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40 S&W reloading recipes

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 11:52 am
by ghostrider
Anyone care to share reloading recipes or at least preferred powders for 40 S&W? Pistol will be a G23 with factory barrel (at least initially)

1. self-defence (for duplicating factory ammo for practice. I am not recommending the use of handloads for carry, nor am I recommending against it. IANAL, YMMV, etc)

2. casual target practice

3. competition target practice (IPSC, IDPA)

Yes, I'm searching the internet for data in the usual places, but I trust the input of fellow CHLers on this forum :-)


Re: 40 S&W reloading recipes

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 3:26 pm
by canvasbck
For both casual target and for IDPA, I have been using the following:

Barry's 180g FP plated bullet, 5.5 grns of Unique. This has produced lower recoil than factory but has cycled well in my Beretta 96. It has also proven to be extremely accurate for my weapon. The only problem I have run across is a batch that I loaded with inadequate crimping led to the last round in the mag not feeding (since been corrected). NOTE: I'm fairly new to reloading and those with more experience can probably help you more, I have been happy with this recipe though.

I haven't reloaded any PD ammo for it, I don't shoot enough hollowpoints to make it worth it from a cost perspective in my case.

Re: 40 S&W reloading recipes

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 10:56 pm
by dejadoo
My IDPA load with my XDM has been 2.6 gr Clays with 180 gr cast lead loaded to .125 making a PF 0f 135ish.

Re: 40 S&W reloading recipes

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 8:01 pm
by michael e
4.0 gr Tite group 180gr lead out of my G23 for last 10yrs

Re: 40 S&W reloading recipes

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 10:24 am
by Texas Size 11
Alliant Blue Dot 8.4 gr, Hornady 155gr XTP

For practice...

Re: 40 S&W reloading recipes

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 12:40 am
by ghostrider

I'm trying some loads with Blue Dot, Power Pistol, and SR-4756