On a different note: my daughter found the news before I did, but a man not so far away from here lost his life a few nights back when he and his motorcycle had an impact with a large hog.
In my most recent article here:
https://blog.westernpowders.com/2020/05 ... ple-ought/ I mentioned a load under development. It would not have changed the outcome of the unfortunate motorcycle rider because a mistake he made before that journey began, was in failing to put on his helmet.
I've been observing a good many things in handloading and ballistics over many years. Maybe one of the best things that's come from that is an axiom that says that, some expansion is always better than no expansion. I've heard as far back as 1986 when I began handloading; after a number of years previously, in studying any handloading article that came my way by printed magazine subscriptions, that you need a hard-cast bullet as a responsible handgun hunter or handloader. bull!
That concept never really worked for me. Not when if you have a concern about a JHP load being sufficient to accomplish the necessary amount of penetration on game. And regardless of anyone's favorite paranoia about what handgun cartridge that you need to be carrying in Bear country, the reality is that the most dangerous game animals/predators you'll encounter in Texas are the Cougar/mountain lion/puma. Next on the list and far more likely to be encountered would be feral hogs. And you need not be hunting them. Like the motorcycle incident I mentioned earlier, I've seen what can happen when someone hits a hog on a highway, county, state, national or interstate. These animals are dangerous indeed.
Now for the worse news. If you encounter a feral hog in the wild, do not try to presume anything other than dispatching that hog. I have not yet had the opportunity to test the updated load I made for my shooting partner whom had a close encounter with the sow I posted the pic of in said article. But I don't have any doubt about the SPEER 158 gr.
JSP. Find the highest velocity data you can because the bullet will not expand greatly. It does, however, test as well as you can expect, and essentially, a sharp 6-pointed star is formed on the nose. And as was the case with my article, I'll also mention the Hornady 158 gr. XTP-FP, the soft point version of the XTP. I would use either but the SPEER 158 gr. JSP was a very good deal at Midway-USA. Another benefit here is the sectional density advantage over say a .400" bullet,
As for bear country, I'd feel pretty comfortable with a 4" S&W M57/657 as well as the 4" Ruger Redhawk. Unfortunately, the bullet I'd want does not exist, a 220 gr. JSP in .410" dia or heavier. Sierra once made maybe the ideal bullet for .41 Magnum with their 220 gr. Tournament Master, really made for shooting Silhouette competition. It did have lead exposed at the nose and would deform with enough velocity.
But in terms of Texas' Dangerous game, a .357 Mag load with a 158 gr. JSP load with all of the velocity that can be mustered, you're pretty well armed. Better armed if you can fire your .357 Magnum as fast as you can in DOUBLE-ACTION MODE where you can put those 12 or more rounds into a 10" circle at 50'. I'm trying to remember if paper pie plates are 10" in diameter? All that matters to me is that I can do that on a swinging steel target that is 8" in dia, shooting my 4.2" GP100. And whenever recoil is part of the advantage, make the best of it.
I will not say that more rounds of 10mm isn't better, but only when they're fired from an autloading pistol. Like I've said before, if enough of us want something, the gun industry will provide it, and I don't agree with that notion. 9 X 19mm loads when fired from revolvers can have any bullet after the 1st one fired, walk forward from recoil, including binding the cylinder preventing it from rotating. And the 10mm will need the heavier bullets vs even the .357 Mag.
To sum up, when you need MAGNUM POWER, use a magnum handgun cartridge, Magnum Revolver Bullets have cannelures for the case-mouth to be crimped into. And on the very best day it ever had, the 10mm isn't a .41 Magnum. But, the reality of demographics show that the .41 Mag has the highest occurrence of handloaders by handgun cartridge for a reason, and when you get to the nut-cuttin'; no 10mm load will exceed the best .357 Magnum load, Test the loads for velocity with a chronograph and water test any load you plan to carry: whether it be 4 legged or 2 legged animals!