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I doubt it will make any difference for those of us waiting.

Moderator: carlson1
does anyone have his direct phone number ?generush wrote:Today, a new Director was sworn in at DPS.
gringogigante wrote:
I know it sucks, but patience is really all we have at this point.
i believe itgringogigante wrote:
it's really nuts over there.
Your definition of comming up through the ranks is much different than mine. From the breif bio it appears to me he was a Trooper for 6 years more than 25 years ago. The rest of his career appears to have been spent in the FBI, and as a pollitical apointee of the Governor. The fact he is not wearing a uniform leads me to the conclusion that he is not even a certified peace officer anymore.joe817 wrote:Thanks for the post generush, and welcome to the forum! Glad to have you join us.
I wonder what caused this changing of the guard? In any event he has come up through the ranks from the LE background, and not some bureaucrat that has spent his career behind a desk.
I wish him well.
well that explains why i haven't heard anythinggringogigante wrote:Was that your application?!? Crap, I thought that was my placemat....i think i may have thrown it away.
Sorry, dude.
Yes I suspect it is very much different than yours. But that's ok, if we agree to disagree.KRM45 wrote: Your definition of comming up through the ranks is much different than mine. From the breif bio it appears to me he was a Trooper for 6 years more than 25 years ago. The rest of his career appears to have been spent in the FBI, and as a pollitical apointee of the Governor. The fact he is not wearing a uniform leads me to the conclusion that he is not even a certified peace officer anymore. I suspect this will not sit well with the rank and file.
I agree that a career in the FBI is certainly a law enforcement background. The part I was disagreeing with was the "comming up through the ranks" I think the Chicago PD is a good example of a career FBI agent taking over a police department. JW may be a fine administrator, but the rank and file don't like him.joe817 wrote:Yes I suspect it is very much different than yours. But that's ok, if we agree to disagree.KRM45 wrote: Your definition of comming up through the ranks is much different than mine. From the breif bio it appears to me he was a Trooper for 6 years more than 25 years ago. The rest of his career appears to have been spent in the FBI, and as a pollitical apointee of the Governor. The fact he is not wearing a uniform leads me to the conclusion that he is not even a certified peace officer anymore. I suspect this will not sit well with the rank and file.
If you go back and carefully read my comment, I said LE background, which if I'm reading correctly: his career started with DPS(6 years)...THEN he was appointed a Special Agent with the FBI(1983 to 2004 = 21 years). FBI...that qualifies as Law Enforcement, doesn't it? At least it does fit my definition. Since 2004....Director of Texas Homeland Security. 5 years.
So yes, I think I accurately catagorized his experience as in Law Enforcement. And I still wish him well.