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ND-Inside my house

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 1:32 pm
by snatchel
So it finally happened. I have never had an ND in my home. Here's what went down:

My little brother called me about 11 today, he was in town and wanted to show me his new carry gun. I was happy to see what he had purchased, I knew he had been looking for a G26 after shooting mine a couple of times. Sure enough, he shows up at the house with his like-new Glock 26 he picked up for $400 bucks.

He removed the magazine and was showing it to me, and all of a sudden my ears started ringing. ND. Not 6 inches away from my gut.....and only about 1/2 inch missing him. He had removed the magazine, but neglected to remove the round that was chambered.

Lesson learned: Well... something I knew already, but apparently he didn't. GLOCKS DO NOT HAVE AN EXTERNAL SAFETY. I am fine with this.. and it is one of the reasons I love Glock so much- I don't have to worry about external safeties. I suppose in his inexperience, he just didn't have good trigger finger control/index. Also, be sure when magazine is removed, check the chamber.

Immediately I took his handgun, ensured it was clear, and berated him for about 20 minutes on keeping his trigger finger indexed. He was terrified, and sorry. He left the gun at my house, said he didn't want anything to do with it... I could keep it. I told him that we would spend some time at the range with it, get him comfortable again... He bought a fantastic handgun... he just really, really needs to learn how to use it.

What did I learn personally? Stupid me, I should have checked his weapon when he "cleared" it as well. He had just purchased the handgun, and I didn't even look at the magazine when he removed to to see if it had rounds in it.. I just assumed it was unloaded because he had bought it 30 minutes before. This will not happen again in my house, guaranteed. Luckily I was the only one home.. aside from the cat and dog. From the pictures you will see that it went through a door mirror, through a door, into a picture album and lodged there.

Into door...
Out the back of door....
Into the Picture album
The Picture album
This is where the bullet lodged... next to a picture of me in my military days (this was after a deployment... ok? Give me a break)
These were Hornady.. but not the Critical Defense's I use.. some other hollowpoint of theirs. Not sure of the weight.

Be safe out there guys......Remember, just because your firearm handling skills are up to par doesn't mean someone else's are too.

Re: ND-Inside my house

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 1:42 pm
by Razorback
snatchel wrote:Be safe out there guys......Remember, just because your firearm handling skills are up to par doesn't mean someone else's are too.
Couldn't have said it better myself. Thank God both of you are ok.

Re: ND-Inside my house

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 1:46 pm
by speedsix
...Praise God for His protection...sorry to hear it happened...please keep working with your brother to restore his will to carry...he'll NEVER make that mistake again...especially after your wife gets done with him!!!

Re: ND-Inside my house

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 1:56 pm
by texanron
Gald to hear you and your brother are ok.

Re: ND-Inside my house

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 1:58 pm
by Teamless
Stress the 4 rules, 4 rules, 4 rules, until he (and everyone else you work with) know them by heart and practice them at ALL times.
I am glad that no one was injured!

Edited to add:
not knowing where you live, city, country, etc, did you have any neighbors come looking or police come knocking on the door?

Re: ND-Inside my house

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 2:17 pm
by snatchel
Teamless wrote:Stress the 4 rules, 4 rules, 4 rules, until he (and everyone else you work with) know them by heart and practice them at ALL times.
I am glad that no one was injured!

Edited to add:
not knowing where you live, city, country, etc, did you have any neighbors come looking or police come knocking on the door?

No, I expected to though. I live on a corner lot in a very uppidy neighborhood in San Angelo. I expected neighbors or a police officer to come by, but no one did. We were in the gun-room/aka man-cave, which is right in the middle of my house, so I guess the insulation was good enough that no one heard.... or maybe no one was around to hear it.

Re: ND-Inside my house

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 2:26 pm
by RoyGBiv
Your January has been quite interesting.

Glad there were no injuries. Very fortunate.

Re: ND-Inside my house

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 2:31 pm
by Keith B
Glad no one was hurt (other than a little pride) and that you both learned a good lesson from the ND; NRA rules 2 & 3 are crucial. :thumbs2:

To add a little humor though, looking at that fifth photo, I think ANYONE would be sober after this type of incident!

Re: ND-Inside my house

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 2:32 pm
by RPB
Last time I was in Pasadena, a buddy of mine asked if I ever had a ND, I said no, he showed me his bed with a hole in it ....

my niece gets mad at me oversimplifying REPEATEDLY

Here's the safety ....

finger on switch, only when you want something to happen


finger off the switch


Re: ND-Inside my house

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 2:34 pm
by snatchel
Keith B wrote:Glad no one was hurt (other than a little pride) and that you both learned a good lesson from the ND; NRA rules 2 & 3 are crucial. :thumbs2:

To add a little humor though, looking at that fifth photo, I think ANYONE would be sober after this type of incident!

:lol:: True. Also, after examining the ...situation... it would appear that little brother owes me a long island after shooting a hole through the one in my hand.

Re: ND-Inside my house

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 2:39 pm
by tallmike
Fortunate outcome and a great lesson. I hope you can work with your brother to get him comfortable with the gun again.

Re: ND-Inside my house

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 2:46 pm
by speedsix
...are you sayin' he tried to shoot a sammich outa yer hand???

Re: ND-Inside my house

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 2:58 pm
Very good to hear that no one was hurt (other than ringing ears)!

My procedure for showing a firearm to someone else:
-with the firearm pointed in a safe direction, open the action (bolt for a rifle, pump for a shotgun, slide the receiver back on a pistol, open the barrel on a revolver, etc.)
-drop the mag/ammo
-verify that there is no ammo in chamber/magwell, etc.
-let the other person see/verify the above as well. :tiphat:

Re: ND-Inside my house

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 3:03 pm
by Heartland Patriot
speedsix wrote:...Praise God for His protection...sorry to hear it happened...please keep working with your brother to restore his will to carry...he'll NEVER make that mistake again...especially after your wife gets done with him!!!
Speed, I was thinking the same thing when I saw it was a photo album that got messed up! My wife's scrapbooks are NOT something to mess around with, even on an accident. :biggrinjester:

That said, better the wrath of the wife instead of a hole in one of them...glad it wasn't any tougher of a "lesson".

Re: ND-Inside my house

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 3:05 pm
by speedsix
...termites, Honey...I've already called the bug man...