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H.R.3200 Would Repeal ‘Gun-Free School Zones’

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2019 8:16 am
by joe817
"Ron Paul's 'Safe Students Act' re-introduced by Thomas Massie.

Former U.S. Representative Ron Paul’s Safe Students Act was first announced back in 2007 to delete the “gun-free zone” portion of the 1990 “Crime Control Act” — and let us all remember that crummy law was introduced into the U.S. Senate by joker Joe Biden.

U.S. Representative Thomas Massie has brought back the Safe Students Act as H.R.3200, introduced last month and currently “Referred to the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security” by the “Committee on the Judiciary.”

Here’s hoping it will gain some steam… it will have a much better chance if you contact your U.S. Reps and urge them to support it.

Why get rid of a sweeping Federal ban on guns in certain areas? For one thing, it would better allow school boards and local government to make their own rules without Washington red tape. Hopefully those local “authorities” will opt to allow people the choice of defending themselves rather than being unarmed victims. reports:

‘The only thing gun-free zones do is disarm law-abiding citizens and take away their ability to protect themselves and others,’ said U.S. Rep. Jeff Duncan, R-SC, a co-sponsor. ‘We shouldn’t leave our most vulnerable – our children – in an unsafe environment like gun-free zones where acts of violence cannot be stopped.’

The Gun-Free School Zones Act, part of the Crime Control Act of 1990, was the brainchild of Wisconsin Democrat Herb Kohl and by then-U.S. Sen. Joe Biden. The act has long restricted gun possession within 1,000 feet of a school campus although it has been successfully challenged in the courts as unconstitutional, leading the law to be modified in 1996. Several attempts by Republican lawmakers to repeal its provisions wholesale over the years have failed.

President Trump, while campaigning for the White House in 2016, said he would support getting rid of gun free zones in schools and military bases." ... Newsletter

Re: H.R.3200 Would Repeal ‘Gun-Free School Zones’

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2019 2:10 pm
by TreyHouston
So the law was modified to become in forcible in 1996 then a few years later Columbine followed by others. Why can’t people see the pattern here?

Re: H.R.3200 Would Repeal ‘Gun-Free School Zones’

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2019 3:59 pm
by rotor
A zero chance of going anywhere.