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Had an incident last night

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 7:03 am
by RPBrown
Around 11:30 or so last night I was woke up by both of my dogs low growling. This is a different growl than normal and both only use it when something is wrong. I grab my XD and tell my wife to get the phone and be ready to call 911. A few seconds later they both take off toward the living room area with me cautiously coming behind. Then all heck breaks loose in our sun room, I tell my wife to call 911 NOW as I head out that way. Dogs are barking, growling and generally raising cane. The adreniline is rushing through me as I round the corner ready to shoot an intruder. I flip the light on and see they have something on the ground. I take aim and ease around the corner and find 2-80+ pouind dogs have a possum cornered in the sun room behind my wifes boxes of craft stuff. We have a rule in our house that the last person to go to bed puts the door on the doggie door and guess my daughter failed to do so (she is also the only one not awake now although I dont see how that didnt wake her). Anyway, I tell the wife to call the police back and what it was as I sat on the couch trying to get my strength back in my legs and arms.

About that time a couple of LEO's knocked on my door. As I explained what had happened the possum decided to come out of his hiding spot and here we go again. The 2 officers were very helpful in wrangling the possum as the wife kept the dogs away.

After we got it outside, the laughter started. Funny thing is, thats what woke my daughter up was all of us (LEO included) laughing. Th LEO now have a good story to tell for years to come.

Re: Had an incident last night

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 7:56 am
by goose
Does the "never again" part have to do with kids? :-)

Re: Had an incident last night

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 8:02 am
by RPBrown
goose wrote:Does the "never again" part have to do with kids? :-)

Guess not. I had 5. Problem is, they are like boomarangs, you throw them out and they keep coming back. She is grown.

Re: Had an incident last night

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 8:04 am
by Keith B
RPBrown wrote:
goose wrote:Does the "never again" part have to do with kids? :-)

Guess not. I had 5. Problem is, they are like boomarangs, you throw them out and they keep coming back. She is grown.
They usually come back with their own dog or kids too. :banghead:

Re: Had an incident last night

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 8:08 am
by RPBrown
Keith B wrote:
RPBrown wrote:
goose wrote:Does the "never again" part have to do with kids? :-)

Guess not. I had 5. Problem is, they are like boomarangs, you throw them out and they keep coming back. She is grown.
They usually come back with their own dog or kids too. :banghead:
Yep. She brought a dog. Little ankle biter that pesters the big ones.

Re: Had an incident last night

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 8:11 am
by Keith B
RPBrown wrote:
Keith B wrote:They usually come back with their own dog or kids too. :banghead:
Yep. She brought a dog. Little ankle biter that pesters the big ones.
:lol: Yeah, they usually come back with attachments. That happened to my in-laws. My wife graduated college and we put the house on the market to sell. It sold quickly, but hiring was slow and my wife couldn't find work. She moved back in with her Mom and Dad for 6 months and brought her dog AND her husband! Luckily for them I traveled during the week and was only there on weekends. :mrgreen:

Re: Had an incident last night

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 8:12 am
by RoyGBiv
goose wrote:Does the "never again" part have to do with kids? :-)
"rlol" Thanks for that one. "rlol"

Re: Had an incident last night

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 8:17 am
by goose
RoyGBiv wrote:
goose wrote:Does the "never again" part have to do with kids? :-)
"rlol" Thanks for that one. "rlol"
It was all fun and games until RPB and Keith started talking about boomerangs and dogs. As a father to 12 and 13 year olds, I don't need that kind of harsh reality on my CHL board. Where do I file a complaint?

Re: Had an incident last night

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 8:37 am
by jimlongley
RPBrown wrote:After we got it outside, the laughter started. Funny thing is, thats what woke my daughter up was all of us (LEO included) laughing. Th LEO now have a good story to tell for years to come.
Laughter is a great way to come down from an adrenalin rush, and you can bet even the LEO were having some, as undoubtedly your 911 call had enough background sound effects to convince any operator that something exciting was going on.
RPBrown wrote:
Keith B wrote:
RPBrown wrote:
goose wrote:Does the "never again" part have to do with kids? :-)

Guess not. I had 5. Problem is, they are like boomarangs, you throw them out and they keep coming back. She is grown.
They usually come back with their own dog or kids too. :banghead:
Yep. She brought a dog. Little ankle biter that pesters the big ones.
Keith B wrote:
RPBrown wrote:
Keith B wrote:They usually come back with their own dog or kids too. :banghead:
Yep. She brought a dog. Little ankle biter that pesters the big ones.
:lol: Yeah, they usually come back with attachments. That happened to my in-laws. My wife graduated college and we put the house on the market to sell. It sold quickly, but hiring was slow and my wife couldn't find work. She moved back in with her Mom and Dad for 6 months and brought her dog AND her husband! Luckily for them I traveled during the week and was only there on weekends. :mrgreen:
I am, thankfully, of the age where my former boomerangs have boomerangs of their own, making them much less likely to appear on my doorstep. And I moved a long way away. :drool:

Re: Had an incident last night

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 8:56 am
by RPBrown
Keith B wrote:
RPBrown wrote:
Keith B wrote:They usually come back with their own dog or kids too. :banghead:
Yep. She brought a dog. Little ankle biter that pesters the big ones.
:lol: Yeah, they usually come back with attachments. That happened to my in-laws. My wife graduated college and we put the house on the market to sell. It sold quickly, but hiring was slow and my wife couldn't find work. She moved back in with her Mom and Dad for 6 months and brought her dog AND her husband! Luckily for them I traveled during the week and was only there on weekends. :mrgreen:
All of mine have come home at one time or another for short periods, usually a delayed move or deployment. However, this is my oldest, and she went thru a divorce 4 years ago and has been with us since :cryin . I think that she thinks we old folks need her to take care of us :mrgreen: . But at least we have a dog sitter now :evil2: .

Funny, when the last kid moved out, we sold the 3600 square ft. house and bought one that was 1400 square ft. After all, we dont need all of those rooms any more right? Well between her moving home and my wifes crafty stuff, I now need a bigger house. Maybe I'll build a 1 room house out back for me and my dogs (no doggie doors though).

Re: Had an incident last night

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 12:12 pm
by Birdie
My mom currently has a child, two grandchildren, an in-law, a great-grandchild and a baby on the way "boomeranged" into her house. She called this morning and commented she would like to come and stay with me. I am not amused.

Re: Had an incident last night

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 1:57 pm
by fickman
An oldie but a goodie:

Re: Had an incident last night

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 2:04 pm
by RPBrown
fickman wrote:An oldie but a goodie:
[ Image ]

Thats him!! Thats the possum in my sunroom "rlol"

Re: Had an incident last night

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 12:33 am
by SQLGeek
Dog doors are evil. This is just further proof. :???:

Re: Had an incident last night

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 7:19 am
by Jumping Frog
RPBrown wrote:The 2 officers were very helpful in wrangling the possum as the wife kept the dogs away.

After we got it outside,
So how did you get it outside, just herd it towards the door?