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Action versus Reaction
Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 2:13 am
This was on one of the Police forums that I monitor. As the officer that posted it on there stated:
This is a great training video that reinforces the fact that you cannot react faster than some one's action. Review the video starting at about 1 minute and 28 seconds into it. At this point you've already seen the video and know what happens, but your reaction time is still not as fast as when he brings the gun up on target with the officer. This is taught to us at the range but this is the first time that we've had a video that reinforces it as well as this one does.
Click here to watch the video
Thanks to KBCraig for the editing advice!
Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 6:20 am
by stevie_d_64
Considering the fact that the Law Enforcement on scene already had weapons drawn, and on target...This was going to go only one of two ways...
Interesting perspective with the camera view...
One thing I got to go and check again, was how far was the shot taken by the police officer...Looked like everything went COM, no pellets went into any extremities that I could see, so it had to be fairly close 15-20 yards???
Not that that really matters...
Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 6:30 am
by fadlan12
wow, these are either happening more often or are getting put into news more often. I really am afraid for our 2A rights will continue to erode with idiots like that. what a shame.
Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 7:35 am
by JLaw
This video does re-inforce the action vs. reaction that CHL/LEO stated. Also I noticed an interesting reaction/tactic of the officer... as soon as the man pointed the gun at him, the officer moved his head behind the tree trunk while leaving his shotgun aimed, then moved his head out from cover for long enough to make the shot, then moved his head behind cover again for a second after the shot. Very smart move, maybe training or just human reaction, but a smart move none-the-less.
Edit to add: I can see where this could be a bad situation for the officer if the man was truely intent on killing the officer, but maybe the officer was reacting on instinct? But still, the officer handled the stressful situation well, unfortunately the gunman forced his hand.
Re: Action versus Reaction
Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 10:46 am
by KBCraig
CHL/LEO wrote:
This may be the longest link I've ever seen but it's still working:
If you'll edit that, you can make it a clickable link,
like this.
That way people don't have to scroll sideways to read the discussion.
Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 11:18 am
by TX Rancher
I’m not sure I agree this video is an example of reaction time limitations.
The BG raised his weapon and it took the officer ~1.7 sec to take his shot. I don’t think the delay on the officer’s part was classic “reaction time� since it was too long. I feel it’s more an example of thought time, not reaction time.
I think the BG had no intention of shooting the LEO, I think it was suicide or stupidity. If he had planned to shoot, he had plenty of time to take the shot.
Why the stupidity comment? Some people think they can do stuff like that and the cops won’t shoot unless they shoot first. I know he stated at home he was going to commit suicide, but sometimes words such as those are intended to get a response from the audience, and the speaker isn’t really going to carry the “threat� out…happens all the time…and yes I know suicide by cop does happen often too. I just doubt that was the case this time.
This guy, at least one other time on the video pointed the weapon in the general direction of the LEO, and didn’t get shot, nor did he take a shot. I think he was doing a lot of grandstanding.
I don’t fault the officer, I would have shot too, and a lot sooner (as a civilian with no protective gear on).
But aside from what the intentions were from the BG, which we’ll never know since he’s dead, think about the timing.
Many folks on this forum could have drawn from concealment and put 1-2 shots COM in the BG in the allotted time span from him raising the weapon to when the LEO terminated the incident.
Get a buddy, two airsoft pistols, and set the same situation up. I doubt it will take 1.7 sec for either one of you to fire…
Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 11:30 am
by txinvestigator
I am surprised he didn't go flying back, like on TV. He just fell right over.
Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 12:01 pm
I feel it’s more an example of thought time, not reaction time.
There should have been no thinking at that point by the officer. That's why we train, train, and train even more. All the "what ifs" should have been done by then regarding what you're going to do if a bad guy points a gun at you. Sure, you've got to make sure you're behind cover if it's available (it was and he was) and know what you're background is down range (not a problem here).
The bottom line is that he had plenty of time to take care of all of that and this was not a situation that he was rushed into. This officer made the decision to not shoot the first time the BG pointed the gun at him (100% of the officers that I've spoken with who have seen this video felt that he should have shot him right then) and that time it turned out OK for him. It seems pretty obvious to me that if the BG wanted to shoot the officer he had at least two times to do so. The second time he could have easily shot him and even though the officer ducked his head behind a tree he would have still probably gotten hit in his exposed arm.
Again, the purpose of this video was not to criticize whether the officer did the right thing (he went home safe and that's what matters most) or not, or even if this was a suicide by cop, but to show how fast some one's actions can be and that there is a "natural processing delay" between your brain and your trigger finger.
KBCraig - tell me how you did that and I will get it edited - thanks.
Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 3:37 pm
by stevie_d_64
txinvestigator wrote:I am surprised he didn't go flying back, like on TV. He just fell right over.
Ok, there Mr. Lone Wolf McQuade!
Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 4:59 pm
by KBCraig
CHL/LEO wrote:KBCraig - tell me how you did that and I will get it edited - thanks.
Like this:
Code: Select all
[]your text here[/url]
Replace the "" with the obvious, and whatever text you want to make clickable for "you text here".
Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 5:43 pm
by jimlongley
TX Rancher wrote:I’m not sure I agree this video is an example of reaction time limitations.
The BG raised his weapon and it took the officer ~1.7 sec to take his shot. I don’t think the delay on the officer’s part was classic “reaction time� since it was too long. I feel it’s more an example of thought time, not reaction time.
Looks to me as if the officer, who is well behind the tree according to the POV of the camera, dodged his head to the cover side before coming back, sighting, and making the shot.
I also get a kick out of the cameraman (and the reporter) making a big deal out of being in the line of fire at ~100 yards. Not too much shotgun ammo out there with a 100 yard effective range, and why line yourself up over an officer's shoulder if you don't want to be in the line of fire?
Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 5:27 pm
by dihappy
That video isnt working for me.
ANyone know the name of it so i can do a google?
Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 12:19 am
by shooter_tx
dihappy wrote:That video isnt working for me.
ANyone know the name of it so i can do a google?
Same. Apparently it's out of the rotation now?