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Just applied today! (06-08-2011)

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 8:29 pm
by Mr.d
Hi everyone, My name is Ben. I've been considering a CHL for some time now and I am just now getting around to it.

I am from Houston Texas and I took my CHL class under the instruction of an Amazing teacher by the name of Tom Estep.

He led me to this website as well.

I am now searching for information in regards to holsters and firearms.

I had a glock 26 that was amazing but I sold it to a friend of mine. I regret the choice now haha.

So what have you guys known to be some of the best in pant holsters?

Have any suggestions as to what fire arm to carry?

I discovered the Arms room and I plan on going back repeatedly to try out all the guns they offer.

Thank you for reading.


Re: Just applied today! (06-08-2011)

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 8:37 pm
by AEA
Welcome to the Forum Ben! :cheers2:
All of your questions will be answered for sure somewhere on this Forum.

Not experienced myself with Glock's, only fired one once, one time. Not into plastic.

Look around, use the search function, ask questions, learn!

Congratulations on your decision not to be a Sheeple any longer!

Re: Just applied today! (06-08-2011)

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 8:38 pm
by Teamless
Carry whatever weapon feels good to you and you enjoy shooting.
you will get replies on what people on this forum carry, from various calibers from .22 to .45, and all in between and sizes from subcompacts to full size 1911s

the Glock 26 you sold is a good carry weapon, in a nice Crossbreed Supertuck holster, but there are many many many other good weapons to carry.
Good luck finding the one you want!

Re: Just applied today! (06-08-2011)

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 8:54 pm
by Mr.d
Thank you gentleman. I'm a member of tons of forums as my interests vary but this is by far the most polite and well put together thread I've come across.

Seems like people here are genuine and want to help.

That means alot to us greenhorns.


Re: Just applied today! (06-08-2011)

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 10:22 am
by texanron
Welcome to the Forum Mr.d!
I would recommend you look into getting a CrossbreedSuperTuck for IWB carry. I have one that I'm currently getting used to and couldn't be happier with it. As for handgun, I would recommend you look into replacing that G26 or look into getting a S&W M&P 9mm.
Just my $.02.

Re: Just applied today! (06-08-2011)

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 2:53 pm
by Mr.d
I will definitely look into that. I'm no pro on firearms. I'm sure i couldn't even begin to know what most of you know but I will seriously give it some consideration.

Re: Just applied today! (06-08-2011)

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 7:30 am
by lonewolf
Requirements in my mind:

Comfortable, Concealable, and Consistent

If its not comfortable, you may not carry as often, therefore comfort is a requirement. Bear in mind that comfort is relative. You'll always know its there, and its good to be conscious of that fact. The right holster makes all the difference, and you will try many before you settle on one. Recommendations will include Crossbreed and Kholster in my book.

It should be reasonable concealable. Printing is OK within reason. No shirts so tight that the gun is completely outlined against your side (IMHO). You may find you need different weapons/holsters for different situations (jogging, work, etc.)

It should fire EVERY time you want it to. If it is remotely unreliable its best to get it looked at and serviced/repaired/replaced. The last thing you want is to be in a situation where deadly force is required and not have the reliability factor on your side.

Practice, practice, familiar enough with your weapon to be able to handle it in low light or other adverse conditions. Practice drawing techniques in front of a mirror (unloaded, of course) you don't want to fumble around at a critical moment.

I carry a full size Beretta 92G, right hand, Kholster with a spare mag in my left back pocket.

Congratulations on joining the forum! You will find this a most interesting and enlightening environment, well run and well moderated!

Re: Just applied today! (06-08-2011)

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 7:26 pm
by ske1eter
Hi, Mr.d, good call on getting your CHL.

Don't be afraid of the infamous 'box of holsters' as it happens to most of us. Unlike some, I don't like the Crossbreed IWB nor the Comptac Minotaur. I'm partial to the TTGunleather IWB but as one of the previous posters mentioned, comfort is king and you'll know when you find the right holster for you. The one thing I would recommend is possibly a kydex holster (assuming that your main holster might be leather) for range work. They are more durable and easily deal with the grit and grime if you're rolling around on the ground while training or taking classes.

Take some other fighting/defensive pistol classes after you get your plastic as your training never ends. Besides, it's fun and will enhance your awareness and confidence.

Re: Just applied today! (06-08-2011)

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 3:12 pm
by Mr.d
Thanks guys!


My chl should be here in a few days. Its in the manufacturing stage right now.

:hurry: :hurry: :hurry: :hurry:

I'm very excited.
I'm still searching for a carry weapon. I'm getting laid off in 2 days so I'm kind of on a fixed budget.

Re: Just applied today! (06-08-2011)

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 11:49 am
by Mr.d
CHL showed up today!.

Going to buy a firearm later today.


Re: Just applied today! (06-08-2011)

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 9:23 pm
by johnson0317
The fast turn arounds are blowing my mind, but not as much as the fact you do not have your gun yet...what are you, some sort of left-wing whacko, wing-nut liberal gun hater??????


Re: Just applied today! (06-08-2011)

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 2:06 am
by Mr.d
I picked up the XD 9 SC.

Put about 100 rounds down range.

Re: Just applied today! (06-08-2011)

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 8:49 pm
by johnson0317
Well, well???? How did it shoot? Where are the pics? For crying out loud, you are a little slow on the uptake are always required.

I have an XDm 3.8" 9mm, and it is wondermous. I hope you enjoy your XD just as much.


Re: Just applied today! (06-08-2011)

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 6:56 pm
by Mr.d


Thar she blows.


Re: Just applied today! (06-08-2011)

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 9:27 pm
by johnson0317
Hahahahahaha! Yeah! I think you did him in.

Stupid zombies.