NC: Violating all four rules = R.I.P.

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NC: Violating all four rules = R.I.P.


Post by seamusTX »

In Sanford, North Carolina, a 23-year-old man was demonstrating the supposed safety features of a .22-caliber pistol when he fatally shot himself in the head.

Police said alcohol or drugs apparently were not involved. ... 1?sac=Home" onclick=";return false;

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Re: NC: Violating all four rules = R.I.P.


Post by i8godzilla »

Wow! His friends may never be the same after witnessing this.
Where Butler got the pistol was still under investigation. Butler had not gotten a permit through the sheriff's office to purchase a handgun, and his friends told investigators they didn't know where he had gotten it, Johnson said.
This part also bothers me............
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Re: NC: Violating all four rules = R.I.P.


Post by Oldgringo »

If it wasn't alcohol or drugs, what could it have been? :roll:

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Re: NC: Violating all four rules = R.I.P.


Post by RottenApple »

Oldgringo wrote:If it wasn't alcohol or drugs, what could it have been? :roll:
Stupidity? :???:
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Re: NC: Violating all four rules = R.I.P.


Post by MoJo »

Oldgringo wrote:If it wasn't alcohol or drugs, what could it have been? :roll:
Stupidity and bravado!
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Re: NC: Violating all four rules = R.I.P.


Post by MasterOfNone »

Oldgringo wrote:If it wasn't alcohol or drugs, what could it have been? :roll:
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Re: NC: Violating all four rules = R.I.P.


Post by Excaliber »

george wrote:"had not gotten a permit through the sheriff's office to purchase a handgun"

For explanation, the poor people in North Carolina still have this law on the books, going back to reconstruction. Supposedly, the original intent of these laws were to insure you had the proper skin color to purchase a pistol. Most of the states around here have since repealed these laws, but those guys in North Carolina are a little slower than most.
I haven't spent much time there, but if the deceased subject of the news article is representative of the general population, it would be difficult to disagree with you.

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Re: NC: Violating all four rules = R.I.P.


Post by Dave2 »

Excaliber wrote:
george wrote:"had not gotten a permit through the sheriff's office to purchase a handgun"

For explanation, the poor people in North Carolina still have this law on the books, going back to reconstruction. Supposedly, the original intent of these laws were to insure you had the proper skin color to purchase a pistol. Most of the states around here have since repealed these laws, but those guys in North Carolina are a little slower than most.
I haven't spent much time there, but if the deceased subject of the news article is representative of the general population, it would be difficult to disagree with you.
It's usually kinda hard to make the news by being representative of the general population.
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Re: NC: Violating all four rules = R.I.P.


Post by SQLGeek »

That's a bit shocking...

A southern state requiring a permit to purchase a handgun?
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Re: NC: Violating all four rules = R.I.P.


Post by RoyGBiv »

george wrote:"had not gotten a permit through the sheriff's office to purchase a handgun"

For explanation, the poor people in North Carolina still have this law on the books, going back to reconstruction. Supposedly, the original intent of these laws were to insure you had the proper skin color to purchase a pistol. Most of the states around here have since repealed these laws, but those guys in North Carolina are a little slower than most.
As a former Tarheel, maybe I can shed some light...

1. I have no idea why this law exists
2. It's a pretty easy process.... fill out a form, have a friend sign it to confirm that you are not mentally deficient/drug dependent... basically, they vouch for you. :roll:
3. You can get up to 5 permits at a time, at a cost (IIRC) of $5/each. You give one permit to the seller when you buy one gun. The seller must keep these for his records as proof of transfer.
4. If you have a NC concealed carry permit, you don't need this "permit". At least that's the way I remember it..

It's a bizarre law... You can get your buddy to vouch for you and I suppose if you turn up a drug abuser, your buddy can get busted for filing a false document or something... The limit on permits was never an issue for me... I think it's just a hurdle to reduce spontaneous purchases. It's usually a 1 week wait to get permits from the Sheriff.

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Re: NC: Violating all four rules = R.I.P.


Post by seamusTX »

SQLGeek wrote:That's a bit shocking...A southern state requiring a permit to purchase a handgun?
"Gun control" was invented in the southern and border states, in some cases before they were U.S. states." onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

The Carolinas and Georgia, of course, are among the original 13 states and have some antiquated laws still on the books. NC has an offense called "Going Armed to the Terror of the Public," which in some other places is called brandishing.

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Re: NC: Violating all four rules = R.I.P.


Post by apostate »

SQLGeek wrote:That's a bit shocking...

A southern state requiring a permit to purchase a handgun?
On the other hand, once you legally purchase the handgun, I believe you can carry it openly without any additional permits in NC.
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Re: NC: Violating all four rules = R.I.P.


Post by Keith B »

apostate wrote:
SQLGeek wrote:That's a bit shocking...

A southern state requiring a permit to purchase a handgun?
On the other hand, once you legally purchase the handgun, I believe you can carry it openly without any additional permits in NC.
Yeah, but they can prohibit open carry city by city, by ordinance. And their concealed rules are so strict they are ridiculous. They can prohibit carry into government buildings or parks if they post them. You can't carry anywhere they serve alcohol, not even restaurants, can't carry into movie theaters or anywhere charges you a fee to get in, can't carry at a parade, yada yada. ... -Laws.aspx" onclick=";return false;
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Re: NC: Violating all four rules = R.I.P.


Post by RoyGBiv »

My favorite NC law is called "Alienation of Affections"
If your spouse has an affair, you can recover damages from their lover.

What a great idea.

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