrested for anything (even back in CA!), but I did list my former residence in CA. Is it going to take longer to run the BG?

Some back story before you answer. I have two other non-resident permits, UT and NV. However during my last firearms purchase, I got a delay and then a deny two days later. Which in itself was weird since I had bought another pistol not 6 months before with no issue. Long story short the FBI thought I was someone else and I got it squared away, and got a VAF started with them. Is that also going to delay my BG?

Thanks for any advice.

Re: New resident background

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 12:55 pm
by jtmetcalfe67
I would hope that with everything you had to send in to them, that the confsuion as to who you are wouldn't exist as it did with the gun purchase, where they are dealing with less info on you. I would also think that with two existing valid permits you would have nothing to worry about.

IMHO, me thinks you have nothing to worry about.

Re: New resident background

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 9:26 pm
by Ameer
The fingerprints should clear up which Zellman you are. I don't know if coming from California will delay your application. If they run a NICS check or rely on the FBI then no difference, but if they send a letter to the sheriff for your old address and wait for a reply, that might slow it down.

Re: New resident background

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 12:47 pm
by high_landerDZ
Looks like its out for manufacture! SWEET!