Trump or Clinton--our own poll

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Trump or Clinton-Our own poll

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Re: Trump or Clinton--our own poll


Post by Bitter Clinger »

Flightmare wrote:
Skiprr wrote:I strongly debated (pun intended) either watching another fingernails-on-blackboard presidential debate, or watching on demand the sequel to the movie Independence Day.

Forty-five minutes in, I'm still watching the debate. But I bought some .22 LR CCI Mini-Mags from Midway USA while I watched. Made me feel better about the whole thing...especially after Hillary contended the core of the whole Heller decision centered around safety for "dozens of toddlers."
I ordered some .45 ACP. I'm good on .22 LR for as little as I shoot it.
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Re: Trump or Clinton--our own poll


Post by grnamin »

Bitter Clinger wrote:Pastor Mark Burns: We are not voting for Trump's past flaws but for his present policy ideas (via Judge Jeanine Pirro).
And I'm voting against Bill and Hillary's transgressions: past, present and future.
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Re: Trump or Clinton--our own poll


Post by RPBrown »

I watched the sparring match last night and when she said that she is a "staunch supporter" of the 2nd amendment, I lost it. If I had something to throw at the TV I would not have one this morning. Even my 15 YO grand daughter that was watching with us said " Pawpaw, she is lying through her teeth. I've heard her say she wants to take guns away".

I must say, I was surprised to see that 11 members of our forum here said they are backing her :banghead: . That reminds me of the fox in the hen house. :deadhorse:
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Re: Trump or Clinton--our own poll


Post by allisji »

RPBrown wrote:I watched the sparring match last night and when she said that she is a "staunch supporter" of the 2nd amendment, I lost it. If I had something to throw at the TV I would not have one this morning. Even my 15 YO grand daughter that was watching with us said " Pawpaw, she is lying through her teeth. I've heard her say she wants to take guns away".

I must say, I was surprised to see that 11 members of our forum here said they are backing her :banghead: . That reminds me of the fox in the hen house. :deadhorse:
I can't believe that she can even say the words "right to bear arms". She talks about the years that she spent in Arkansas and says that she understands the value of gun ownership, then she talks about Heller and DC and about how the Supreme Court is wrong about the 2nd Amendment and how she wants to see more limitations on safe storage, etc (which probably means having unloaded weapon. And obviously we all know the bull in her claims about how she wants to see "comprehensive background checks", and close the "online loophole", and close the "gun show loophole". Just come out and what you mean... You "would like to see private firearms transfers subjected to background checks", and then tell us how that is going to get guns out of the hands of dangerous criminals (here's a clue... it isn't.)!

eta: I wish that someone would press her to define the difference between "gun ownership" and "bearing arms" then watch her squirm
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Re: Trump or Clinton--our own poll


Post by allisji »

These debates have driven me crazy. I honestly can't believe how poorly Trump debates her. He is so bad in these debates, which boggles my mind, because he hits her on the issues twice a day at his rallies and then in the debates he sinks down to personal attacks and name calling rather than hitting her on the issues.
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Re: Trump or Clinton--our own poll


Post by Smokey613 »

allisji wrote:These debates have driven me crazy. I honestly can't believe how poorly Trump debates her. He is so bad in these debates, which boggles my mind, because he hits her on the issues twice a day at his rallies and then in the debates he sinks down to personal attacks and name calling rather than hitting her on the issues.
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Re: Trump or Clinton--our own poll


Post by Bitter Clinger »

allisji wrote:These debates have driven me crazy. I honestly can't believe how poorly Trump debates her. He is so bad in these debates, which boggles my mind, because he hits her on the issues twice a day at his rallies and then in the debates he sinks down to personal attacks and name calling rather than hitting her on the issues.
:iagree: It was so depressing to watch him. He missed so many softballs it just makes you wonder...
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Re: Trump or Clinton--our own poll


Post by AF-Odin »

I will grit my teeth and hold my nose and vote for Trump. I really cannot believe how far our political system has gone down hill that these are the two leading candidates. I understand the anger from so many against the status quo and the career politicians who campaign on one platform and then do little or nothing once elected. Thus, Trump, as an outsider, offers another choice over someone who has already been in the political arena. That said, we need to understand that many times politics is the art of the possible. We, on the conservative side of the aisle, have to realize that we are probably never going to get everything we want and if we are so obstructionist that we shut the government down, we wind up losing support. We must remain true to our basic core beliefs, but must also understand that we are probably never going to get to the point of zero restrictions on firearms ownership and carry. However, there are already more than enough laws, regulations, and restrictions and do not need ANY more. If we were we to be able to repeal SOME of them, I would consider that a big win, but with a Hillary presidency, not even that would be possible. That is why it is so important to ensure that the "down ballot" races provide a solid Senate and House that will thwart her aspirations to increase regulations in ANY manner. :tiphat:
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Re: Trump or Clinton--our own poll


Post by minytrker »

P3^eQme(c+ wrote:I plan to vote for Hillary. I have voted Republican my whole life, and this will be the first time I go the other way.

The Republican Party is divided. Donald Trump is just absolutely insane. He is not what this country needs.

And before the flames start against me, a little about me. I believe in the Constitution. Donald Trump is a mockery of someone who thinks he knows what he is talking about. And yes, I've faught for those freedoms invested in it. I am educated, a combat army infantry vet with multiple tours to both Iraq and Afghanistan, Purple Heart recipient and CIB earner. I've fought defending the Constitution and I'll be damed if some psychopath thinks that banning a whole religion is okay, or that all hispanics are rapists, or any other of the idiotic nonsense he spills out. Oh, and I pay my taxes.
Ask yourself this, what would have happen to you while you were in the military if you lost 33,000 emails or sent classified documents out through your private email? You would not have internet access right now and would be making big rocks into little rocks.

Trump didnt violate any laws by not paying taxes. Do you send in thousands of extra dollars every year on taxes? I personally pay to get my taxes done to get the most deductions so I can pay the least taxes legally. Every business person I know does this.

I was in the military under Clinton and Bush and very glad I was out of the military for Obama. Hillary isnt going to take care of the military or vets. She has been a career politician and hasn't made anything better in her career. She's not instantly going to start making things better if she president.

I honestly dont know anyone who has actually sat down and just compared the two's history who sided with Hillary.

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Re: Trump or Clinton--our own poll


Post by Alf »

Can anyone can explain why it was acceptable for Gore to challenge the 2000 election results, and take it to court when he didn't like the results, but it's deplorable for Trump to reserve the possibility of doing likewise?
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Re: Trump or Clinton--our own poll


Post by bblhd672 »

Alf wrote:Can anyone can explain why it was acceptable for Gore to challenge the 2000 election results, and take it to court when he didn't like the results, but it's deplorable for Trump to reserve the possibility of doing likewise?
Gore = Democrat
Trump = evil Republican
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Re: Trump or Clinton--our own poll


Post by John Galt »

bblhd672 wrote:
Alf wrote:Can anyone can explain why it was acceptable for Gore to challenge the 2000 election results, and take it to court when he didn't like the results, but it's deplorable for Trump to reserve the possibility of doing likewise?
Gore = Democrat
Trump = evil Republican
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Re: Trump or Clinton--our own poll


Post by mojo84 »

Here's another example of why the republicans struggle to win national elections. The difference in the level of unity and cooperation is astounding.
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Re: Trump or Clinton--our own poll


Post by bblhd672 »

The left lies about everything. Truth is a liberal value, and truth is a conservative value, but it has never been a left-wing value. People on the left say whatever advances their immediate agenda. Power is their moral lodestar; therefore, truth is always subservient to it. - Dennis Prager
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Re: Trump or Clinton--our own poll


Post by Bitter Clinger »

R' Mendel Kessin on Hillary (9/3/2016):

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