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Weird situation WWYD?
Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 3:34 pm
by Medic624
Just posted this as a response in the thread... "That feeling you get..."
Just curious if (given the info in the post) u would've handled the situation differently...
The other night (about 2330) I got called in to work ... And had a weird experience as I was pulling up to a red light near the Medical Center in downtown Houston. (the area is notorious for many homeless and substance abusing upstanding individuals) Approaching the red light I noted a disheveled man and a very skinny woman on the sidewalk to my left. She was nervously looking around and he was standing there intently watching me pull up in my wife's Saab convertible. As I slowed and came to a stop at the light I realized (at this point) I was the only car stopped at that intersection. I then watched him in my side mirror look around multiple times and then step out into the street at my 7 o'clock. He then continued to act erratic (looking around and walking back and forth in the street about 25yds behind my car) as he looked around he then quickly started to close the distance to the rear of the car. He then took a few more steps toward me then walked away back toward the woman... they talked about something and then he then turned back toward me and walked straight toward my car. By this time I had already unbuckled my seatbelt and pulled up my shirt to allow easier access to my weapon should his erratic behavior not be just that erratic... As he neared my 8 o'clock and about 50' to the left I rolled the window down about 3" and yelled "Get the heck away from my car!" This stopped him in his tracks and startled him enough that by this time the light had turned green and I went on my merry way.
I don't think he had any idea how close he came to having a very bad day if he had chose to make a very bad decision. The only bonus was he was within walking distance the Ben Taub ER should he decide to approach another driver who was also armed.

Re: Weird situation WWYD?
Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 3:53 pm
by fishman
I think you did the right thing, especially the yelling at him. That bought you enough time for the light to turn green. Say it did'nt turn green, I would run the light (carefully). Might get you a ticket, but if the leo stops you report the freakshow.
Re: Weird situation WWYD?
Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 3:59 pm
by VMI77
I've had people walk up to my car at Austin intersections numerous times and not felt threatened. If I felt threatened, other than make sure my weapon was ready for quick deployment as a precaution --as you did-- I'm not sure what I'd do, since I wasn't there to read all the signals. In all cases I'd be looking at their hands and checking them over for weapons and I'd scrutinize them even more carefully at night. However, in your case, at the point I felt sufficiently threatened, I would probably check the intersection clear and run the light rather than wait around and maybe have to use my gun.
Re: Weird situation WWYD?
Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 4:10 pm
by v-rog
I would have looked to my left and right (to check for tracffic) and then run the light.

Re: Weird situation WWYD?
Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 4:14 pm
by The Annoyed Man
This was in Houston? I would have gotten out the car, handed him my gun, and asked him to shoot me.
Just kidding! No I'm not. Yes I am.
Anyway, I think you handled it fairly well. Anything more might have been over reaction. From your description, the guy was acting hinky. Hinky is as hinky does.
Re: Weird situation WWYD?
Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 4:17 pm
VMI77 wrote:I've had people walk up to my car at Austin intersections numerous times and not felt threatened. If I felt threatened, other than make sure my weapon was ready for quick deployment as a precaution --as you did-- I'm not sure what I'd do, since I wasn't there to read all the signals. In all cases I'd be looking at their hands and checking them over for weapons and I'd scrutinize them even more carefully at night. However, in your case, at the point I felt sufficiently threatened, I would probably check the intersection clear and run the light rather than wait around and maybe have to use my gun.
I'd rather drive off if possible and create distance than be close (in a convertible as well).
Re: Weird situation WWYD?
Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 5:31 pm
by Medic624
PUCKER wrote:VMI77 wrote:I've had people walk up to my car at Austin intersections numerous times and not felt threatened. If I felt threatened, other than make sure my weapon was ready for quick deployment as a precaution --as you did-- I'm not sure what I'd do, since I wasn't there to read all the signals. In all cases I'd be looking at their hands and checking them over for weapons and I'd scrutinize them even more carefully at night. However, in your case, at the point I felt sufficiently threatened, I would probably check the intersection clear and run the light rather than wait around and maybe have to use my gun.
I'd rather drive off if possible and create distance than be close (in a convertible as well).
Yeah, I thought of running the red but by the time I noticed he was actually moving toward my car there was traffic from the left and right. Now bear in mind reading the account it seems like it may have taken a little while to transpire but it all happened in less than maybe 30 seconds...
TAM... Ha ha ha ha.... Yeah I stay away...far away unless I'm going to work. I grew up in Brooklyn N.Y. (no jokes...ha ha) and I just don't like cities... Too crowded and too many darn people.
Re: Weird situation WWYD?
Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 5:52 pm
by Mr.ViperBoa
fishman wrote:I think you did the right thing, especially the yelling at him. That bought you enough time for the light to turn green. Say it did'nt turn green, I would run the light (carefully). Might get you a ticket, but if the leo stops you report the freakshow.

Re: Weird situation WWYD?
Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 5:53 pm
by tacticool
Medic624 wrote:As he neared my 8 o'clock and about 50' to the left I rolled the window down about 3" and yelled "Get the heck away from my car!" This stopped him in his tracks and startled him enough that by this time the light had turned green and I went on my merry way.
If I yelled at everyone who got within 50' of my car in an urban area

Re: Weird situation WWYD?
Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 6:00 pm
by Medic624
tacticool wrote:Medic624 wrote:As he neared my 8 o'clock and about 50' to the left I rolled the window down about 3" and yelled "Get the heck away from my car!" This stopped him in his tracks and startled him enough that by this time the light had turned green and I went on my merry way.
If I yelled at everyone who got within 50' of my car in an urban area

Ha ha ha ha ha ha....yeah no kidding but, at 2330 no one else on the street, acting all methed out and it's not like he got to 50' stopped by some invisible barrier stood there looking at me and then I randomly rolled my window down and like a mad man screamed at him to get away. 50' is a guess-timation but he was pretty darn close and even still 50' can be closed in a very short span of time. But yeah could you imagine... Just randomly screaming at anyone who came within 50' of the car that'd be hilarious!!

Re: Weird situation WWYD?
Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 6:03 pm
by paulhailes
I dont think the point was that he was near his car I think it was that he was acting strangely and approached his car in a strange way, and it was 2:30 AM.
I think you did the right thing, you yelling at him let him know he wasn't going to be sneaking up on you.
Re: Weird situation WWYD?
Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 6:26 pm
by G26ster
paulhailes wrote:I dont think the point was that he was near his car I think it was that he was acting strangely and approached his car in a strange way, and it was 2:30 AM.
I think you did the right thing, you yelling at him let him know he wasn't going to be sneaking up on you.
At 11:30 PM (2330). He was obviously a "rustler, cut throat, murderer, bounty hunter, desperado, mug, pug, thug, nitwit, halfwit, dimwit, viper, sniper, con man, Indian agent, Mexican bandit, mugger, buggerer, bushwhacker, hornswoggler, horse thief, train robber, bank robber, or Methodist." (edited, but thanks to Mel Brooks

Re: Weird situation WWYD?
Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 6:31 pm
by paulhailes
G26ster wrote:paulhailes wrote:I dont think the point was that he was near his car I think it was that he was acting strangely and approached his car in a strange way, and it was 2:30 AM.
I think you did the right thing, you yelling at him let him know he wasn't going to be sneaking up on you.
At 11:30 PM (2330). He was obviously a "rustler, cut throat, murderer, bounty hunter, desperado, mug, pug, thug, nitwit, halfwit, dimwit, viper, sniper, con man, Indian agent, Mexican bandit, mugger, buggerer, bushwhacker, hornswoggler, horse thief, train robber, bank robber, or Methodist." (edited, but thanks to Mel Brooks

Whoops, I should have reread the time I thought it said 2:30, I still think the manner in which the stranger approached the OP was strange.
Re: Weird situation WWYD?
Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 9:02 pm
by Oldgringo
I think you should have shot him, perhaps several times. There are wAy too many homeless people about plus we need test cases for situations like this. After your case wends its way through the courts, the rest of us will have some guidelines.
Re: Weird situation WWYD?
Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 11:47 pm
by Medic624
Oldgringo wrote:I think you should have shot him, perhaps several times. There are wAy too many homeless people about plus we need test cases for situations like this. After your case wends its way through the courts, the rest of us will have some guidelines.
Uh, yeah... Ya sure about that?
Now if you really need a solution to the homeless population I guess we could feed the homeless to the hungry and fix two problems.
Tell ya what...if ya want to go on a drive through Houston some night lemee know and maybe we can see what happens to ya if you have to test your suggestion...