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I'm jealous!

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 1:18 pm
by RobinBradbery
Well after several months of waiting my hubby got his plastic. We took our class together, and they apps were mailed off on the same day but in two different envelopes. The site says mine is still being processed while my hubbys is already in his hand. Arugh! I wish I had mine! :cryin

Re: I'm jealous!

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 4:09 pm
by joe817
Hang in there Robin, you should be getting close! :thumbs2:

Re: I'm jealous!

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 4:20 pm
by hbkkicker
Well, dont know if this helps you, but i have had my plastic in hand since Friday and mine still says "processing application" on the website.

Re: I'm jealous!

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 8:33 pm
by RobinBradbery
It came today! WooHoo! Now I can quit picking on the hubby for getting his first. :woohoo

Re: I'm jealous!

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 8:44 pm
by Kevinf2349
Many congratulations. :anamatedbanana

Be safe out there. :tiphat:

Re: I'm jealous!

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 9:19 pm
by A-R
RobinBradbery wrote:It came today! WooHoo! Now I can quit picking on the hubby for getting his first. :woohoo
You can still pick on him. You are the better half of the relationship, I assume? :anamatedbanana

I'm jealous of all these husband and wife CHL "teams". Wish I could convince my wife. :grumble But that is a lost cause and we agreed to disagree, while allowing me to do as I see fit for me, years ago.

Re: I'm jealous!

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 12:57 am
by joe817
RobinBradbery wrote:It came today! WooHoo! Now I can quit picking on the hubby for getting his first. :woohoo
Super congrats Robin!! :woohoo :thewave :party: It's about time! Now don't be a stranger! There's a lot of info here and a wonderful bunch of people to get to know. ;-)

Re: I'm jealous!

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 1:09 am
by mctowalot
It's not all is cracked up to be. Years ago we decided to consolidate our "armory" (2 of every thing :hurry: ) - guess who gets first pick. We both pack Glock 27s, but she's got the laser grips, night sights, etc. and mine is stock. But then again, she's protecting herself and the babys so it's only right.
"I live with danger every day, sometimes she lets me shoot! :mrgreen:

Re: I'm jealous!

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 10:32 am
by mikeintexas
Congrats Robin!! My wife received her plastic last month, so we are now a "team!"

In fact we finally got out to find her a concealed carry purse. We made the long trip to Plano to the Bullet Trap store and range. Dan was very helpful and friendly. I just wish we were closer to the Bullet Trap as it is a great store. A nice change from many gun stores that are standoffish and can be quite rude.

My wife ended up with a Galco purse and carried for the first time, other than the car, when she went to the nail salon. I am so grateful that she decided to get her CHL! :txflag: