GlockenHammer wrote:Cute, but I wonder how many stories like this end up with the good guy getting shot? I recall a Dallas area CHL-er that tried to pull a gun with one already pointed at him. He's dead now.
If you haven't thought about what you'd do when the fight starts with you already at gunpoint, you should. Yes, we should all be in yellow/orange and avoid these confrontations altogether, but the sad fact is that the bad guys often get to make the first move. Pulling your gun is probably not the most likely way to get out of that situation alive. Although it worked in this case, it is only because the attacker did not have the killer instinct...yet. I suspect a few more years of crime and a few trips to prison and he'll be back with a bigger gun and the will to use it.
Let's face it. We're gun people. We like problems and scenarios that can be successfully solved by us putting our gun into action quickly and accurately and we become victorious heroes. While fun at the range (and keyboard), this addresses only a fraction of the threat scenarios you are likely to face. This one concerns me greatly and occupies quite a bit of my time whilst I walk around in code yellow.
Sorry for the lecture. Please resume joviality.
No lecture GlockenHammer. That is a real possibility. The article & video of the carwash shooting in Misouri is another good example. He was threatened w/ his life several times & had been ordered on the ground. If the truck had started he may not have been shot but run over.
Every man must decide for himself & the facts as a whole are never the same.
As for the victorious heros; well at 56, knees completely SHOT, arthritis in hands & shoulders, & now the cancer recovery, WELL, here is what I know:
1. I know I aint whoopin nobody.
2. I agree completely w/ txi on the video of the gun take away. I will never take one away from the street thug. (or a knife either) He will win the wrestling match & I will be shot or stabbed & cut there.
3. I will never live the rest of my life saying "what if I had done this or that."
4. I will never live the rest of my life w/ my head down saying I just gave it to him w/ out doing anything & he shot me anyway.
5. Wife & both have agreed we don't know what will happen but we will not live w/ "We complied, he shot me & took her."
6. We both have agreed that if the grandchildren are with us we will never live w/ "complied & he shot me or us & took the kids."
OK WHAT WILL YOU DO if the BG has a gun ON ME, OR, what I consider worse, a knife on me at 6ft distance or less. I would rather face a gun at 4ft than a knife if he knows how to use it. I will take it for granted that he is better w/ a knife than a gun because he has the opportunity to practice w/ a knife & not a gun.
1. Thought process is (all you young, BIG, strong, quick, healthy guys remember the above physical condition) What is my best spot to attack knowing I am about to be hurt bad.
2. I will start from the premesis that he is not going to let us go.
3. We are not going anywhere, complying w/ any order that does not give better access to gun or knife. ie Give me your wallet is a good command.
4. Will make the best attack I can, reasoning that NO street thug EXPECTS a fight from the victim or he would have chosen a different one.
5. Fight as hard, sudden, & unstopping as I can.
a. You cain't tell I might just win starting fresh & w/ surprise.
b. He may break off attack & run.
c. Someone may hear, see, & help.
6. For me, my Wife & my Mother, we have decided we can live with lost the fight & lived better than the what ifs of compliance & being a victim.
With that I agree that this is not the decision for everyone & do not say anyone is wrong for deciding differently. Every one can live with the decisions they make if they win & live. This one is mine & the one I can live with if I lose & live.