Thankfully Saturday nights have been really light recently...
I guess while I was bending over doing one of our venerations (its an eastern orthodox church, its kind of like a 3/4s bowing down) my shirt rode up a bit, then got caught between grip and my back exposing part of the frame and the holster (but not the grip itself I think). One of the deacons who was behind me in line let me know the following day about it.
I was wearing a XL long sleeve shirt (normally I would wear a L), it was a glock 19, and it was in a crossbreed super tuck at about 3:30-4:00.
Its kind of frustrating. I still can't seem to find that magic combination of cant and "time" on my waistline to make the glock 19 disappear (oh, it "disappears" just fine if I'm standing straight up, but life doesn't work like that). Probably 3-4 people might have noticed (there were maybe 6-7 people other than clergy there that night anyways). I will probably go back to carrying my pocket .32 on saturdays/sundays until i figure this out.
When I use the Crossbreed riding low (clips on the top holes to make it ride as low as possible) its pretty uncomfortable to sit down, when I make it ride higher it sticks out like a sore thumb if I even lean forward. The holster doesn't seem to work very well if its at 3:00 because I'm pretty skinny but its the only location I can think of where that might be less of an issue.
so embarrassed by this. Cats out of the bag for me. Thankfully that deacon is a gun friendly guy, he was more laughing at me that reprimanding.
Re: Outed at Church
Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 10:09 am
by knotquiteawake
Here is how its normally been worn. Might have been slightly further back on the belt the other night. Thats my airsoft g19 in the holster BTW, just in case it looks odd to you.
Re: Outed at Church
Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 10:10 am
by The Annoyed Man
I dress to account for 99.9% of the situations I might find myself in with concealment, and I just don't worry about the other .1% of the time, because it is never going to be an "intentional failure to conceal," so the law covers me. I can't be bothered by what anti-gun people might think in that .1% of the time, and this is Texas for cryin' out loud......most of those who see it in that .1% of the time are simply not going to care. They might even be amused.
You do what you can to accommodate the law and social conventions, and then you don't worry about it. Worry leads to hinky behavior, and hinky behavior leads to MWAG calls in those very rare occasions when you do unintentionally expose your firearm. If you act like it is perfectly natural and that you haven't done anything wrong, then nobody else will think it is unnatural or think anything is wrong.
Besides which most people simply aren't that observant.
Re: Outed at Church
Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 10:12 am
by Keith B
It's a Supoertuck, so tuck your shirt in and then it is only a bump in the shirt.
Re: Outed at Church
Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 10:15 am
by knotquiteawake
Keith B wrote:It's a Supoertuck, so tuck your shirt in and then it is only a bump in the shirt.
Thats what I ended up doing at Church Sunday morning. I tucked the undershirt around it because the sweater I had was not an XL, so I figured the little extra bit of cover wouldn't hurt and only add an extra second or two to draw. The back end kept coming untucked though.
Re: Outed at Church
Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 10:16 am
by fickman
with both of the above.
How talk are you? Would XLT be way too long? What about an unbuttoned cover garment for church?
Like they said, I wouldn't go to an extreme length...
Re: Outed at Church
Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 10:19 am
by knotquiteawake
The Annoyed Man wrote:I dress to account for 99.9% of the situations I might find myself in with concealment, and I just don't worry about the other .1% of the time, because it is never going to be an "intentional failure to conceal," so the law covers me. I can't be bothered by what anti-gun people might think in that .1% of the time, and this is Texas for cryin' out loud......most of those who see it in that .1% of the time are simply not going to care. They might even be amused.
You do what you can to accommodate the law and social conventions, and then you don't worry about it. Worry leads to hinky behavior, and hinky behavior leads to MWAG calls in those very rare occasions when you do unintentionally expose your firearm. If you act like it is perfectly natural and that you haven't done anything wrong, then nobody else will think it is unnatural or think anything is wrong.
Besides which most people simply aren't that observant.
Thanks TAM. I appreciate that. Since going from an itty-bitty .32auto to the g19 I've been getting much better about it. In fact that Saturday night when it happened I thought I might have been uncovered and so I had just nonchalantly given the rear of my shirt a little tug to "unstick it" and acted like nothing happened. When talking with that deacon the next day I just told him honestly it was a new holster and so I was still working the kinks out, he just said I should probably wear a longer shirt tail just to be safe.
Re: Outed at Church
Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 10:22 am
by knotquiteawake
fickman wrote: with both of the above.
How talk are you? Would XLT be way too long? What about an unbuttoned cover garment for church?
Like they said, I wouldn't go to an extreme length...
6'1" 173lbs.
Unbuttoned covered garment was how I was doing it in weeks past when it was pretty cold out. I have an old Army Field coat thats perfect for it. It was too warm for it this time though.
I think i'll be looking around for some other types of cover garments as well. As a high schooler I used to do the whole button up shirt over a t-shirt thing, I can probably do that again.
Re: Outed at Church
Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 10:26 am
by Ed4032
I think that you have to put the pants on for it to work. Just sayin... LOL
Re: Outed at Church
Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 10:32 am
by Maxwell
I've got to agree with TAM. While I do my best to cover it's going to show on rare occasion. I usually wear an outer shirt, buttoned or unbuttoned as the need may be, or if more formal a suit/sport coat. But on occasion I head out in a short jacket or just a t-shirt. If it shows, it shows. It's not intentional and with a casual tug on the cover garment it vanishes again.
Like TAM said, just be casual and confident becasue it really an every day carry. It really is not a big deal and for your situation it sounds like the Deacon was calm, cool, and collected about it.
Re: Outed at Church
Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 11:56 am
by el_chupo_
I always wear an undershirt (since early HS), and carry in a similar holster (White Hat Max Tuck). I have recent simply made the switch to Hanes under shirts. ... irt-3-pack" onclick=";return false;
They have a slightly longer fit so I tuck the undershirt around the gun, and am able to wear T shirts or polo shirts without worry about it coming up when I raise my arms or bend over. I was having a heck of a time before making the switch, but I have been buying one or 2 packs of shirts and eliminating others to make a full switch to the longer ones.
They also offer a "slim fit" undershirt, so that may work if you go up a size.
Re: Outed at Church
Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 12:07 pm
by knotquiteawake
el_chupo_ wrote:I always wear an undershirt (since early HS), and carry in a similar holster (White Hat Max Tuck). I have recent simply made the switch to Hanes under shirts. ... irt-3-pack" onclick=";return false;
They have a slightly longer fit so I tuck the undershirt around the gun, and am able to wear T shirts or polo shirts without worry about it coming up when I raise my arms or bend over. I was having a heck of a time before making the switch, but I have been buying one or 2 packs of shirts and eliminating others to make a full switch to the longer ones.
They also offer a "slim fit" undershirt, so that may work if you go up a size.
I have a ton of a-frame shirts I had been using. They are typically a very long fit, i hadn't thought to tuck that over the holster (I'm glad I opted for the horsehide holster for the extra comfort).
I have no rear so I like them for that reason too! " onclick=";return false;
Re: Outed at Church
Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 4:01 pm
by VMI77
Try a polo type shirt. I have no problem concealing a G21.
Re: Outed at Church
Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 9:40 pm
by jayinsat
At first, I was not all that keen on supertucking my supertuck. I went to a funeral and was wearing a suit, the gun completely disappeared when I tucked it. There was no wierd unblousing. It was impossible to see it. I was so impressed I walked past the two motorcycle cop/escorts with my jacket off and they had no clue. I even said hi to them to be sure they saw me. The next day at church I wore a sweater that I knew was not long enough to completely cover so I tucked my t-shirt over the set-up. Bam! It was gone. I loved my supertuck before. I really love it now.
If you are going to be kneeling or contorting, that may be the best thing. Tuck you t-shirt over the gun. Put on a wife-beater if you don't want anything touching your skin.