New Movement on Federal "Veteran Disarmament Act"
Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 10:55 pm
GOA published an alert today on the status of H. 2640, anti-gun rep Carolyn McCarthy's Federal gun-control legislation (the one that GOA opposes, but NRA-ILA supports.) Unfortunately for people relying on GOA for information, GOA's update is somewhat badly written and gives the impression that H. 2640 is moving forward on it's own. That does not appear to be the case.
H. 2640 has been incorporated into anti-gun Senator Patrick Leahy's S. 2084, the "School Safety and Law Enforcement Improvement Act of 2007". Information this bill can be viewed here on the THOMAS website:
According to GOA, this legislation might be passed in the Senate by unanimous consent, without a recorded vote. That is how it was passed out of the Senate Judiciary Committee, which includes Senator John Cornyn of Texas.
This is my modified version of GOA's suggested letter text, which I am faxing and emailing to John Cornyn and Kay Bailey Hutchison tonight. I strongly encourage everyone to contact them. The key thing here is not letting the anti-gunners get a win-- it will only encourage them.
H. 2640 has been incorporated into anti-gun Senator Patrick Leahy's S. 2084, the "School Safety and Law Enforcement Improvement Act of 2007". Information this bill can be viewed here on the THOMAS website:
According to GOA, this legislation might be passed in the Senate by unanimous consent, without a recorded vote. That is how it was passed out of the Senate Judiciary Committee, which includes Senator John Cornyn of Texas.
This is my modified version of GOA's suggested letter text, which I am faxing and emailing to John Cornyn and Kay Bailey Hutchison tonight. I strongly encourage everyone to contact them. The key thing here is not letting the anti-gunners get a win-- it will only encourage them.
Dear Senator:
It has come to my attention that gun-control advocates in the Senate are seeking passage of Senator Patrick Leahy’s S. 2084, the “School Safety and Law Enforcement Improvement Act of 2007�. This legislation incorporates Representative Carolyn McCarthy’s gun-control bill H.R. 2640. It is said that S. 2084 might be passed by unanimous consent. This would be a grave mistake.
As currently drafted, this legislation contains no provisions to protect the gun rights of veterans diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, people diagnosed during their youth with Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder, or elderly persons diagnosed with Alzheimers, especially if such diagnoses turn out to be premature or incorrect. Such persons, regardless of being safe and trustworthy gun owners, would get treated by the law the same as the worst psychotics and sociopaths. This legislation is very clearly not aimed at protecting the public—it aims to increase the ranks of people with Federal firearms disabilities, and put every barrier possible in the way of their recovery of their rights.
Many gun owners do not support this legislation, which is beginning to acquire the nickname of the “Veterans Disarmament Act�. The Military Order of the Purple Heart is opposed to it, having stated on June 18 of this year, that "For the first time the legislation, if enacted, would statutorily impose a lifetime gun ban on battle-scarred veterans."
Further, this bill will give anti-gun activists license to boast about their passage of “new Federal gun control legislation� and will embolden them to seek even more. This is unacceptable to myself and many other Texas gun owners.
I strongly encourage you place a hold on the Leahy bill, the McCarthy bill, or any other bill that carries this or similar language. I strongly encourage you to object to any unanimous consent agreement to discharge these or any similar bills.
Anthony Garcia