It arrived and I proceeded to change it over to 45 since that was my main goal. First snag was both cups and plungers were for small primers. Second snag, no clip for primer pick up tubes. Third snag is aparently even though it looks to be in GREAT shape, the powder measure had a cracked cup (nothing black tape can't handle) and it only has one failsafe arm/lever. In other words the worst part is it dumps powder every pull even without a case in the station. Oh well, live and learn...should have bought new/current.
After converting over, ran a couple rounds through and the bullets were loose . Tinkered and re-tinkered and finally ended up with what I think will work. The instructions say to turn the crimping die down till you feel resistance, but I feel resistance all the time. Have to turn it with a wrench, so I am sure I missed something,
So for the good news. I went with a load I saw here or on my other favorite forum. 4.2 grains Titegroup under a 200 gr lswc. My twist is since I din't have the cup and plunger for the large primer, I used the Federal Brass I had saved that uses the small primer. I loaded up six and went to run errands for my CHL class tomorrow and ran by the range to check on my classroom. While there I fired a few factory WWB and then the 6 handloads <alll through my S&W 625> The laod seems dirtier than I expected, maybe because of the small primer. However, it was very sweet to shoot. Minimal recoil, like light .38 loads. Should work great shooting steel. I loaded up 24 more to try after I teach class tomorrow. We'll see how they do in a more controled setting. LOL
Any suggestions as to the crimping die adjustment?
Over all I am tickled. Took longer than I thought to adjust, but I got it,.....I think. LOL