Disclaimer: I do not load maximum-effort loads in .45 ACP. I have other firearms for that. I have loads to approximate the feel and point of impact of my (factory JHP) carry loads, and kinder-gentler mid-range economy loads for teaching new shooters and for general shooting.
txn1911 wrote: ... how do you tell the difference between SPP and LPP?
Calibrated eyeball, or use a primer pocket cleaning tool as a Go gauge.
txn1911 wrote: ... are they interchangable, looks like no.
Mostly, but not quite. You might want to sneak up on max loads originally developed with one type of primers when switching the load to another type - small or large, standard or magnum, etc. You'll want to sneak up on the maximum loads in your loading manual, anyway. Someone else's max might be beyond yours.
I keep those with small pockets segregated until I get enough for a batch.
txn1911 wrote:... what are some general recomendations for powder and primers for 45 ACP for full size 1911?
I only use standard pistol primers in .45 ACP. My loads have not proven overly sensitive to particular brands of primers. However, some priming tools are apparently brand-sensitive.
.45 ACP isn't particularly finicky about powders. I've done most of my reloading for this cartridge with Bullseye, Unique, WW231, and Universal Clays. I'd have used more, but each of those has given me good results. If it ain't broke ...
The sooner I get behind, the more time I have to catch up.