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Post by CombatWombat »

Interpersonal communication, After a long, Hot, Monday, I went to work out with my wonderful wife this evening. We decided to take the bike and we're off. The gym is very close to our house but there is one stressful area to go through. If you know tyler than you know about the death trap on rice between old bullard and Broadway. When im on my motorcycle i refer to this area as "the kill-zone". we successfully made it to the turning lane and are preparing for a left turn when a big truck zips right next to us maybe a foot and a half from the bike, (too close for comfort), my wife ,God bless her, threw up a non-threatening hand gesture, arm extended palm facing up. well i continue my turn and see the truck making a u-turn heading back our direction, he then follows us through a parking lot and into the next. I stop to look both ways when he whips up beside me with his window down a says "is there a problem, if there's a problem we can pull over there and settle it" to which I respond, "Unless your gonna try and run me over again than there's no problem" we repeated that dialogue once more while he put his truck in park and made a motion to get out. He looked large from where i was and during this time i went through the thought process of what was going to be best for everyone involved. There is no doubt that i can hold my own ive had plenty of training there, but just as much training or more in communication and opted for de-escalating the situation. He carried on with his interest in fighting me (by the way he had a female in the car with him who didn't seem to impressed or surprised, pretty much just a 100 yard stare) and i told him that he had no business driving in the turning lane to which he responded "I pay my taxes and i can drive wherever i want" ha ha ha "rlol" I told him that i too am a taxpayer and have more of a right to turn there than he had to drive there. This guy was set on fighting me, he said something about my wife throwing up her hand and that we obviously had a problem and I asked if he was planning on beating up my wife, he said no but hoped that i would stand up for her, this dude wanted to fight! I told him that my wife was not involved and that she was to be left out of this discussion. He told me I better just drive off, :confused5 he followed me to this parking lot and we were literally 20' from our gym. I looked at him and told him that I was done with the conversation and I was going to pull right ahead and work out. This is the best part... His final say was "yeah, you better go work out" "rlol" wow really? that was a tough sendoff!

I was not carrying due to my inability to properly secure my weapon during my workout, I have been at that gym for a year and a half now and I am pretty good friends with a few 6'9 280lb dudes who watched our conversation. left out dialogue, I made it very clear that i was not interested in fighting over this and that we didn't have a problem unless he was planning on making another attempt to run us over. I kept my voice and phrases firm but not aggressive, I'm not looking for a fight but I have zero issues defending my rights and well being.

Here is the truck description, Black four door, regular bed, z71 4x4 late model with a large sticker that covered the entire rear window in large words it said landscaping and had a phone number underneath. The driver was a white male with brown hair, brown eyes, late 20s goatee. I sincerely hope this isn't anyone's landscaper.

The two biggest things that irritate me is 1 he was mad at me, I am the one who was almost run over, and 2 he will undoubtedly tell his friends and everyone he knows that he was trying to fight me and i chickened out and that he is so tough and pays taxes!

Bring on the criticism!!! :txflag:
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Re: I-P-C


Post by The Annoyed Man »

I'm guessing that the other guy's wife provided enough ice to cool his jets once they got home. "rlol" I hope he enjoys sleeping on that couch for a while. :smilelol5:
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Re: I-P-C


Post by kjolly »

Sometimes de-esculation is being thankful he did not manage to run over you, shaking the anger off and getting out of harms way.
When they are this dumb and past the age of learning you are not going to be able to make a difference.
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Re: I-P-C


Post by johnson0317 »


I will keep an eye out for that truck! You can tell me more about this when I see you next. Glad you and your beautiful wife are OK. Really glad to hear she did not make the gesture most people would have made!!! "rlol"
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Re: I-P-C


Post by Dave2 »

CombatWombat wrote:I was not carrying due to my inability to properly secure my weapon during my workout
LCP (or other favorite mini-.380) in one of those thunderwear holsters? A friend of mine has one that works well in business casual attire, but gym clothes tend to be a lot less poofy so maybe it wouldn't work.
I am not a lawyer, nor have I played one on TV, nor did I stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night, nor should anything I say be taken as legal advice. If it is important that any information be accurate, do not use me as the only source.

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Re: I-P-C


Post by Dave2 »

CombatWombat wrote:we repeated that dialogue once more while he put his truck in park and made a motion to get out. He looked large from where i was and during this time i went through the thought process of what was going to be best for everyone involved. There is no doubt that i can hold my own ive had plenty of training there, but just as much training or more in communication and opted for de-escalating the situation.
You made the right decision.

I probably would've made the wrong decision -- which would've been to let him get out of his truck, then drive off just a tiny bit faster than he's moving so that, in his rage, he'd try to chase me on foot, then have my wife play "Yakety Sax" over her bike's stereo...

You know, come to think of it, it's probably best that I don't have a bike.
I am not a lawyer, nor have I played one on TV, nor did I stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night, nor should anything I say be taken as legal advice. If it is important that any information be accurate, do not use me as the only source.
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Re: I-P-C


Post by schufflerbot »

good for you. no reason to engage in a situation like that.

my years of training have taught me one thing above all else... never mess with someone you don't know.

the sparring sessions that left me in the most pain were the ones i knew i'd win easily.

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Re: I-P-C


Post by BrianSW99 »

Dave2 wrote:
CombatWombat wrote:I was not carrying due to my inability to properly secure my weapon during my workout
LCP (or other favorite mini-.380) in one of those thunderwear holsters? A friend of mine has one that works well in business casual attire, but gym clothes tend to be a lot less poofy so maybe it wouldn't work.
I have the SmartCarry version and it works well with a smaller gun under gym shorts.


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Re: I-P-C


Post by shooter76blue »

I'd probably call his landscaping business and make all sorts of bogus appointments!!!
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