Baby Pooped on me...
Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2012 2:25 pm
New father here.
This happened a couple weeks ago but I thought I would share it because it still makes me laugh a little.
A few Wednesday nights ago we were visiting the church where my brother in law works as a Priest. Its only the 2nd or 3rd time I've ever been there so I don't really know anyone other than his family. We rushed to get over there and made it with a few minutes to spare. I carried my 6 month old in his car seat into the lobby type area and i got the kiddo out of his carseat, As I was holding him I noticed a familiar odor and so I passed him off to momma because the only changing table is in the womens restroom. As she walked away I noticed the smell hadn't left, I looked down and saw that sure enough, the little booger had indeed left a nice large streak mark down the front of my WHITE shirt. He apparently had leaked out and I hadn't noticed when I first picked him up.
So I followed the wife into the ladies room (its like one of those 1.5 stall rooms, she was the only one in there).
Without thinking (because I was wearing "wife beater" type undershirt) I just whipped off my polo shirt to get the poop away from me and tried to rinse it in the sink while also helping my wife clean the baby. Meanwhile her sister (brother in law's wife) comes in to help, and some other people are milling about just outside the door. Thats when I realized... I'm carrying and I'm exposed. Thankfully, its just a tiny pocked gun in an IWB holster. So I don't know if anyone saw it. I quickly removed the holster and put the whole holster in my pocket (love mouse guns). I felt so embarrassed. Not only because I had probably exposed my gun but also, here I am in a Church with people I hardly know, wearing an undershirt and holding a poop stained polo.
Thankfully, my brother in law exemplified Christ and gave me the shirt off his back to wear because he has to wear vestments over his normal clothes anyways.
Lessons learned: When you have babies carry extra clothes for the baby and the parents. At least toss an extra t-shirt in the trunk. Also, think before you take off your shirt. Also, check the baby for leaks before carrying.
This happened a couple weeks ago but I thought I would share it because it still makes me laugh a little.
A few Wednesday nights ago we were visiting the church where my brother in law works as a Priest. Its only the 2nd or 3rd time I've ever been there so I don't really know anyone other than his family. We rushed to get over there and made it with a few minutes to spare. I carried my 6 month old in his car seat into the lobby type area and i got the kiddo out of his carseat, As I was holding him I noticed a familiar odor and so I passed him off to momma because the only changing table is in the womens restroom. As she walked away I noticed the smell hadn't left, I looked down and saw that sure enough, the little booger had indeed left a nice large streak mark down the front of my WHITE shirt. He apparently had leaked out and I hadn't noticed when I first picked him up.
So I followed the wife into the ladies room (its like one of those 1.5 stall rooms, she was the only one in there).
Without thinking (because I was wearing "wife beater" type undershirt) I just whipped off my polo shirt to get the poop away from me and tried to rinse it in the sink while also helping my wife clean the baby. Meanwhile her sister (brother in law's wife) comes in to help, and some other people are milling about just outside the door. Thats when I realized... I'm carrying and I'm exposed. Thankfully, its just a tiny pocked gun in an IWB holster. So I don't know if anyone saw it. I quickly removed the holster and put the whole holster in my pocket (love mouse guns). I felt so embarrassed. Not only because I had probably exposed my gun but also, here I am in a Church with people I hardly know, wearing an undershirt and holding a poop stained polo.
Thankfully, my brother in law exemplified Christ and gave me the shirt off his back to wear because he has to wear vestments over his normal clothes anyways.
Lessons learned: When you have babies carry extra clothes for the baby and the parents. At least toss an extra t-shirt in the trunk. Also, think before you take off your shirt. Also, check the baby for leaks before carrying.