Well, that is a strange name to spell anyway. The other day on the Quinn and Rose Show (Satellite), Quinn and Rose were complaining about the spelling of Tiahrt and Schoenke, which is also a hard one to spell if you haven't ever heard of either guy. No need to apologize to me Seamus. It is not a common name to spell.seamusTX wrote:Sorry about the misspelling. It's not exactly as easy to remember as Smith.
- Jim
They were tying the Tiahrt Amendment story to the American Hunters and Shooters Association and Ray Schoenke, the President of that organziation. Schoenke has noted connections to many gun control groups. Quinn was complaining about the deceptive name of the organization. It sounds like it is a pro hunting and shooting organization, when in reality, it is a front for a gun control organization funded by many of the same folks funding the Brady Campaign. The Brady Campaign agenda is to get further control of handguns and rifles.