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McCarthy files H.R. 142, a bill to ban online ammo sales
Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 11:29 am
by oldtexan
Rep. Carolyn McCarthy, D, NY, filed H.R. 142, a bill to ban online sales of ammunition, yesterday. The text of the bill isn't available yet on either or on
Re: McCarthy files H.R. 142, a bill to ban online ammo sales
Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 11:41 am
by anygunanywhere
Unemployment is over 7.5%. The economy is still in the toilet. Gangs rule the cities. The so-called war on terror is at an all time stalemate and our young men and women are dying needlessly. Globally, the world laughs at our country because of the elected morons.
All this and these brainless zombie morons main focus is further eroding our second amendment freedoms.
Also, we are supposed to be diplomatic and talk nice and sweet so we will not offend these worthless piles of DNA?
Bovine Excrement.