Rule #1
Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 8:08 pm
The Mrs will probably be upset with me for making this post but I hope it will bring up a couple of lessons and may help prevent some heartache.
My 9 year old granddaughter has been working with her other grandfather with BB and pellet guns. The other grandfather talked with me saying the granddaughter was ready to move to a firearm.
Today, I cleared a spot on the dining room table, grabbed some snap-caps, the Marlin Model 60, and called in the granddaughter. She was excited and ready to move on. I explained that her other grandfather and I thought it was time to take her to the range to fire a "real" rifle. I also told her before we go, there were 4 rules she must know and understand.
#1 All guns are loaded. I showed her the bolt of the rifle was locked open and you could see there was no round in the chamber.
#2 Never point a gun at anything you are not willing to destroy. I showed her a snap-cap (it was labeled "Dummy") and explained that even though this was small, it could destroy, even kill a person. Referring to rule #1, we laughed that the rifle was pointing to the glass patio door but she understood the concept.
#3 Keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot the target. Wow! Her other grandpaw has taught this girl well. When I held the rifle and showed her the proper position of the trigger finger, she knew exactly what to do. She also asked about the safety. Her other grandfather is big on using the safety. I'll have to check with him on the protocol he wants before our next session.
#4 Know what is behind your target. I asked her if it would be OK to shoot at our back yard fence and she said "No" because we couldn't see and there might be people in the open area behind the fence.
Now take a deep breath as we move on.
I picked up the rifle and started pointing out the magazine tube and the slot where the cartridges are loaded. I showed her the bolt release and explained that the bolt stays open after the last round. When you press the bolt release, the bolt slams closed. I explained that if we had loaded the dummy round in the magazine, pulling back and releasing the bolt would load it in the chamber.
I cycled the bolt. IT DID NOT STAY OPEN. I cycled it again whereupon it ejected a live round. I continued cycling the gun and ejected 13 more live rounds. Rule #1 All guns are loaded.
I was horrified. The Mrs who was the last one to use the rifle two days ago was horrified. I think the granddaughter was impressed. Hopefully she will never forget Rule #1.
-- you can stop reading right here if you want but here is the rest of the story including a discussion of what we did wrong --
We picked up the rounds and put them away because you should never have live rounds in a teaching situation that is not on the range. We went through dry fire. Talked about hot brass. The Mrs and I showed our matching .22LR brands on our right forearms. We got out the hat, ear muffs, and eye protection and went through some more dry fire. I'm impressed with the maturity my granddaughter showed during the whole experience. We even got out the Heritage .22LR revolver and went the the loading firing and clearing cycle with it. The smaller gun gave us some opportunities to talk about rule #2. It is easy to swing it around and there were a couple of times the granddaughter failed to keep it pointed down range. We will have more lessons on all the rules before taking her to the range next week.
What Went Wrong?
The Mrs and I discussed how we ended up with a loaded rifle on our wall.
During our last session at the range, one of the members of our group of four experienced his first slide bite. It was pretty nasty. He came to the Mrs. to see if she had any Kleenex. We all stopped firing and I told the Mrs there was some Kleenex and band aids in the right hand pocket of our range bag. It took her quite a while to clean and bandage it. After the "crisis", the Mrs turned around to her stall. She had been shooting the rifle, saw the bolt open, and completely forgot she had just Spee-D-Load-ed a full magazine. Add a little age to the distraction and she just forgot. She saw I was not firing my handgun so she asked for it. I gave it to her, she put it on her bench and asked me if I wanted the rifle. I said NO so she turned around put the rifle in the case.
We have decided to establish a new protocol. We will cycle the bolt/slide on every weapon before we put it in the case.
Hope this story is helpful. If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions, let me have it!
My 9 year old granddaughter has been working with her other grandfather with BB and pellet guns. The other grandfather talked with me saying the granddaughter was ready to move to a firearm.
Today, I cleared a spot on the dining room table, grabbed some snap-caps, the Marlin Model 60, and called in the granddaughter. She was excited and ready to move on. I explained that her other grandfather and I thought it was time to take her to the range to fire a "real" rifle. I also told her before we go, there were 4 rules she must know and understand.
#1 All guns are loaded. I showed her the bolt of the rifle was locked open and you could see there was no round in the chamber.
#2 Never point a gun at anything you are not willing to destroy. I showed her a snap-cap (it was labeled "Dummy") and explained that even though this was small, it could destroy, even kill a person. Referring to rule #1, we laughed that the rifle was pointing to the glass patio door but she understood the concept.
#3 Keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot the target. Wow! Her other grandpaw has taught this girl well. When I held the rifle and showed her the proper position of the trigger finger, she knew exactly what to do. She also asked about the safety. Her other grandfather is big on using the safety. I'll have to check with him on the protocol he wants before our next session.
#4 Know what is behind your target. I asked her if it would be OK to shoot at our back yard fence and she said "No" because we couldn't see and there might be people in the open area behind the fence.
Now take a deep breath as we move on.
I picked up the rifle and started pointing out the magazine tube and the slot where the cartridges are loaded. I showed her the bolt release and explained that the bolt stays open after the last round. When you press the bolt release, the bolt slams closed. I explained that if we had loaded the dummy round in the magazine, pulling back and releasing the bolt would load it in the chamber.
I cycled the bolt. IT DID NOT STAY OPEN. I cycled it again whereupon it ejected a live round. I continued cycling the gun and ejected 13 more live rounds. Rule #1 All guns are loaded.
I was horrified. The Mrs who was the last one to use the rifle two days ago was horrified. I think the granddaughter was impressed. Hopefully she will never forget Rule #1.
-- you can stop reading right here if you want but here is the rest of the story including a discussion of what we did wrong --
We picked up the rounds and put them away because you should never have live rounds in a teaching situation that is not on the range. We went through dry fire. Talked about hot brass. The Mrs and I showed our matching .22LR brands on our right forearms. We got out the hat, ear muffs, and eye protection and went through some more dry fire. I'm impressed with the maturity my granddaughter showed during the whole experience. We even got out the Heritage .22LR revolver and went the the loading firing and clearing cycle with it. The smaller gun gave us some opportunities to talk about rule #2. It is easy to swing it around and there were a couple of times the granddaughter failed to keep it pointed down range. We will have more lessons on all the rules before taking her to the range next week.
What Went Wrong?
The Mrs and I discussed how we ended up with a loaded rifle on our wall.
During our last session at the range, one of the members of our group of four experienced his first slide bite. It was pretty nasty. He came to the Mrs. to see if she had any Kleenex. We all stopped firing and I told the Mrs there was some Kleenex and band aids in the right hand pocket of our range bag. It took her quite a while to clean and bandage it. After the "crisis", the Mrs turned around to her stall. She had been shooting the rifle, saw the bolt open, and completely forgot she had just Spee-D-Load-ed a full magazine. Add a little age to the distraction and she just forgot. She saw I was not firing my handgun so she asked for it. I gave it to her, she put it on her bench and asked me if I wanted the rifle. I said NO so she turned around put the rifle in the case.
We have decided to establish a new protocol. We will cycle the bolt/slide on every weapon before we put it in the case.
Hope this story is helpful. If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions, let me have it!