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Getting tired of waiting.

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 2:38 pm
by Disturbed
Long time lurker first time poster.

Passed class: 1/26/08
Sent paper work off overnight: 1/28/08
Confirmed shipment: 1/29/08
Recieved Processing papers showing they got my information on: 4/18/08
Current status is: Processing

Clean record, not even a ticket on my record.

Not really sure whats going on with the CHL dept. but this is alittle out of hand.

Re: Getting tired of waiting.

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 4:12 pm
by Monkey404error
Disturbed wrote:Long time lurker first time poster.

Passed class: 1/26/08
Sent paper work off overnight: 1/28/08
Confirmed shipment: 1/29/08
Recieved Processing papers showing they got my information on: 4/18/08
Current status is: Processing

Clean record, not even a ticket on my record.

Not really sure whats going on with the CHL dept. but this is alittle out of hand.
1. Welcome
2. Your application must be in the same pile as mine, as I'm on the same waiting timeline. I had a few tickets a few years ago, but thats thet worst I've had.
3.Hope you have a comfy chair, I think we might have gotten overlooked somewhere, and it could be awhile before they manage to dig our applications up.

Re: Getting tired of waiting.

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 8:30 pm
by 03Lightningrocks
Holy Smoley!!!!!!!!! You two are pushing 6 months. I sure hope I don't meet the same fate.

Re: Getting tired of waiting.

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 9:34 pm
by lws380
I got my CHL 1-2 years ago. But reading these post make me upset with the process. So I emailed Gov Perry and asked that he try to get this fixed. I encourage you to do the same.

Re: Getting tired of waiting.

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 10:33 pm
by Disturbed
Whats worse is I took the class with 3 friends, and they sent theirs off a month after me and they got their plastic already.
I've called once just to check to make sure my papers have not found a random micro wormhole or something, but the lady assured me they have the paperwork, and processing is extremely backed up.
So i guess mine keeps falling to the bottom of the stack, or so it would seem.

My sweetheart (G27) is tired of staying the truck everywhere I go, I promised to show her wally world one day. :waiting:

Re: Getting tired of waiting.

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 10:35 pm
by Disturbed

Re: Getting tired of waiting.

Posted: Tue May 13, 2008 12:45 am
by dukesean
lws380 wrote:I got my CHL 1-2 years ago. But reading these post make me upset with the process. So I emailed Gov Perry and asked that he try to get this fixed. I encourage you to do the same.
In addition to writing Gov. Perry, I also wrote to State Sen. Shapiro and State Rep Madden, both of whom represent my district. These are the responses I received from Gov. Perry's office and Rep. Madden's office, respectively:
Dear Mr. Huang:
Thank you for taking the time to contact the Office of the Governor.
I am asking Colonel Thomas Davis, Director of the Texas Department of Public Safety, for his
staff’s assistance in reviewing and responding both to you and this office on the information
Please let us know whenever we may be of service in the future.
Dede Keith
Constituent Communication Division
Office of the Governor
Mr. Huang, the backlog at DPS is real, and while they desire to deliver on the customary deadline of 60 days for processing a CHL, operationally, they are overwhelmed. I am conveying your inquiry to the Legislative Liaison for DPS which can possibly inquire on Rep. Madden's behalf to see if there is any unexpected delay owing to mistakes or errors in the paperwork, and I will relay to you any developments as they unfold. Thank you for helping keep Rep. Madden in office, being his primary win was definitely a squeaker.

Mark Hey
Legislative Aide to Rep. Jerry Madden
I made a clear mention in my letter to Rep. Madden that I voted for him in the last primary elections, and that his stance on RKBA and high rating by the NRA played a large role in that. Anyways, I'm not sure how helpful writing my representatives will be with speeding up my individual application, but if it gets some changes started for future CHL applicants then it is something worthwhile to do.

Re: Getting tired of waiting.

Posted: Tue May 13, 2008 8:59 am
by rob02262008
After you two...I guess i should feel lucky?? :cryin

It seems all the traffic started up when I took my class.... of course I just never thought it would be this bad. Especially after all these years. Plus you would think there would be some sort of FIFO system to the process.

Good Luck,

Re: Getting tired of waiting.

Posted: Tue May 13, 2008 10:29 am
by dukesean
rob02262008 wrote:Plus you would think there would be some sort of FIFO system to the process.
I actually suggested that to my state representative, that maybe DPS should install a better tracking system, so that they can monitor which ones came in first, and therefore spend more time on those. I think a good system would be one in which a few people do nothing but enter in received applications, noting date of arrival at DPS, then they would go into a queue based upon date of receipt to undergo further processing. I know that they probably have little control over the background checks and which order they get those back, but after getting them back you could easily re-sort based upon original receipt date and prioritize that way.

But then again maybe they already do that, who knows. :confused5

Re: Getting tired of waiting.

Posted: Tue May 13, 2008 12:53 pm
by mr.72
when I bought my gun last month they did a background check in 5 minutes. That is not what's causing the delay.

What's causing the delay is that it's a government office with no accountability. There is no incentive for efficiency.

A 16 year old kid can go take a driving test and walk out with a temporary license that same day. There is absolutely no reason the same time frame should not be expected for a CHL. I complete my training and qualification, and I hand the paperwork across the counter... there is no reason they should not issue me a temporary license within 10 minutes right across the counter. It's the same agency.

Re: Getting tired of waiting.

Posted: Tue May 13, 2008 1:55 pm
by dukesean
mr.72 wrote:when I bought my gun last month they did a background check in 5 minutes. That is not what's causing the delay.

What's causing the delay is that it's a government office with no accountability. There is no incentive for efficiency.

A 16 year old kid can go take a driving test and walk out with a temporary license that same day. There is absolutely no reason the same time frame should not be expected for a CHL. I complete my training and qualification, and I hand the paperwork across the counter... there is no reason they should not issue me a temporary license within 10 minutes right across the counter. It's the same agency.
The background checks are more indepth if I am not mistaken, and you do have to go through the FBI background check, and they run your fingerprints I assume. That definitely should take more time than the instant background check done to purchase a gun.

I agree that all this paperwork does nothing except inconvenience the law abiding citizen, and I would like nothing more than to be able to do what you just said, especially after waiting this long. But it is what it is.

Re: Getting tired of waiting.

Posted: Tue May 13, 2008 2:24 pm
by mr.72
Well now that I think about it, even considering the background check, fingerprints, etc. they do for a regular CHL are more in-depth than the quickie background check done when you purchase a gun, it still should not require more than 24 hours MAX and there is no reason not to do the 5-minute background check and offer a temporary CHL across the counter.

Of course I subscribe to the ideal that requiring a license and collecting a fee is indeed an infringement of your 2A rights. But even if we accept the state's authority to require these hoops to be jumped through, there is nothing to say that they cannot issue a 60-day temporary license based on a preliminary background check and verification that the application is in order, fees are paid, the DL address matches, etc., and then this license would become void when your real license arrives after the more in-depth investigation occurs.

This simple change would alleviate virtually all of the animosity regarding the delay.

If something is found that would require the license to be denied, then they could require you to surrender the temporary license. I wonder what percentage of CHL applications are denied in TX? I wonder if you were to restrict those statistics to persons who are 1) gun owners who had already completed the "quick" background check and 2) possess a valid TX driver's license with current address. I bet the number of denied applications that meet those two criteria is exceedingly small.

The problem with the delay is that it tends to tempt normal law-abiding citizens who have submitted to the requirements of the law in terms of training and paying the appropriate fee, into breaking the law and carrying before their license has been issued. It's just dumb. If driver's licenses took 60-180 days to issue from the point at which you pass the test and pay the fee, there would be public outrage.

Re: Getting tired of waiting.

Posted: Tue May 13, 2008 2:42 pm
by ed3eclipse
I too have been waiting too long. 67 days today. They received my pin, they say they started the process on 3-6-08, todays already 5-13. I called and they said that they are VERY behind and it could easily take another month. God i hope she was exaggerating. At least you're allowed to carry your gun in your car now thanks to the Castle Doctrine Bill. As long as it's concealed and you haven't just committed a crime. To you guys that have been here awhile, is taking this long a good sign as far as approval?

took class on 2-18 perfect score on written and shooting
dps received 3-6-08
today is 5-13. :banghead:

Re: Getting tired of waiting.

Posted: Tue May 13, 2008 3:14 pm
by dukesean
I have thought that one way we could ensure that the 60 day limit is met is to shift the burden of proof of DENYING a permit onto the state, instead of putting the burden of proof of eligibility on the applicant. In other words, if after 60 days DPS cannot find any reason (except in the case of missing paperwork/incomplete application) to deny the application, then they MUST issue the permit.

Re: Getting tired of waiting.

Posted: Tue May 13, 2008 11:01 pm
by Gandolf
Disturbed wrote:This might explain things,
Great article, its a shame that this problem doesn't get enough play in the general media. :banghead: