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Ron Paul Supporter = Paramilitary Group Member

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 12:06 pm
by John
254 Million in federal tax dollars spent to claim anyone with differing political views, terrorist. Even if you just "think" Obama might enact gun bans, you should be added to the list, according to the article. When i first read this article, I had to check the calendar to make sure it isn't april fools day. It isn't.

John ... a-members/" onclick=";return false;
If you're an anti-abortion activist, or if you display political paraphernalia supporting a third-party candidate or a certain Republican member of Congress, if you possess subversive literature, you very well might be a member of a domestic paramilitary group.

That's according to "The Modern Militia Movement," a report by the Missouri Information Analysis Center (MIAC), a government collective that identifies the warning signs of potential domestic terrorists for law enforcement communities.
But some say the fusion centers are going too far in whom they identify as potential threats to American security.

People who supported former third-party presidential candidates like Texas Rep. Ron Paul, Chuck Baldwin and former Georgia Rep. Bob Barr are cited in the report, in addition to anti-abortion activists and conspiracy theorists who believe the United States, Mexico and Canada will someday form a North American Union.
"Due to the current economical and political situation, a lush environment for militia activity has been created," the Feb. 20 report reads. "Unemployment rates are high, as well as costs of living expenses. Additionally, President Elect Barrack [sic] Obama is seen as tight on gun control and many extremists fear that he will enact firearms confiscations."

Re: Ron Paul Supporter = Paramilitary Group Member

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 12:37 pm
by frazzled
Thank you George Bush for starting this. Thanks a lot.

Re: Ron Paul Supporter = Paramilitary Group Member

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 9:52 pm
by stevie_d_64
I'm pretty sure I'm not on any list...

Wait a sec, someone is knocking on my door...BRB...

Re: Ron Paul Supporter = Paramilitary Group Member

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 7:52 am
by John
this report has been retracted: Now it is completely a waste of tax payer dollars (not that it wasn't already).

Missouri retracts report linking militias, 3rd party candidates
By Jason Noble | Kansas City Star
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. — The Missouri Highway Patrol this week retracted a controversial report on militia activity and will change how such reports are reviewed before being distributed to law enforcement agencies.

The Highway Patrol also will open an investigation into the origin of the report, which linked conservative groups with domestic terrorism and named former presidential candidates Ron Paul, Bob Barr and Chuck Baldwin.

The Highway Patrol’s announcement followed a news conference in which Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder, a Republican, suggested putting the director of public safety on administrative leave and investigating how the report was produced.

The uproar revolves around a report released last month by the Missouri Information Analysis Center, a "fusion center" for local, state and federal law enforcement agencies to collaborate on domestic security issues. The report concerned militia movements in Missouri and across the U.S., and described how they had evolved over the last several years

Re: Ron Paul Supporter = Paramilitary Group Member

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 8:26 am
by stevie_d_64
Way to go John, good snag there...I just saw this as well...And was about to post it...

What gets me is the damage has been done...You can't just cry wolf then say, "Oops, muh bad, I was mistaken." in this case...

I don't believe the retraction one bit...

Re: Ron Paul Supporter = Paramilitary Group Member

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 7:37 am
by John
here is a link to a PDF of the actual report in question: You guys are all a bunch of right-wing nut jobs according to this report. ... ate.91.pdf

I like the disclaimer on the last page at the bottom. Somebody musta broke the rules.