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New Home


Post by paulhailes »

Background info, my great aunt owns a Duplex, do to health reason she does not live there anymore and it has been vacant for a few years. Last year my sister in law moved in with her friend, my sister in law agreed to live there at a reduced rate if she helped get the place fixed up. After graduating my wife and I were going to move in and my sister in law was going to stay with us for awhile while she found a job, she is graduating from grad school, her friend was going to move out.

Ok so now that you are caught up on the back story. My wife's parents came up to Lubbock with two Uhaul trailers to help us move, we got packed a lot sooner than we had planed and I decided to follow the Uhauls home last night and my wife would come today. After making sure the inlaws got home ok I went to my new home, as I am backing into our carport in my rearview mirror I see the holes for the door locks in the door frame, (sorry cant remember what those are called) it takes me a second, I know something is wrong but I cant put on a finger on it then it hits me, the door to my new house is standing wide open, and all of the lights are off. Now I know what a lot of you are going to say and yes I agree I should have called the police and let them clear it but I didn't, with gun in one hand and phone in the other I commenced clearing my new home. Let me say if I never have to do that again I will be happy, The only unexpected visitors turned up to be some bugs that had got in while the door was open. As it turned out my siter in laws friend had been there this morning to take some furniture out and had left the door open when she left, so it had been open a total of probably 10 hours. So lets see, I am glad one I had a gun, and two a live in a nice neighborhood, which I know doesn't mean anything but in this case I think it helped. Oh another good thing that came from this was my wife said, "I guess its a good thing you had a gun, I can see why you need a gun." :hurry: Now I just need to get her to realize that she needs a gun to. Well thats my story hope yall enjoy it.
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Re: New Home


Post by AEA »

Glad you are OK.

Your actions were emotional and not correct for you safety.

The correct action would be to immediately call the Police, report the situation, advise them you are legally armed, describe what you are wearing so they know who the good guy is and tell them you are standing by OUTSIDE the house waiting for their arrival. :tiphat:
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Re: New Home


Post by kjolly »

Clearing a house is dangerous. All of the advantage lays with the person on the inside.
Advice to call the police is correct. They are proffessionaly trained in the tactics of clearing a home.
Don't let having a gun make you too brave ;-)
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Re: New Home


Post by Oldgringo »

AEA wrote:Glad you are OK.

Your actions were emotional and not correct for you safety.

The correct action would be to immediately call the Police, report the situation, advise them you are legally armed, describe what you are wearing so they know who the good guy is and tell them you are standing by OUTSIDE the house waiting for their arrival. :tiphat:
After the above, an appropriate amount of time should be spent telling your SIL and her friend what totally irresponsible airheads they are.

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Re: New Home


Post by johnson0317 »

One of the hazards of posting a thread, and baring your soul, is that someone is going to set you straight. You have to take it in the manner intended. No one thinks poorly of you, they just worry about your safety. I can understand the feeling that you needed to search the house, but it would have scared the crud out of me.
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