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A Good guy who do not get scared from bomb threats

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 4:14 pm
by Beiruty
" onclick=";return false; :thewave

Re: A Good guy who do not get scared from bomb threats

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 6:39 pm
by bnc
I bet that bank won't be getting robbed again. Maybe some more employees will get permits like Mr. Fawzi.

Re: A Good guy who do not get scared from bomb threats

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 1:49 am
by Fangs
I saw that video a while back, and at the time one of the top comments said, "Bomb threat? Ha, that was probably day 2 of his military training!"

:biggrinjester: :tiphat: :cheers2: :coolgleamA:

Re: A Good guy who do not get scared from bomb threats

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 6:18 pm
by Dragonfighter
Fangs wrote:I saw that video a while back, and at the time one of the top comments said, "Bomb threat? Ha, that was probably day 2 of his military training!"

:biggrinjester: :tiphat: :cheers2: :coolgleamA:
With a history in the Lebanese army I would bet he had to deal with more than empty bomb threats. Good on him and a great comment at the end, "No one got hurt and that's the main thing." What a victory statement.

Re: A Good guy who do not get scared from bomb threats

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 2:01 pm
by flechero
1 thinkg shocked me... Did you hear the report... "after checking his permit, the police let him go" I am surprised that a bank employee needs a permit, and that a guy that just stopped a robbery was going to be arrested if he did it w/o a permit?????

Am I the only one that found that to be ridiculous? How about instead: "thanks for saving us potential danger, thousands of dollars and hundreds of man hours of investigation."

Re: A Good guy who do not get scared from bomb threats

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 11:06 am
by Dragonfighter
flechero wrote:1 thinkg shocked me... Did you hear the report... "after checking his permit, the police let him go" I am surprised that a bank employee needs a permit, and that a guy that just stopped a robbery was going to be arrested if he did it w/o a permit?????

Am I the only one that found that to be ridiculous? How about instead: "thanks for saving us potential danger, thousands of dollars and hundreds of man hours of investigation."
If I were guessing, that detail was incidental. He may have had the same result, or been arrested and later released without the permit. People I have known in similar situations (one where two BG's were shot) were not taken in at all.

Re: A Good guy who do not get scared from bomb threats

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 11:08 am
by Keith B
Duplicate topic. Thread already running here viewtopic.php?f=26&t=16671" onclick=";return false;