Moved out of state so renewal became 'out of state' renewal. Proper change of address on file with DPS, as required. One is still required to travel to TX to get a TX Notary!?!? on all forms for out of state renewal.
Mailed package MARCH.13 (expired May 28)
Mail notified first of MAY that I should have included a form that a CHL phone contact told me not to - mailed May 10.
Called May 26 & was told they needed another color copy of my DL because the one they have (previously provided) was 'connected to the wrong record'.
Sent 2nd color copy of DL May 26.
June 16, told BG check was complete & was being sent to the printer, expect ~2 weeks to issue.
July 2, told 'at printer' expect 7 to 10 days to issue/mail.
July 7, told 'it sat untouched from 6.17 to today, will give to supervisor who handles those applications that have been 'overlooked'. Will print & mail 'probably this week'.
July 14, told the supervisor is out for unknown reasons for an unknown amount of time and nothing will be done until she (Heather) returns.
July 15, confirmed Heather still out, unknown if/when she'll return & no one else can do anything.
July 15, contacted Rep. J. Madden who notified his Austin liaison of the issue.
July 17, CHL Bureau phone contact told me 'I just selected it to print' expect 2 weeks (4th time I've heard that) to print/mail. Informed of 45 day statute said "why aren't we all under arrest then?"
July 17, Rep. Madden's liaison 'looking into it'...
and the government wants to run MY healthcare