Democrat Plan for Gun Control--most current step

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Democrat Plan for Gun Control--most current step


Post by KLB »

The push to ban such sales will be spearheaded by Rep. Mike Thompson (D-CA), who wants to require a background check before a homeowner is allowed to buy a gun from his neighbor or an employee buys a gun from a co-worker or employer. He even wants a son to get a background check before a father can give him a gun as a gift.
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Re: Democrat Plan for Gun Control--most current step


Post by Jeff B. »

Well then, they can want in one hand...

I believe that you know the rest...

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Re: Democrat Plan for Gun Control--most current step


Post by TexasJohnBoy »

This has a greater than 0 chance of passing in my opinion. Pretty much all that stands between it passing and dying is Mitch.

I suppose getting to 60 in the senate might be difficult, but not impossible.
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Re: Democrat Plan for Gun Control--most current step


Post by Crossroads »

Most likely pass the house and die in the Senate like National Reciprocity did. Will still be pinging Cruz and Cornyn to make sure they vote against.
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Re: Democrat Plan for Gun Control--most current step


Post by longtooth »

Crossroads wrote: Sat Jan 05, 2019 1:39 am Most likely pass the house and die in the Senate like National Reciprocity did. Will still be pinging Cruz and Cornyn to make sure they vote against.
Yes we will. Problem is they will keep trying til our generation is dead, buried and voting dumOrat and the next generation lets it happen.
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Re: Democrat Plan for Gun Control--most current step


Post by KLB »

Here's an analysis of what the bill would do: ... o-to-requi
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Re: Democrat Plan for Gun Control--most current step


Post by SQLGeek »

TexasJohnBoy wrote: Sat Jan 05, 2019 12:34 am This has a greater than 0 chance of passing in my opinion. Pretty much all that stands between it passing and dying is Mitch.

I suppose getting to 60 in the senate might be difficult, but not impossible.
Indeed. We certainly can't count on Trump to veto it.
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Re: Democrat Plan for Gun Control--most current step


Post by Liberty »

It's pretty silly, and much of it unenforceable. Guns typically don't have titles. Those of us who are married typically have joint ownership of all our property. Our guns belong to our spouses as much as they do ourselves. Restricting inlaws differently than blood just doesn't make sense.

Restricting folks from relocating our guns creates a hazard. Having someone take temporary custody of our guns, during construction projects or absences away from our homes will expose them to theft. Most gun owners are proud law-abiding citizens, but laws like this will just make more of us criminals when while we are just trying to to be responsible.

This is a thinly disguised bill designed to facilitate forced registration and tracking of all our weapons. It is onerous in that it doesn't just limit the transfer of ownership, but limits the access of arms to every citizen. Particularly for those who may find them most in need of protection.
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Re: Democrat Plan for Gun Control--most current step


Post by chasfm11 »

Liberty wrote: Fri Jan 11, 2019 9:22 am It's pretty silly, and much of it unenforceable. Guns typically don't have titles. Those of us who are married typically have joint ownership of all our property. Our guns belong to our spouses as much as they do ourselves. Restricting inlaws differently than blood just doesn't make sense.

Restricting folks from relocating our guns creates a hazard. Having someone take temporary custody of our guns, during construction projects or absences away from our homes will expose them to theft. Most gun owners are proud law-abiding citizens, but laws like this will just make more of us criminals when while we are just trying to to be responsible.

This is a thinly disguised bill designed to facilitate forced registration and tracking of all our weapons. It is onerous in that it doesn't just limit the transfer of ownership, but limits the access of arms to every citizen. Particularly for those who may find them most in need of protection.
Are you saying that it infringes? :biggrinjester: Seriously, this is a solution looking for a problem to solve. There is not a shred of published evidence that any of the items covered by this bill contribute to any of our current problems. Straw purchases, which are already illegal and rarely prosecuted are much more of a factor. I wish that we could come to the conclusion that a bill like this would never become law. The fact that we cannot is a sad statement about the willingness of our elected representatives to preserve our guaranteed rights.
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Re: Democrat Plan for Gun Control--most current step


Post by tbrown »

KLB wrote: Fri Jan 04, 2019 1:39 pm
The push to ban such sales will be spearheaded by Rep. Mike Thompson (D-CA), who wants to require a background check before a homeowner is allowed to buy a gun from his neighbor or an employee buys a gun from a co-worker or employer. He even wants a son to get a background check before a father can give him a gun as a gift.
Other than the father/son example, isn't this already the law in California? AFAIK, SCOTUS hasn't said boo.
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