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powder dispensing woes/solutions

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 2:15 am
by NcongruNt
So in my foray into reloading, I've learned quite a deal of information along the way. I'm about to start into my 3rd and 4th Calibers - currently loading 9mm and .380 ACP, have dies and everything but bullets for .38spl and 9x18.

I have the Lee 50th Anniversary setup, which includes the Perfect Powder Measure and the Safety Scale. These work well under most circumstances, but I've found that Blue Dot is particularly troublesome for getting a consistent charge to run out of the measure. From my internet readings, this seems to be a characteristic of the powder, due to its bulk and shape. Disc dispensers seem to be worse with Blue Dot than what I have now. This gets frustrating due to the sheer amount of time I spend measuring and weighing every single charge, as I cannot be confident that it will throw consistently. I'd guess that 75% of loading time is spent on powder charging - most throws have to be adjusted to get the proper weight.

The other two powders I'm using (Bullseye and W231) run quite consistent through the measure. One thing that bothers me is that if I run a batch of Blue Dot loads, any subsequent loads (well, Bullseye has been the only one I've done this with so far) are inconsistent until I run about 50 throws through the measure. It's as if the Blue Dot is leeching all of the graphite built up in the measure from the other powders, and throwing everything out of whack until enough non-Blue Dot powder is put through the measure to coat it properly again. I find this quite irritating, and wonder if anyone else has run across this problem. I'm considering just buying a bunch of graphite powder and running it through the charger before and after any Blue Dot runs to fix this.

Now, I'm doing single stage, obviously. Given consistent throws, this wouldn't be an issue, and were I running a turret or progressive setup, I think this same problem would present itself. A digital scale would save some time on getting the weight right, but wouldn't resolve the issue of inconsistent throws that have to be adjusted. So, I'm looking at an admittedly expensive solution to this problem, a digital dispenser/scale that automates the throw/scale process to get quick and consistent charges: ... Itemid=126" onclick=";return false;

This kit is made by PACT, and is identical to the RCBS ChargeMaster combo. This equipment has very good reviews, but at $250 retail, I can't seriously consider buying one just yet. I am ever so tempted, though. Perhaps in a few months.

I guess I have a couple of questions here:

Have any of you experienced this behavior with Blue Dot or other similar powders? If so, have you found any ways to get a more consistent charge?

Does anyone here have experience with the PACT/RCBS dispenser/scale combo? What has your experience been with it?

Re: powder dispensing woes/solutions

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 5:05 am
by shooter4
the Pact is not identical to the RCBS and looks more like a Lyman dispenser. I am looking at my RCBS right now and they arent really close. My RCBS is very cool and despenses powder smoothly. I use it mostly for single stage Garand and 308 rounds. As perfect i suppose as you can get for the money.......Every time i change powders i break down the powder measure completely as possible and wipe out any remnants of the previous powder. That might fix your problem you are experiencing with changing powders (if that is possible with the Lee setup)....... :tiphat:

Re: powder dispensing woes/solutions

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 6:13 am
by longtooth
Some powders run MUCH better than others. you have learned one of the lessons that we all have been through.

That is the reason I use 231 & Unique. They meter so consistantly w/ the dispencers in the "economy" catagory. Mine is a Lyman 55 & does well.

Some folks want tack driving pistol loads. I want easy practice loads throuigh a single stage set up as you have.

Never used Bullseye. Have used green dot & it did not meter satisfactory to me.

Just one of the reasons I stick to only 2 powders for pistol.

Re: powder dispensing woes/solutions

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 6:20 am
by shooter4
Longtooth has nailed that one. Some powders do measure better then others. If it continues to happen, find another powder that meters better. I've never had metering problems but i've kept my powder selection consistant with the help of others.......

Re: powder dispensing woes/solutions

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 11:55 am
by MoJo
I rarely used Blue Dot and quit using it altogether when Alliant put out a warning not to use it in .357 Magnum 125 gr loads (what I was using it for) and any .41 Magnum loads because of blown up guns. I switched to 2400 and have never looked back. I use a lot of Unique because of it's versatility. I also use Titegroup, 231, and HP38.

Re: powder dispensing woes/solutions

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 12:03 pm
by longtooth
All the color Dots seem to be good shotgun powders but not too god in the pistol dept.

I have not loaded shotgun since I was a teen.

:headscratch -barely remember that far back.

Re: powder dispensing woes/solutions

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 3:35 pm
by NcongruNt
longtooth wrote:All the color Dots seem to be good shotgun powders but not too god in the pistol dept.

I have not loaded shotgun since I was a teen.

:headscratch -barely remember that far back.
Well, it depends on what caliber it is. It's really only suitable for higher-pressure and Magnum pistol calibers - 9mm, .357Sig, .40 S&W, .357 Magnum, etc. I just worked out a load using 6.1 grains and 124 grain FMJ that gave impressive results for accuracy. I like the powder, just not its dispensing properties. Power Pistol is another powder I'd like to try out, and seems to be better for measurement. I'd have bought some already, but they're always out at the store, along with Unique and Titegroup.

Re: powder dispensing woes/solutions

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 4:32 pm
by MoJo
Power Pistol that's the ultimate 9mm/40 S&W powder. I understand it is the powder used in the military 9mm ammo maybe that's why it is so scarce. :patriot:

Re: powder dispensing woes/solutions

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 4:48 pm
by lrb111
I was running lot of Blue Dot as my first powder. I could have written your example exactly.
fwiw, they still make small squirt tubes of graphite for lubing things like locks. I saw some just the other day, probably Home Depot.... near the locks.

Re: powder dispensing woes/solutions

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 5:34 pm
by NcongruNt
lrb111 wrote:I was running lot of Blue Dot as my first powder. I could have written your example exactly.
fwiw, they still make small squirt tubes of graphite for lubing things like locks. I saw some just the other day, probably Home Depot.... near the locks.
Yeah, they make extra fine stuff (similar to what is included with smokeless powders) by the pound for a much more economical price. I found a site in a quick search selling a pound of it for $16.42/lb: ... &curPage=1" onclick=";return false;

Re: powder dispensing woes/solutions

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 8:40 pm
by Houston1944
My 2 cents on powders and scales.

Digital scales - treat them like in-laws, listen to them but don't trust them completely. I have been thru 3 or 4 digital scales during the past 15 years and eventually all of them become untrustworthy at times. The problem is they have to be so sensitive to detect such minute differences that even your breath can affect the readings. If you use one be sure to have a balance beam to verify your loads.

Powder Measurer - If only using a single stage get 2, one with a small cylinder for handgun loads, the other for rifle loads. If you try to use one for both you will get frustrated. I don't clean powder measurers.

Powders - there are many good powders that meter very well available for each handgun caliber. I don't mess with handgun powders that don't meter consistently.

Re: powder dispensing woes/solutions

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 4:24 am
by shooter4
NcongruNt wrote:
longtooth wrote:All the color Dots seem to be good shotgun powders but not too god in the pistol dept.

I have not loaded shotgun since I was a teen.

:headscratch -barely remember that far back.
Well, it depends on what caliber it is. It's really only suitable for higher-pressure and Magnum pistol calibers - 9mm, .357Sig, .40 S&W, .357 Magnum, etc. I just worked out a load using 6.1 grains and 124 grain FMJ that gave impressive results for accuracy. I like the powder, just not its dispensing properties. Power Pistol is another powder I'd like to try out, and seems to be better for measurement. I'd have bought some already, but they're always out at the store, along with Unique and Titegroup.
Titegroup is my main powder. Power Pistol is good stuff too......specially for 357sig

Re: powder dispensing woes/solutions

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 12:47 pm
by Griz44
The Lee Perfect Powder Measure was never intended to be good with very small pistol cartridges.
You need the Lee Pro Auto Disk for small stuff.
The PPM works great on big dumps for rifle.

I'll second the suggestion for 2 powder measures.