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Fla: Conceal Carry Holder Arrested for Incidental Exposure

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 2:13 pm
by dihappy

can never get the youtube links to work
MOD NOTE: Profanity used in video several times
" onclick=";return false;

Re: Conceal Carry Holder Arrested for Incidental Expsure

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 4:17 pm
by K.Mooneyham
When did this take place? I'd like to read more about it if there are any additional stories.

Re: Conceal Carry Holder Arrested for Incidental Expsure

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 4:28 pm
dihappy wrote:[youtube][/youtube]

can never get the youtube links to work

" onclick=";return false;

There I fixed it for you. Just need to delete "www".

I saw that video yesterday elsewhere. It happened in FL. Not sure when.

Re: Conceal Carry Holder Arrested for Incidental Expsure

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 4:38 pm
by Gameover
Watched this the other day. I think if he would of just said he had a gun on him and had a permit to carry the stop would have went differently. I understand that he is not required to tell him anything but I think its better he finds out from you rather then spotting it himself. Just my .02

Re: Conceal Carry Holder Arrested for Incidental Expsure

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 5:02 pm
by RottenApple
Gameover wrote:Watched this the other day. I think if he would of just said he had a gun on him and had a permit to carry the stop would have went differently. I understand that he is not required to tell him anything but I think its better he finds out from you rather then spotting it himself. Just my .02
I disagree. Under FL law he is not required to notify unless asked and, judging by this cops completely unprofessional attitude and behavior, it most likely would have gone even worse. Officers like this give the rest a bad name.

Re: Conceal Carry Holder Arrested for Incidental Expsure

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 5:09 pm
by Wodathunkit
RottenApple wrote:
Gameover wrote:Watched this the other day. I think if he would of just said he had a gun on him and had a permit to carry the stop would have went differently. I understand that he is not required to tell him anything but I think its better he finds out from you rather then spotting it himself. Just my .02
I disagree. Under FL law he is not required to notify unless asked and, judging by this cops completely unprofessional attitude and behavior, it most likely would have gone even worse. Officers like this give the rest a bad name.

Re: Conceal Carry Holder Arrested for Incidental Expsure

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 5:17 pm
by RottenApple
AndyC wrote:On noticing the firearm the cop could have gone on orange alert, sure, but then simply ask the guy if he had a permit. The cop's a drama-queen.
Exactly. And threatening to shoot him in the back? Sounds like a criminal offense to me.

Re: Conceal Carry Holder Arrested for Incidental Expsure

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 5:18 pm
by texanjoker
Interesting video. This is a perfect example of why you tell the LEO you are armed during a traffic stop whether you are required to or not. In the real world LEO's get shot on traffic stops. Had the subject told him up front he was armed and had a permit I would expect it to have been handled a lot different. Instead the subject is out of the car and then reaches back into the car and the gun shows. That is a major officer safety issue and it falls back on the subject with the gun since he let the gun show. At that stage of the game, he can be taken down at gun point if the officer fears for his safety. I am not saying I would have, as I wasn't there, but he could have been. However, he should have done it in a professional manner. He didn't need to be screaming profanities at the guy at this stage. The guy was compliant and responding to his verbal commands. Once the guy was detained, and it was verified he had a CHL, then dust the guy off with a lecture and move on.

Re: Conceal Carry Holder Arrested for Incidental Exposure

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 5:32 pm
by Topbuilder
I feel for the guy. Stay in the vehicle. Papers in hand, hands on the wheel by the time officer gets to your window. Hand it all over when asked. It's just not that hard. Trust me. I have A L O T of experience in the matter. :shock:

Re: Conceal Carry Holder Arrested for Incidental Exposure

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 5:32 pm
by Topbuilder
Topbuilder wrote:I feel for the guy. Stay in the vehicle. Papers in hand, hands on the wheel by the time officer gets to your window. Hand it all over when asked. It's just not that hard. Trust me. I have A L O T of experience in the matter. :shock:

Pretty poor job of "concealed" BTW. :rules:

Re: Conceal Carry Holder Arrested for Incidental Expsure

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 5:43 pm
by puma guy
RottenApple wrote:
AndyC wrote:On noticing the firearm the cop could have gone on orange alert, sure, but then simply ask the guy if he had a permit. The cop's a drama-queen.
Exactly. And threatening to shoot him in the back? Sounds like a criminal offense to me.
I was wondering about that threat myself. Completely unwarranted IMHO, whether it's criminal or not. One of the commentators on the link proportedly knows both parties and has a less than good things to say about the trooper. Given his behavior here I would agree. I'll be interested to see if the guy is convicted.

Re: Conceal Carry Holder Arrested for Incidental Expsure

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 5:57 pm
by Gameover
[/quote]I disagree. Under FL law he is not required to notify unless asked and, judging by this cops completely unprofessional attitude and behavior, it most likely would have gone even worse. Officers like this give the rest a bad name.[/quote]

I dont know how worse it could of got. Well maybe he could of acually shot him in the back but I really doubt that would have happened by handing over his chl with his dl. But I could be wrong. There was no way for this officer to know that he was legally carrying the firearm(the man said nothing about it) for all the officer knew he was just like any other criminal with a gun with intentions unknown.

Re: Conceal Carry Holder Arrested for Incidental Exposure

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 6:01 pm
by S_3
Interesting video. This is a perfect example of why you should avoid letting cops know you have a gun. Don't let him see it. Don't let him smell it. Don't let him hear you tell him about the gun or a license or anything that might trigger him. What he doesn't know can't hurt you.

Re: Conceal Carry Holder Arrested for Incidental Exposure

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 6:01 pm
by chasfm11
Topbuilder wrote:I feel for the guy. Stay in the vehicle. Papers in hand, hands on the wheel by the time officer gets to your window. Hand it all over when asked. It's just not that hard. Trust me. I have A L O T of experience in the matter. :shock:
I've had three stops in the last 25 years, none of them were citations and none since I got my CHL. Even before I had it, both hands were on the wheel and all my moves were after I had the officer's agreement. I have never exited a vehicle and would never do so unless I was asked. The way that the subject in the video whipped out his wallet would have had me nervous, though I agree that he did nothing wrong.

The officer over-reacted IMHO. I've never understood the need to curse in the performance of duty. I suspect that the LEO was startled and fearful and that perhaps led to his response. I so no reason at all for his threat to shoot the driver but I'm not on the street dealing with potentially bad people all day. I'm reminded of that Ohio incident where the officer handled a similar situation in much the same manner. The Ohio LEO had a history of such actions and was fired a few month later.

It would be interesting to see if a complaint was filed on this one and what the disposition of that complaint was.