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April 2011 Applications

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 9:46 am
by Ambival
The packet went out yesterday and now the counting begins.

Re: April 2011 Applications

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 9:57 am
by Teamless
Ambival wrote:the counting begins.
it will seem like forever, but most people (with no background check problems) will get their license in under 60 days, but I would guess that most of the last couple months have been 30-35 days

Re: April 2011 Applications

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 1:47 pm
by Ambival
I wonder if they do any of the other work "up front". I did the online application about a month ago and the L-1 fingerprints a few weeks ago. Maybe I will be lucky and they've finished the background check, etc.

Re: April 2011 Applications

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 3:04 pm
by bigmoney
Ambival wrote:I wonder if they do any of the other work "up front". I did the online application about a month ago and the L-1 fingerprints a few weeks ago. Maybe I will be lucky and they've finished the background check, etc.
I don't think so. Some people on here show to submit the application months before doing the rest of the requirements, and it still takes a month or more after they send in the paperwork. I think that's because the application can exprire after a year, so they don't want to waste their time if you don't complete everything else.

Re: April 2011 Applications

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 7:09 pm
by Iunnrais
well, here's one more for April. Finished my class today. Packet is complete and ready to send out on Monday. :mrgreen:

Re: April 2011 Applications

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 2:45 pm
by gordonramsay
MIne goes out today.


Re: April 2011 Applications

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 11:16 am
by ac-mech
Mine is a renewal and i sent the paperwork last monday April 11... lets see how long ill take..

Re: April 2011 Applications

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 5:21 pm
by iSANK2
Thanks Tom Estep, Great Instructor!
2/17/11 Filed CHL online
2/22/11 Finger prints
4/13/11 CHL training
4/14/11 Mailed
5/11/11 Background Check: Under review
7/6/11 Manufacturing Pending
7/7/11 Manufacturing
7/12/11 Mailed
7/14/11 Plastic in hand!
88 Days, :cheers2:

Re: April 2011 Applications

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 10:55 am
by VarmintRod
Be patient........good luck.

Re: April 2011 Applications

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 10:36 am
by Ambival
This is interesting. Having mailed my package in a few weeks ago and no status update, I called DPS today to make sure they had received it. After waiting on the phone for close to 30 minutes, the guy who answered said that there is no way to find out if they had received my packet and that two weeks was not nearly 'long enough' for them to know. They will not know if they received my materials for "at least month; or whenever they enter it into the system."

Re: April 2011 Applications

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 1:50 pm
by TX55
Here's my log-

March 28 DPS online application, barcode
March 31 Fingerprints at L1
April 2 CHL training
April 4 Mailed all required paperwork USPS w/Delvery receipt
April 6 USPS Delivered date
May 3 Website check: Application processed online. Concealed Handgun Licensing is waiting on the receipt of required materials.....
May 5 Background check
June 8 License received in mail. Don't know why it took so long.....

Re: April 2011 Applications

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 8:14 pm
by MMac
Application 4/18
CHL class 4/22
L-1 fingerprints 4/23
Mailed completed package 4/23
Being processed- waiting on background check 5/17

Re: April 2011 Applications

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 7:45 am
by tanker1983
Online Applicaton-10 JUN 2010 (from Afghanistan)
CHL Class-16 APR 2011
L1 Fingerprints-18 APR 2011
Certified Mail Packet-18 APR 2011
Delivery Confirmation - 21 APR 2011
Background Check Complete - 25 MAY 2011
Concealed Handgun License Pending Manufacture..

Funny thing. I was beginning to get concerned. My background check seemed to be taking a long time. The status showed "under review" for 35 days or so. My life is an open book. Never any arrests, I have had a Secret and Top Secret Clearance for 20+ years. Anyway, I wrote an email to DPS aking if there was any problem and did they need any further info? I received an out of office reply stating it would be 3-5 business days before I would receive a reply due to the heavy volume of emails they receieve. But this morning my status changed from "under review" to "complete." Coincidence? IDK...but definitely a welcomed change.

Hopefully in hand by early June...

Misery DOES love company!!!

Re: April 2011 Applications

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 5:46 pm
by snatchel
Here is mine---
March- online app & L1 fingerprints
April 15/16-CHLclass
April 19- mailed

Now a cold Coors Light and a prayer for some rain...

Re: April 2011 Applications

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2011 1:40 pm
by GTRich94
3/06/2011 Application Filed Online
3/30/2011 L-1 Fingerprints Taken
4/02/2011 Took the class with Charles at PSC (great class)
4/05/2011 Package Sent
