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Going unarmed
Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2014 7:45 am
by RetNavy
Wife and I had to go to a local bank yesterday, before leaving she asked if I was going to carry my weapon inside which I said Yes..... After the slight disagreement about carrying a gun in a bank... i left it home..... afterwards we decided to eat at a local Mexican restaurant, while waiting on our order, couple of young kids walked in and sat down and just ordered drinks..... not cleaned cut but not gansta looking either, just enough to raise SA... wife looked at me and asked if i had my gun on me and looked back and said "no you didnt want me to carry it to the bank"... i was sitting in such a way i could eat and and watch them too... also kept my cane a little closer....
after that I dont think she is going to ask if i'm going to leave unarmed again...
I know i could have left it in the car while in the bank but ya'all know what that entails.... then re-holstering.... bad decisions on both our parts but as it turn out nothing happen.... kids i think were actually try to skip out of paying for thier sodas, but the owner has that dont mess with me look also....
Re: Going unarmed
Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2014 8:29 am
by Dragonfighter
Years ago, before my wife carried, we were getting ready for a camping trip at Turner Falls. I had gotten out my service revolver, checked to see it was loaded and sat it on top of our gear. She went through this "we don't need THAT do we" stage and eventually flat out said she didn't want it with us. I surreptitiously slid it inside some gear.
That night, a group of bikers moved in and got pretty rowdy. Somewhere in all that mess a woman screamed. My wife's tremulous voice came out of the dark, "Sweetie? Do you...?" "Yes, go to sleep." Never heard another word about "not needing" a gun when we traveled.
So I feel ya and I think your wife just had the same realization mine did so many years ago.
Re: Going unarmed
Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2014 8:56 am
by baldeagle
Unless the bank has a 30.06 sign, it's perfectly legal to carry in it. I carry in mine all the time.
Re: Going unarmed
Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2014 9:09 am
by RetNavy
baldeagle wrote:Unless the bank has a 30.06 sign, it's perfectly legal to carry in it. I carry in mine all the time.
this bank has only a"No Firearms" sign on/by the doors... have carried in this bank before.... think the reasoning behind her request was if anyone noticed the weapon inside they would think of robbery.... as mentioned have carried in there with no problems....
Re: Going unarmed
Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2014 9:11 am
by Teamless
My wife knows, don't even ask me to leave it at home.
i dont care if she doesnt see a need to have it with me (and yes, she is a CHL, just not a "nut" like me LOL),
I carry it
I dress around it
She told me the other day, "we are going to a halloween party", I asked what we were wearing, after her reply i said "where will i put my gun". She didn't like my question, but she knows, it goes where I go. because "carry 24/7 or guess right"! I have never won the lotto, so I cannot guess right
Re: Going unarmed
Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2014 2:33 pm
by LSUTiger
In all things guns and defensive/security/ self protection related I quit listening to my wife a long time ago. Unless she happens to agree with me. Daddy knows best.
Re: Going unarmed
Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2014 5:10 pm
by The Annoyed Man
Dragonfighter wrote:RetNavy,
Years ago, before my wife carried, we were getting ready for a camping trip at Turner Falls. I had gotten out my service revolver, checked to see it was loaded and sat it on top of our gear. She went through this "we don't need THAT do we" stage and eventually flat out said she didn't want it with us. I surreptitiously slid it inside some gear.
That night, a group of bikers moved in and got pretty rowdy. Somewhere in all that mess a woman screamed. My wife's tremulous voice came out of the dark, "Sweetie? Do you...?" "Yes, go to sleep." Never heard another word about "not needing" a gun when we traveled.
So I feel ya and I think your wife just had the same realization mine did so many years ago.
I'm lucky in that my wife got her CHL about a year after I got mine, and she carries pretty much all the time.
That said, I have a mean streak in me.
Not saying I would actually
do this, but I would be sorely
tempted after going through that discussion to do like you did and bring the gun surreptitiously, but then lie later when asked if I brought it after the scream came from the other camp, and say "Of
course I didn't bring it.....because you very adamantly didn't want me to, and I just wanted you to be happy. I sure hope that poor woman in the other camp is OK."
This is the kind of sick crap I think up after 26 years of marriage.
Re: Going unarmed
Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2014 5:14 pm
by tarkus
RetNavy wrote:I know i could have left it in the car while in the bank but ya'all know what that entails.... then re-holstering.... bad decisions on both our parts but as it turn out nothing happen.... kids i think were actually try to skip out of paying for thier sodas
That's not something I would get involved in, whether or not I'm carrying.
Re: Going unarmed
Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2014 10:34 pm
by ajwakeboarder
Teamless wrote:
I dress around it
She told me the other day, "we are going to a halloween party", I asked what we were wearing, after her reply i said "where will i put my gun". She didn't like my question, but she knows, it goes where I go. because "carry 24/7 or guess right"! I have never won the lotto, so I cannot guess right
I do the same thing. Last year I went as a 30s gangster with in a suit (Easy to conceal). This year i'm going as maverick from Top Gun (Leather Jacket, still easy to conceal)
Re: Going unarmed
Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2014 12:46 am
by Jim Beaux
Not trying to slam any wives but I just cant get my head around a wife telling hubby not to carry. Why not? It's concealed. No one will see it. What's really the objection? (
be careful how you ask these questions cuz you do know what....)
Re: Going unarmed
Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2014 6:11 am
by C-dub
It's a process many folks go through. Some are even the CHLee themselves. They think at first they will only carry when they think they'll need it and at some point realize they don't really know when that will be. Some work through it quicker than others, but usually everyone figures it out sooner or later.
Re: Going unarmed
Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 10:21 am
by Jaguar
I read and watch the news often enough to know I
do want a gun while in a bank. Those places seem to be bank robber magnets.
Re: Going unarmed
Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 10:43 am
by MechAg94
Jim Beaux wrote:Not trying to slam any wives but I just cant get my head around a wife telling hubby not to carry. Why not? It's concealed. No one will see it. What's really the objection? (
be careful how you ask these questions cuz you do know what....)
Anyone who is not around guns or doesn't shoot is often uncomfortable with them. It isn't anti-gun, just media and such tend to train people to fear guns. Without some background or experience to combat that propaganda, it is essentially the default attitude of people who have neve been around guns.
Re: Going unarmed
Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 11:07 pm
Dang, my woman got her CHL before me. I try not to let her out of the house w/o a pistol if she's w/o me. I've bought her nice purses with dedicated pistol pockets. She had better carry.