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UPDATE - Anyone Having Trouble Checking Their Status Online?

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 5:23 am
by cstierhoff
UPDATE - Someone in Austin made an error when entering my driver's license number. Simone corrected it. :anamatedbanana Hooray for Simone. I think I'll send her a Starbucks gift card.
I'm glad I got this corrected now. I even checked my copies of the paperwork that I sent and the number I gave them was listed correctly.

MY PIN WORKS!! :thewave Processing Aplication
Ever since I received my PIN Letter on Monday 1/28 I have not been able to check my status online.
I get this “The data you have submitted indicates you may not be eligible for this service. Please verify the data submitted is correct. If you still cannot proceed, please contact DPS at 1-800-224-5744 or email for more information�
FYI: I know I'm clicking on the correct links.

I emailed Austin on Thursday and their responce was "They were experiencing unforeseen technical difficulties."

Anybody else in the waiting room having problems like this?

CS :txflag:

Re: Anyone Having Trouble Checking Their Status Online?

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 9:07 am
by nedmoore
My problem is that is taking too long!

Re: Anyone Having Trouble Checking Their Status Online?

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 11:14 am
by Target1911
nedmoore wrote:My problem is that is taking too long!
I am having the same

Re: Anyone Having Trouble Checking Their Status Online?

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 4:50 pm
by Hyunchback
I have my plastic as of this week but went ahead and checked the DPS website. My query went all the way through to tell me that my plastic was issued.

Could you be giving the website bad info? You are required to give the DPS your DL number, SSN, DOB and PIN. If you don't then they won't get you to the answer to your question.

Re: Anyone Having Trouble Checking Their Status Online?

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 2:48 am
by cstierhoff
Yep I give them all of the correct info and double check it before I hit the Submit button.
Hopefully they can get it straightened out soon.
I just hope they did not enter my info wrong.


Re: Anyone Having Trouble Checking Their Status Online?

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 2:54 am
by ScubaSigGuy
You may be entering your information on the instructors line. Make sure and try it again. ;-)


Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 9:29 am
by cstierhoff
It turns out that Austin had my Drivers license # entered incorrectly. Man am I glad I got this corrected now and not 5-6 weeks down the trail. This could have been a big stinky cow patty. (how is that for a word picture)
